Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Medical Center Development Agencies
16-23.5-2-7. Executive Board Powers and Duties; Generally

Sec. 7. The executive board has the following powers and duties:
(1) To devise a comprehensive plan for the development of a medical center within the county. The comprehensive plan must be recommended to and approved by the board of commissioners and the county council, if applicable, but only after the plan has been reviewed at one (1) or more public hearings within the county. The plan shall be developed through:
(A) consultation with the respective local plan commissions;
(B) surveys of existing public and private medical facilities;
(C) studies of land use plans for the county;
(D) identification of countywide medical or health services that are deficient and that could be provided by a medical center;
(E) identification of sources of medical, paramedical, and other personnel to staff or augment the staff of a medical center; and
(F) study and identification of any other pertinent factors, problems, and needs to be resolved within the plan.
(2) To hire or contract with qualified persons to assist the board in carrying out the executive board's powers and responsibilities. The executive board may hire a director who may hire qualified persons or contract with them with the approval of the executive board. The number of persons hired, their compensation, and the terms of contracts are subject to review in advance by the county council, who may alter the contracts and fix the number of the persons and their compensation.
(3) To apply for, receive, and expend federal, state, private, local, or other funds that may be made available for the purposes of the agency and to meet any conditions that may be attached to the expenditure of funds, all with the prior approval of the county council, and subject to all state statutes and regulations governing them. The county council may appropriate to the agency the proceeds of a tax levied to fund a medical center cumulative building fund or equivalent fund established under statute.
(4) To inform the board of commissioners, county council, and other interested parties at least once every three (3) months of the progress of plans for development, construction, or improvement of medical center facilities.
(5) To make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of the duties and execution of powers provided in this chapter on behalf of the county, with the approval of the county council.
[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-30.3-6(a) part.]
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.191.