Indiana Code
Chapter 5. Immunization Data Registry
16-38-5-2. Provision of Data; Exemptions; Forms; Information on Registry

Sec. 2. (a) Except as provided in subsection (c), a provider, a physician's designee, a pharmacist's designee, or a person approved by the state department may provide immunization data to the immunization data registry in a manner prescribed by the state department and for the purposes allowed under this chapter.
(b) This subsection takes effect July 1, 2015. Except as provided in subsections (c) and (e), a provider who is licensed under IC 25 and who is authorized within the provider's scope of practice to administer immunizations or the provider's designee shall electronically provide immunization data to the immunization data registry for all immunizations administered to individuals who are less than nineteen (19) years of age:
(1) not later than seven (7) business days after providing the immunization;
(2) in a manner prescribed by the state department, after reasonable notice; and
(3) for the purposes allowed under this chapter.
(c) A person is exempt from providing immunization data to the immunization data registry if:
(1) the patient or the patient's parent or guardian, if the patient is less than eighteen (18) years of age, has completed and filed a written immunization data exemption form with either the person who provides the immunization or the state department; or
(2) the patient is a resident of or is receiving services from a facility licensed under IC 16-28.
(d) The minimum immunization data that must be provided under subsection (b) are the following:
(1) Patient identification number.
(2) Patient first and last name.
(3) Patient date of birth.
(4) Patient address.
(5) Patient race.
(6) Patient gender.
(7) Vaccine for Children program eligibility, if the patient is eligible for the Vaccine for Children program.
(8) Dose at the administration level under the Vaccine for Children program, if the patient is eligible for the Vaccine for Children program.
(9) Vaccination presentation or vaccination code using approved Immunization Information System (IIS) code type.
(10) Vaccination date administered.
(11) Lot number of the administered vaccine.
The state department may expand or modify the list of minimum immunization data that must be provided under this section based on Centers for Disease Control Immunization Information System (IIS) minimum field requirements.
(e) A provider who is unable to electronically provide immunization data to the immunization data registry by July 1, 2015, shall submit a detailed plan for compliance with the requirements of subsection (b) to the state department no later than March 31, 2015. The state department will assist the provider so the provider is able to electronically provide immunization data in a reasonable amount of time.
(f) The state department shall create and provide copies of immunization data exemption forms to:
(1) providers who are:
(A) licensed under IC 25; and
(B) authorized within the provider's scope of practice to administer immunizations; and
(2) individuals;
who request the form.
(g) The state department shall distribute, upon request, written information to be disseminated to patients that describes the immunization data registry. The written information must include the following:
(1) That, beginning July 1, 2015, the provider is required to report immunization data to the immunization data registry.
(2) That the patient or the patient's parent or guardian, if the patient is less than eighteen (18) years of age, has a right to exempt disclosure of immunization data to the registry and may prevent disclosure by signing an immunization data exemption form.
(3) That the patient or the patient's parent or guardian, if the patient is less than eighteen (18) years of age, may have the individual's information removed from the immunization data registry.
(4) Instructions on how to have the information removed.
As added by P.L.231-1999, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.135-2003, SEC.2; P.L.161-2009, SEC.1; P.L.122-2012, SEC.6; P.L.191-2013, SEC.6; P.L.2-2014, SEC.79.