Indiana Code
Chapter 8. Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County
16-22-8-35.5. Hospital Employee Salary Information

Sec. 35.5. Any information concerning the specific salaries paid to individual employees of a hospital may be withheld by the hospital from disclosure under IC 5-14-3. However, the information must be provided to the state board of accounts upon request. The state board of accounts shall maintain the confidentiality of the information as required under IC 5-14-3-6.5.
As added by P.L.208-2016, SEC.6.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 22. County Hospitals

Chapter 8. Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County

16-22-8-1. Administrative Adjudication, Decision, or Order Defined

16-22-8-2. Repealed

16-22-8-2.1. Board Defined

16-22-8-2.3. "Bond Bank"

16-22-8-2.5. "Building Authority"

16-22-8-3. Division Defined

16-22-8-4. Division Director Defined

16-22-8-5. Hospital Defined

16-22-8-6. Creation; Powers

16-22-8-6.5. Other Powers of the Governing Board

16-22-8-7. Governing Board; Exercise of Powers

16-22-8-8. Governing Board; Membership; Qualifications

16-22-8-9. Governing Board; Appointment of Members; Term

16-22-8-9.1. Governing Board Membership Limitation

16-22-8-10. Governing Board; Vacancies; Party Affiliation

16-22-8-11. Governing Board; Impeachment of Member

16-22-8-12. Governing Board; Conflicts of Interest

16-22-8-13. Governing Board; Employment Conflicts

16-22-8-14. Governing Board; Compensation of Members; Waiver of Compensation

16-22-8-15. Governing Board; Regular and Special Meetings

16-22-8-16. Governing Board; Annual Meeting; Selection of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson; Position Vacancy

16-22-8-17. Governing Board; Quorum; Meeting Records

16-22-8-18. Documents and Records; Public Inspection

16-22-8-19. Governing Board; Rules of Procedure

16-22-8-20. Ordinance; Introduction of Proposal

16-22-8-21. Ordinance; Notice of Pendency of Proposal

16-22-8-22. Ordinance; Copies of Proposal for Public Inspection

16-22-8-23. Ordinance; Scheduled Meeting; Action or Postponement

16-22-8-24. Ordinance; Adoption at Public Meeting; Hearing

16-22-8-25. Ordinance; Designation of Effective Date

16-22-8-26. Ordinance; Copies for Public; Codification; Publication or Electronic Format

16-22-8-27. Executive Director; Term; Qualifications; Service as Board Secretary

16-22-8-28. Creation of Divisions; Functions

16-22-8-29. Agreements to Operate Facilities

16-22-8-30. Public Health Division; Director; Term; Qualifications

16-22-8-31. Public Health Division; Director; Powers; Enforcement of Orders; Petition for Isolation or Quarantine; Venue

16-22-8-31.3. Declared Emergency; Local Orders Less Stringent; Approval of Local Order That Is More Stringent or Concerning a Declared Emergency

16-22-8-31.5. Recipient Appeal of Enforcement Action; Timing; City-Council Determination of Whether to Hear Appeal; Development of Appeal Procedures; Appellant Present at Hearing; Written Decision on Appeal; Appealable to Court

16-22-8-31.7. Appeal of Enforcement Action Options; Waiver

16-22-8-32. Public Hospitals Division; Director; Term; Qualifications

16-22-8-33. Repealed

16-22-8-34. Powers of Board or Corporation; Forced Connection of Residential Property to Extension of Sewer Main Prohibited; Exception if Septic System Is Failing

16-22-8-34.5. Insurance

16-22-8-35. Accounts and Records

16-22-8-35.5. Hospital Employee Salary Information

16-22-8-36. Repealed

16-22-8-37. Territorial Extent of Corporate Powers

16-22-8-38. Transfer of Powers and Duties From Other Political Subdivision

16-22-8-39. Privileges and Use of Hospital; Discrimination

16-22-8-40. Additional Hospitals; Improvements to Existing Hospitals

16-22-8-41. Cumulative Building Fund

16-22-8-42. Eminent Domain

16-22-8-43. Bonds; Sale and Issuance

16-22-8-44. Bonds to Fund or Refund Judgment

16-22-8-45. Tax Anticipation Warrants

16-22-8-46. Treasurer

16-22-8-47. Withdrawal of Funds

16-22-8-48. Auditor

16-22-8-49. Auditor's Report

16-22-8-50. Budget

16-22-8-51. Tax Assessment and Collection

16-22-8-52. Board of Finance Functions

16-22-8-53. Surety Bond of Officers and Employees

16-22-8-54. Repealed

16-22-8-55. Borrowing Powers; Use of Funds; Loan Negotiations; Appeal

16-22-8-56. Pledge of Revenues, Money, or Other Property to Secure Repayment of Bonds or Leases; Statutory Lien Created

16-22-8-57. Corporation Required to Pay Bonds or Leases in Full; Corporation Prohibited From Consenting to or Permitting Certain Actions

16-22-8-58. Duties of the Controller Upon Receiving Notice From the Bond Bank of the Corporation's Failure to Pay Certain Obligations

16-22-8-59. Duties of the Controller and County Treasurer if the Corporation Is Designated as a Distressed Political Subdivision; Bond Bank