Indiana Code
Chapter 8. Emergency Services to Sex Crime Victims
16-21-8-9. Duties of a Provider; Delayed Implementation

Sec. 9. (a) Prior to the discharge of a victim from the hospital, a provider shall:
(1) require the victim to sign a form that notifies the victim of his or her rights under this chapter;
(2) provide a copy of the signed form to the victim; and
(3) inform law enforcement that the sample is available.
(b) The director of the Indiana criminal justice institute may delay the implementation of this section until the earlier of the following:
(1) A date set by the director.
(2) The date funding becomes available by a grant through the criminal justice institute or by an appropriation from the general assembly.
If the director of the criminal justice institute delays implementation of this section, the director shall notify the prosecuting attorney of each county of the director's action and when funding become available to implement this section.
As added by P.L.41-2007, SEC.18.