Indiana Code
Chapter 6. County Hospital Building Authorities
16-22-6-29. Revenue Bonds; Authorization; Legal Investments; Sale

Sec. 29. (a) The governing board may issue revenue bonds of the authority to procure funds to pay the cost of a building to be built, acquired, renovated, or acquired and renovated under this chapter, and to repay advances for preliminary expenses made to the authority by the county. The bonds are payable solely from the income and revenues of the particular building financed from the proceeds of the bonds issued.
(b) The revenue bonds must be authorized by resolution of the governing board. The resolution must provide the following:
(1) The rate of interest that the bonds will pay if the rate is fixed, and the manner in which the interest rate will be determined if rates are variable.
(2) The maturity date of the bonds, which may not exceed the term of the lease of the building for which the bonds were issued.
(3) The extent and the manner that bonds bearing variable interest rates may be converted to bonds bearing a fixed rate of interest.
(4) The terms of redemption, including a provision that bonds maturing later than ten (10) years after issuance are, at the option of the authority to be exercised by the board, redeemable before maturity at the par value together with premiums.
(5) The form of the bonds, including the interest coupons to be attached, if any.
(6) The denominations of the bonds.
(7) The time and places of payment of principal and interest of the bonds, which must be at least one (1) state or national bank or trust company.
(8) That the principal and interest may be paid in any lawful medium.
(c) Subject to registration provisions, the bonds have the qualities of negotiable instruments under IC 26 and the bonds are legal investments for a private trust fund and the funds of any banks, trust companies, insurance companies, building and loan associations, credit unions, banks of discount and deposit, savings banks, loan and trust safe deposit companies, rural loan and savings associations, guaranty loan and savings associations, mortgage guaranty companies, small loan companies, industrial loan and investment companies, and other financial institutions organized under the laws of the state.
(d) The bonds may be registered in the name of the owner. The bonds shall be executed by the president or vice president of the board of directors. The corporate seal of the authority shall be affixed and attested by the secretary of the board of directors, and the interest coupons attached to the bonds, if any, shall be executed by placing on the coupons the facsimile signature of the treasurer.
(e) Except as provided in subsection (f), the bonds shall be sold by the governing board at public sale under IC 5-1-11, but the notice of sale shall be published in the manner required for bonds of the county in which the authority is located. Notwithstanding IC 5-1-11-3(c), bonds bearing a variable rate of interest shall be awarded to the bidder offering the best bid in the judgment of the board.
(f) If the aggregate principal amount of bonds to be issued at any one (1) time exceeds ten million dollars ($10,000,000), the bonds may be sold at public or private sale at a price the governing board determines. If the bonds are sold at public sale, the governing board shall follow the guidelines set forth in subsection (e). If the bonds are sold at private sale, the governing board shall, before selecting a person with whom to negotiate the sale of the bonds:
(1) solicit and obtain written proposals from at least three (3) persons regularly engaged in the business of underwriting bonds; or
(2) publish notice of intent to receive written proposals one (1) time in a newspaper or financial journal having general circulation in Indianapolis and a newspaper or financial journal having national circulation.
(g) The governing board shall allow each person at least fourteen (14) days from the date of solicitation or publication to formulate, prepare, and submit a proposal. The board of directors shall select the proposal that the board, in the board's sole discretion, determines to be in the best interest of the authority.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-12-20-17.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.5. Amended by P.L.42-1993, SEC.14.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 22. County Hospitals

Chapter 6. County Hospital Building Authorities

16-22-6-1. Authority Defined

16-22-6-2. Resolution for Creation of Authority; Name; Purpose

16-22-6-3. Appointment of Directors; Terms

16-22-6-4. Vacancies

16-22-6-5. Director's Oath of Office

16-22-6-6. Removal of Director From Office

16-22-6-7. Selection of Officers; Meetings; Quorum

16-22-6-8. Bylaws, Rules, and Regulations

16-22-6-9. Compensation and Reimbursement

16-22-6-10. Conflicts of Interest

16-22-6-11. Preliminary Expenses

16-22-6-12. Powers of Governing Board

16-22-6-13. Leases

16-22-6-14. Anticipatory Lease

16-22-6-15. Payment of Lease Rental; Sources

16-22-6-16. Payment of Lease Rentals From Hospital Net Revenues; Reserve Fund

16-22-6-17. Payment of Lease Rentals From a Cumulative Building Fund

16-22-6-18. Hearing on Terms of Proposed Lease; Notice

16-22-6-19. Authorization and Execution of Lease

16-22-6-20. Notice of Execution of Authorized Lease; Taxpayer Objections

16-22-6-21. Submission of Objections to Department of Local Government Finance

16-22-6-22. Hearing by Department of Local Government Finance; Notice

16-22-6-23. Time for Bringing Action to Contest or Enjoin Lease

16-22-6-24. Lease Options; Renewal or Purchase

16-22-6-25. Plans and Specifications; Approval

16-22-6-26. Sale of County Land or Building to Authority; Procedure

16-22-6-27. Contiguous Counties; Agreements for County Without Hospital to Reimburse County With Hospital for Portion of Lease Rental; Procedure

16-22-6-28. Agreements Between Contiguous Counties; Rights of County Citizens

16-22-6-29. Revenue Bonds; Authorization; Legal Investments; Sale

16-22-6-30. Application of Bond Proceeds

16-22-6-31. Security for Bonds; Trust Indenture

16-22-6-32. Tax Levy

16-22-6-33. Hospital Revenues as Source of Lease Rental Payments

16-22-6-34. Exemption From State Taxation

16-22-6-35. Audit of Funds; Officer and Employee Bonds; Records

16-22-6-36. Liquidation of Authority

16-22-6-37. Building Additions; Funding

16-22-6-38. Agreements

16-22-6-39. Lease Approval of County Fiscal Body

16-22-6-40. Compliance With Other Laws