Indiana Code
Chapter 4. City Health Departments in Second Class Cities
16-20-4-27. Transfer of Revenue by Cities in Certain Counties to County Community Health Clinic

Sec. 27. (a) This section applies to the following cities:
(1) A city having a population of more than forty thousand (40,000) and less than forty-five thousand (45,000).
(2) A city having a population of more than seventy thousand (70,000) and less than seventy-five thousand (75,000).
(b) Each year the fiscal officer of each city shall transfer to the community health clinic located in the county in which the city is located an amount equal to the revenue raised from a property tax rate of sixty-seven hundredths of one cent ($0.0067) for each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation of the taxable property in the city.
(c) The transfer shall be made in four (4) equal installments before the end of January, April, July, and October. The transfer shall be made without the necessity of an appropriation.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.130. Amended by P.L.6-1997, SEC.165; P.L.170-2002, SEC.102; P.L.119-2012, SEC.130; P.L.104-2022, SEC.105.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 20. Local Health Departments

Chapter 4. City Health Departments in Second Class Cities

16-20-4-1. Application of Chapter

16-20-4-2. City Health Department Defined

16-20-4-3. Formation and Establishment

16-20-4-4. Jurisdiction in City With Full-Time Health Department

16-20-4-5. Authority of Second Class City to Establish Full-Time City Health Department; Exception in Certain Counties

16-20-4-5.5. Legalization of Certain Health Ordinances by Tippecanoe County Adopted After December 31, 1993, and Before March 11, 1994

16-20-4-6. Health Board Membership; Qualifications

16-20-4-7. Terms of Office; Vacancies

16-20-4-8. Vacancy; Candidate List; Qualifications

16-20-4-9. Removal; Grounds

16-20-4-10. Conflicts of Interest

16-20-4-11. Organizational Meeting; Officers

16-20-4-12. Election Meeting; Regular Meetings; Special Meetings

16-20-4-13. Powers and Duties

16-20-4-14. Procedural Rules

16-20-4-15. Offices and Equipment

16-20-4-16. Officers and Employees; Duties; Compensation; Approval

16-20-4-17. Annual Report; Contents

16-20-4-18. Communicable Disease Control; Inspections

16-20-4-19. Disease Control Powers and Duties

16-20-4-20. Health Officers; Qualifications; Term of Office

16-20-4-21. Employment of Personnel

16-20-4-22. Department Expenses and Salaries; Payment; Authorization

16-20-4-23. Professional Employees; Confirmation of Appointment

16-20-4-24. Annual Budget; Submission for Approval

16-20-4-25. Expenses Appropriation; Tax

16-20-4-26. Emergency Appropriations

16-20-4-27. Transfer of Revenue by Cities in Certain Counties to County Community Health Clinic