Indiana Code
Chapter 12. License Fees and Sales
14-22-12-1. Types of Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping Licenses; Fees; Donations

Sec. 1. (a) The department may issue the following licenses individually or in combination and, except as provided in section 1.5 of this chapter and subject to subsection (b), shall charge the following minimum license fees to hunt, trap, or fish in Indiana:
(1) A resident yearly license to fish, eight dollars and seventy-five cents ($8.75).
(2) A resident yearly license to hunt, eight dollars and seventy-five cents ($8.75).
(3) A resident yearly license to hunt and fish, thirteen dollars and seventy-five cents ($13.75).
(4) A resident yearly license to trap, eight dollars and seventy-five cents ($8.75).
(5) A nonresident yearly license to fish, twenty-four dollars and seventy-five cents ($24.75).
(6) A nonresident yearly license to hunt, sixty dollars and seventy-five cents ($60.75).
(7) A nonresident yearly license to trap, one hundred seventeen dollars and seventy-five cents ($117.75).
(8) A resident or nonresident license to fish, including for trout and salmon, for one (1) day only, four dollars and seventy-five cents ($4.75).
(9) A nonresident license to fish, excluding for trout and salmon, for seven (7) days only, twelve dollars and seventy-five cents ($12.75).
(10) A nonresident license to hunt for five (5) consecutive days only, twenty-five dollars and seventy-five cents ($25.75).
(11) A resident or nonresident yearly electronically generated stamp to fish for trout and salmon, six dollars and seventy-five cents ($6.75).
(12) A resident yearly license to take a deer with a shotgun, muzzle loading gun, rifle, or handgun, thirteen dollars and seventy-five cents ($13.75).
(13) A resident yearly license to take a deer with a muzzle loading gun, thirteen dollars and seventy-five cents ($13.75).
(14) A resident yearly license to take a deer with a:
(A) bow and arrow; or
(B) crossbow and bolt;
thirteen dollars and seventy-five cents ($13.75).
(15) A nonresident yearly license to take a deer with a shotgun, muzzle loading gun, rifle, or handgun, one hundred twenty dollars and seventy-five cents ($120.75).
(16) A nonresident yearly license to take a deer with a muzzle loading gun, one hundred twenty dollars and seventy-five cents ($120.75).
(17) A nonresident yearly license to take a deer with a:
(A) bow and arrow; or
(B) crossbow and bolt;
one hundred twenty dollars and seventy-five cents ($120.75).
(18) A resident license to take an extra deer by a means, in a location, and under conditions established by rule adopted by the department under IC 4-22-2, five dollars ($5).
(19) A nonresident license to take an extra deer by a means, in a location, and under conditions established by rule adopted by the department under IC 4-22-2, ten dollars ($10).
(20) A resident yearly license to take a turkey, fourteen dollars and seventy-five cents ($14.75).
(21) A nonresident yearly license to take a turkey, one hundred fourteen dollars and seventy-five cents ($114.75).
(22) A resident license to take an extra turkey by a means, in a location, and under conditions established by rule adopted by the department under IC 4-22-2, fourteen dollars and seventy-five cents ($14.75).
(23) A nonresident license to take an extra turkey by a means, in a location, and under conditions established by rule adopted by the department under IC 4-22-2, one hundred fourteen dollars and seventy-five cents ($114.75).
(24) A resident youth yearly consolidated license to hunt, trap, and fish, six dollars ($6). This license is subject to the following:
(A) An applicant must be less than eighteen (18) years of age.
(B) The license is in lieu of the resident yearly license to hunt, trap, and fish and all other yearly licenses, stamps, or permits to hunt, trap, and fish for a specific species or by a specific means.
(25) A nonresident youth yearly license to hunt, seventeen dollars ($17). The applicant must be less than eighteen (18) years of age. This license includes all yearly stamps to hunt for a specific species or by specific means.
(26) A nonresident youth yearly license to trap, seventeen dollars ($17). The applicant must be less than eighteen (18) years of age.
(27) A nonresident youth yearly license to take a turkey, twenty-five dollars ($25). The applicant must be less than eighteen (18) years of age.
(28) A nonresident youth license to take an extra turkey by a means, in a location, and under conditions established by rule adopted by the department under IC 4-22-2, twenty-five dollars ($25). The applicant must be less than eighteen (18) years of age.
(29) A nonresident youth yearly license to take a deer with a shotgun, muzzle loading gun, or rifle, twenty-four dollars ($24). The applicant must be less than eighteen (18) years of age.
(30) A nonresident youth yearly license to take a deer with a muzzle loading gun, twenty-four dollars ($24). The applicant must be less than eighteen (18) years of age.
(31) A nonresident youth yearly license to take a deer with a:
(A) bow and arrow; or
(B) crossbow and bolt;
twenty-four dollars ($24). The applicant must be less than eighteen (18) years of age.
(32) A nonresident youth license to take an extra deer by a means, in a location, and under conditions established by rule adopted by the department under IC 4-22-2, twenty-four dollars ($24). The applicant must be less than eighteen (18) years of age.
(33) A resident senior yearly license to fish, three dollars ($3). This license is subject to the following:
(A) An applicant must be at least sixty-four (64) years of age and born after March 31, 1943.
(B) The license is in lieu of the resident yearly license to fish and all other yearly licenses, stamps, or permits to fish for a specific species or by a specific means.
(34) A resident senior "fish for life" license, seventeen dollars ($17). This license is subject to the following:
(A) An applicant must be at least sixty-four (64) years of age.
(B) The license applies each year for the remainder of the license holder's life.
(C) The license is in lieu of the resident senior yearly license to fish and all other yearly licenses, stamps, or permits to fish for a specific species or by a specific means.
(35) A voluntary resident senior yearly license to fish, three dollars ($3). This license is subject to the following:
(A) An applicant must have been born before April 1, 1943.
(B) The license is instead of the resident yearly license to fish and all other yearly licenses, stamps, and permits to fish for a specific species or by a specific means.
(b) The commission may set license fees to hunt, trap, or fish above the minimum fees established under subsection (a).
(c) In addition to the license fees set under this section, the department shall establish a procedure to collect voluntary donations for processing wild game when a hunting license is sold. The minimum suggested donation must be one dollar ($1). The money collected under this section shall be deposited in the Indiana sportsmen's benevolence account (IC 14-9-5-4).
[Pre-1995 Recodification Citation: 14-2-7-5(a).]
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.15. Amended by P.L.219-1999, SEC.1; P.L.140-1999, SEC.1; P.L.14-2000, SEC.40; P.L.1-2001, SEC.23; P.L.188-2001, SEC.3; P.L.1-2002, SEC.70; P.L.132-2006, SEC.4; P.L.14-2007, SEC.2; P.L.66-2008, SEC.10; P.L.18-2009, SEC.4; P.L.69-2009, SEC.9; P.L.46-2010, SEC.2; P.L.165-2011, SEC.11; P.L.289-2013, SEC.9; P.L.155-2015, SEC.14; P.L.39-2018, SEC.9; P.L.127-2022, SEC.25.