Indiana Code
Chapter 3. County and District Agricultural Societies
15-14-3-1. Agricultural Societies; Subscription or Membership Fees; County Funds

Sec. 1. (a) If:
(1) at least thirty (30) individuals who are residents of any county or a district containing two (2) Indiana counties have:
(A) organized themselves into a society for the improvement of agriculture within the county or district;
(B) adopted a constitution and bylaws that comply with the rules furnished by the state fair commission;
(C) appointed the usual and proper officers; and
(D) raised and paid to the treasurer of the society, by voluntary subscription or by fees imposed on its members, at least fifty dollars ($50); and
(2) the president of the society described in subdivision (1)(A) certifies to the respective county auditors the amounts paid, attested by the oath or affirmation of the treasurer before a person authorized to administer oaths;
the county auditors within the district in which the society is organized shall draw a warrant on the treasurer of the respective counties in favor of the president and treasurer of the society for the amount of funds that were received during the previous year for licenses issued to persons exhibiting menageries, circuses, theatrical performances, or other shows.
(b) A warrant issued under subsection (a) may not exceed the amount raised and paid in by the society by voluntary subscriptions or fees.
(c) The treasurer of the county shall pay the warrant issued under this section.
[Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-1-3-1.]
As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.5.