Indiana Code
Chapter 9. Provision of Charitable Care by Nonprofit Hospitals
16-21-9-7. Annual Report for Community Benefits Plan

Sec. 7. (a) Each nonprofit hospital shall prepare an annual report of the community benefits plan. The report must include, in addition to the community benefits plan itself, the following background information:
(1) The hospital's mission statement.
(2) A disclosure of the health care needs of the community that were considered in developing the hospital's community benefits plan.
(3) A disclosure of the amount and types of community benefits actually provided, including charity care. Charity care must be reported as a separate item from other community benefits.
(b) Each nonprofit hospital shall annually file a report of the community benefits plan with the state department. For a hospital's fiscal year that ends before July 1, 2011, the report must be filed not later than one hundred twenty (120) days after the close of the hospital's fiscal year. For a hospital's fiscal year that ends after June 30, 2011, the report must be filed at the same time the nonprofit hospital files its annual return described under Section 6033 of the Internal Revenue Code that is timely filed under Section 6072(e) of the Internal Revenue Code, including any applicable extension authorized under Section 6081 of the Internal Revenue Code.
(c) Each nonprofit hospital shall prepare a statement that notifies the public that the annual report of the community benefits plan is:
(1) public information;
(2) filed with the state department; and
(3) available to the public on request from the state department.
This statement shall be posted in prominent places throughout the hospital, including the emergency room waiting area and the admissions office waiting area. The statement shall also be printed in the hospital patient guide or other material that provides the patient with information about the admissions criteria of the hospital.
(d) Each nonprofit hospital shall develop a written notice about any charity care program operated by the hospital and how to apply for charity care. The notice must be in appropriate languages if possible. The notice must also be conspicuously posted in the following areas:
(1) The general waiting area.
(2) The waiting area for emergency services.
(3) The business office.
(4) Any other area that the hospital considers an appropriate area in which to provide notice of a charity care program.
As added by P.L.94-1994, SEC.17. Amended by P.L.156-2011, SEC.18; P.L.172-2011, SEC.115; P.L.6-2012, SEC.115.