Indiana Code
Chapter 7. Certificate of Need for Comprehensive Care Health Facilities
16-29-7-4. "Total Comprehensive Care Bed Days Available at Comprehensive Care Health Facilities"

Sec. 4. (a) As used in this chapter, "total comprehensive care bed days available at comprehensive care health facilities" refers to the sum of:
(1) all licensed comprehensive care beds at comprehensive care health facilities in the state that filed a Medicaid cost report; plus
(2) all licensed comprehensive care beds at comprehensive care health facilities in the state that only filed a Medicare cost report;
in a reporting year.
(b) The reporting year for each comprehensive care health facility must:
(1) correspond to the same cost report year as the year used to determine the total statewide inpatient days; and
(2) include only the number of calendar days that the comprehensive care health facility was authorized to provide care and was providing services.
(c) The term does not include comprehensive care beds in a hospital licensed under IC 16-21-2.
As added by P.L.202-2018, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.215-2018(ss), SEC.5.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 29. Limitations on Various Health Service Beds

Chapter 7. Certificate of Need for Comprehensive Care Health Facilities

16-29-7-1. Non-Applicability

16-29-7-2. "Comprehensive Care Bed"

16-29-7-3. "Comprehensive Care Health Facility"

16-29-7-4. "Total Comprehensive Care Bed Days Available at Comprehensive Care Health Facilities"

16-29-7-5. "Total Statewide Inpatient Days"

16-29-7-6. Establishment of Comprehensive Care Health Facility Certificate of Need Program

16-29-7-7. Calculation of Total Statewide Comprehensive Care Bed Supply Rate and Total County Comprehensive Care Bed Supply; Projected Statewide Population and Those Over 65 Years Old; Publication of Projections

16-29-7-8. Calculation of State Comprehensive Care Bed Need Rate; Consultation

16-29-7-9. Calculation of the County Comprehensive Care Bed Need; Consultation

16-29-7-10. Prohibition on the Adding, Transferring, and Conversion of Comprehensive Care Beds; Prohibition on Medicaid Certification; Prohibition on Construction of Comprehensive Care Health Facilities

16-29-7-11. Develop and Review Applications for Certificate of Need; Applications

16-29-7-12. Time Frame for Determining State Comprehensive Care Bed Need Rate and County Comprehensive Care Bed Need; Publication; Application Requirements; Criteria; Sufficient Information

16-29-7-13. Certificate of Need Application Review Period; Publication of Applications; Public Comments; Issuance of Application Decision; Emergency Rules

16-29-7-14. Comparative Review of Certificate of Need Application; Preference; Approval; Emergency Rules

16-29-7-15. Approved Certificate of Need Validity of 18 Months; Void; Modification

16-29-7-16. Limitation of 100 New Comprehensive Care Beds per Year; Small House Health Facility; Failure to Complete Construction

16-29-7-17. Approved Certificate of Need Validity and Non Transferrable or Assignable

16-29-7-18. Administrative Review

16-29-7-19. Rules; Nonwaivable; Fees