Indiana Code
Chapter 7. Health Care Advance Directives
16-36-7-36. Authority and Responsibility of Health Care Representative

Sec. 36. (a) Except when a health care representative's authority has been expressly limited by the declarant in an advance directive, the health care representative, in accordance with the declarant's instructions made while competent, has the following authority and responsibilities:
(1) The authority to act for the declarant and to make all health care decisions for the declarant at all times when the health care representative's authority is in effect, subject to the right of the competent declarant to act directly and personally.
(2) The authority and responsibility to be reasonably available to consult with appropriate health care providers to provide informed consent.
(3) The authority and responsibility to act in good faith and make only health care decisions for the declarant that the health care representative believes the declarant would have made under the circumstances if the declarant were capable of making the decisions, taking into account the express or implied intentions of the declarant or if the declarant's express or implied intentions are not known, the declarant's best interests.
(4) The authority and responsibility to provide written consent using an appropriate form when consent is required, including a physician's order not to resuscitate (IC 16-36-5 or IC 16-36-6).
(5) The authority to be provided access to the appropriate health information of the declarant.
(6) The authority to apply for public benefits, including Medicaid and the community and home options to institutional care for the elderly and disabled (CHOICE) program, for the declarant and have access to information regarding the declarant's income, assets, and banking and financial records to the extent required to make application.
(b) The health care representative may authorize the release of health information to appropriate persons to ensure the continuity of the declarant's health care and may authorize the admission, discharge, or transfer of the declarant to or from a health care facility or other health or residential facility or program licensed or registered by a state agency.
(c) If, after a declarant has designated one (1) or more health care representatives in an advance directive, a court appoints a guardian of the declarant's person, the authority of each designated health care representative continues unless the appointing court modifies or revokes the authority of one (1) or more health care representatives after a hearing upon notice under section 34(14) of this chapter. The court may order a health care representative to make appropriate or specified reports to the guardian of the declarant's person or property.
As added by P.L.50-2021, SEC.63.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 36. Medical Consent

Chapter 7. Health Care Advance Directives

16-36-7-1. General Provisions

16-36-7-2. "Advance Directive"

16-36-7-3. "Best Interests"

16-36-7-4. "Declarant"

16-36-7-5. "Declaration"

16-36-7-6. "Electronic"

16-36-7-7. "Electronic Record"

16-36-7-8. "Electronic Signature"

16-36-7-9. "Health Care"

16-36-7-10. "Health Care Decision"

16-36-7-11. "Health Care Facility"

16-36-7-12. "Health Care Provider"

16-36-7-13. "Health Care Representative"

16-36-7-14. "Health Information"

16-36-7-15. "Incapacity"; "Incapacitated"

16-36-7-16. "Informed Consent"

16-36-7-17. "Notarial Officer"

16-36-7-18. "Observe"

16-36-7-19. "Presence"; "Present"; "To Be Present"

16-36-7-20. "Proxy"

16-36-7-21. "Reasonably Available"

16-36-7-22. "Sign"

16-36-7-23. "Signature"

16-36-7-24. "Telephonic Interaction"

16-36-7-25. "Treating Physician"

16-36-7-26. "Written"; "Writing"

16-36-7-27. Consent for Own Health Care; Minor's Blood Donation; Conflicts; Reliance by Health Care Provider

16-36-7-28. Advance Directive; Signature; Witnesses; Acknowledgement; Counterparts; Telephonic Interaction; Validity

16-36-7-29. Additional Provisions That May Be Included in Advance Directive

16-36-7-30. Resources and Sample Forms

16-36-7-31. Copies of Advance Directive

16-36-7-32. Revocation; Amendment or Restatement

16-36-7-33. Delegation by Health Care Representative

16-36-7-34. Presumptions Applicable to Advance Directives

16-36-7-35. Incapacity of Declarant

16-36-7-36. Authority and Responsibility of Health Care Representative

16-36-7-37. Advance Directive Made Part of Medical Records; Capacity; Compliance With Decisions by Health Care Representative

16-36-7-38. Anatomical Gift, Autopsy, or Remains Disposition

16-36-7-39. Access to Health Information

16-36-7-40. Immunity for Health Care Provider; Validity of Advance Directive

16-36-7-41. Affidavit; Requirements; Immunity

16-36-7-42. Decisions Made by Proxy

16-36-7-43. Individuals Who May Not Serve as Proxy

16-36-7-44. Material Conflict Between Multiple Documents