Indiana Code
Chapter 10. State Health Data Center
16-19-10-8. Counterterrorism Symptom and Health Syndrome Data Collection; Data Release

Sec. 8. (a) The state department shall support the goals and objectives of the state's counterterrorism programs by collecting data related to:
(1) symptoms; and
(2) health syndromes;
from outbreaks or suspected outbreaks of diseases or other health conditions that may be a danger to public health.
(b) A health care provider or other entity that collects data described in subsection (a) shall report to the state department in accordance with rules adopted under section 5 of this chapter.
(c) The state department shall establish reporting, monitoring, and prevention procedures for data collected under this section.
(d) Data:
(1) collected under subsection (a); or
(2) reported under subsection (b);
from which the identity of an individual may be ascertained are confidential.
(e) The state department may release data collected under this section to an Indiana nonprofit entity that performs health data services for health care providers if the state department:
(1) determines that the release is necessary as part of a response to a public health event, including an outbreak, epidemic, or pandemic; and
(2) executes a data use agreement with the entity that specifies the permitted use and disclosure of any released information.
As added by P.L.8-2004, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.130-2021, SEC.8.