Indiana Code
Chapter 11. Communicable Disease: Training in Health Precautions for Communicable Diseases
16-41-11-8. Complaints

Sec. 8. (a) A person who believes that this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter have been violated may file a complaint with the state department. A complaint must be in writing unless the violation complained of constitutes an emergency. The state department shall reduce an oral complaint to writing. The state department shall maintain the confidentiality of the person who files the complaint.
(b) The state department shall promptly investigate all complaints received under this section.
(c) The state department shall not disclose the name or identifying characteristics of the person who files a complaint under this section unless:
(1) the person consents in writing to the disclosure; or
(2) the investigation results in an administrative or judicial proceeding and disclosure is ordered by the administrative law judge or the court.
(d) The state department shall give a person who files a complaint under this section the opportunity to withdraw the complaint before disclosure.
(e) An employee must make a reasonable attempt to ascertain the correctness of any information to be furnished and may be subject to disciplinary actions for knowingly furnishing false information, including suspension or dismissal, as determined by the employer or the ethics commission. However, an employee disciplined under this subsection is entitled to process an appeal of the disciplinary action under any procedure otherwise available to the employee by employment contract, collective bargaining agreement, or, if the employee is an employee of the state, IC 4-15-2.2-42.
(f) The employer of an employee who files a complaint in good faith with the state department under this section may not, solely in retaliation for filing the complaint, do any of the following:
(1) Dismiss the employee.
(2) Withhold salary increases or employment related benefits from the employee.
(3) Transfer or reassign the employee.
(4) Deny a promotion that the employee would have received.
(5) Demote the employee.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-10-7-7.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.24. Amended by P.L.222-2005, SEC.31; P.L.6-2012, SEC.121.