Indiana Code
Chapter 7. Hospital Building Authorities in County With Hospital Operated Under Ic 16-23-1
16-22-7-30. Sale of Land to Authority by Hospital, Municipality, or County

Sec. 30. (a) The city hospital, city, or county desiring to have buildings erected on land owned or acquired by the city hospital, city, or county may sell the land to the authority. Before the sale may take place, the legislative body of the city, the governing board of the hospital, or executive of the county having authorized the sale shall file a petition with the circuit court of the county requesting the appointment of:
(1) one (1) disinterested freeholder of the county as an appraiser; and
(2) two (2) disinterested appraisers licensed under IC 25-34.1;
who are residents of Indiana to determine the fair market value of the land. One (1) of the appraisers appointed under subdivision (2) must reside not more than fifty (50) miles from the land. Upon appointment, the appraisers shall fix the fair market value of the land and shall report not more than two (2) weeks after the date of the appraisers' appointment. The city hospital, city, or county may sell the land to the authority for an amount not less than the amount fixed as the fair market value by the appraisers. The amount may be paid from proceeds of bonds of the authority.
(b) The city legislative body must authorize the sale of land owned by the city by resolution or ordinance and the deed shall be executed by the city executive and city clerk.
(c) The governing board must authorize the sale of land owned by the city hospital by resolution and the deed shall be executed by the president or vice president and the secretary of the governing board.
(d) The county executive must authorize the sale of land owned by the county by resolution or order, and the deed shall be executed by the county executive and the county auditor.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-12-20.5-18.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.5. Amended by P.L.113-2006, SEC.12.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 22. County Hospitals

Chapter 7. Hospital Building Authorities in County With Hospital Operated Under Ic 16-23-1

16-22-7-1. Authority Defined

16-22-7-2. Governing Body Defined

16-22-7-3. Net Operating Revenue Defined

16-22-7-4. Recording Officer Defined

16-22-7-5. Creation of Authority; Resolution

16-22-7-6. Governing Board; Appointment; Terms

16-22-7-7. Disqualification or Removal of Appointee; Successor

16-22-7-8. Oath of Office of Director

16-22-7-9. Removal of Member From Office

16-22-7-10. Meetings of the Governing Board

16-22-7-11. Bylaws, Rules, and Regulations

16-22-7-12. Quorum; Reimbursement of Expenses

16-22-7-13. Conflicts of Interest

16-22-7-14. Preliminary Expenses

16-22-7-15. Authority to Finance and Construct Hospital Building

16-22-7-16. Powers of Governing Board

16-22-7-17. Leasing Land and Buildings for Hospital

16-22-7-18. Time for Making Leases

16-22-7-19. Source of Lease Rental Payments

16-22-7-20. Cumulative Building Fund as Lease Rental Payment Source

16-22-7-21. Notice and Hearing on Proposed Lease

16-22-7-22. Authorization and Execution of Lease

16-22-7-23. Notice of Execution of Lease; Petition of Objectors; Presentment to Department of Local Government Finance

16-22-7-24. Notice and Hearing on Objections

16-22-7-25. Time to Contest or Enjoin Lease

16-22-7-26. Terms of Lease

16-22-7-27. Issuance of Bonds

16-22-7-28. Approval of Plans and Specifications

16-22-7-29. Lease of Land to Authority by Hospital, Municipality, or County; Option to Purchase; Price

16-22-7-30. Sale of Land to Authority by Hospital, Municipality, or County

16-22-7-31. Issuance of Revenue Bonds by Authority

16-22-7-32. Nature of Revenue Bonds

16-22-7-33. Execution of Bonds

16-22-7-34. Terms of Bond Sale

16-22-7-35. Disposition of Bond Proceeds

16-22-7-36. Security for Bonds; Trust Indenture

16-22-7-37. Tax Levy for Lease Rental Payments

16-22-7-38. Lease Rentals Payable Solely From Hospital Revenues

16-22-7-39. Exemptions From State Taxation

16-22-7-40. Audit of Funds; Bond of Officers and Employees

16-22-7-41. Liquidation of Authority

16-22-7-42. Remodeling and Additions to Hospital

16-22-7-43. Party Wall or Other Agreements for Attaching Additions