Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Multiple County Health Departments
16-20-3-6. Vacancies; Qualified Replacements

Sec. 6. (a) Members continue to serve until their successors are appointed. When a vacancy occurs, the original appointing authority shall appoint a qualified person to serve the unexpired term.
(b) Whenever a vacancy occurs on a multiple county board of health, the local board of health shall provide to the appointing authority a list of five (5) individuals, at least three (3) of whom must have professional experience in one (1) of the following areas:
(1) Medicine.
(2) Nursing.
(3) Hospital administration.
(4) School superintendent.
(5) Pharmacology.
(6) Dentistry.
(7) Veterinary medicine.
(8) Social work.
(9) Legal profession.
(10) Engineering.
(11) Environmental science.
(c) The list must include at least one (1) licensed physician. The appointing authority may select an individual from the list when filling a vacancy.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-1-3.9-4(b), (c).]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.3.