Sec. 21. (a) The following procedure must be followed before money from the fund may be used to acquire property for a project under this chapter:
(1) The project committee must review and approve a project requiring the acquisition of the property.
(2) The project committee must recommend the project to the governor for approval.
(3) The governor must approve the project as recommended by the project committee and inform the director of the department of the governor's approval.
(b) When the procedure under subsection (a) is completed, the department shall acquire the property subject to the project according to Indiana law.
[Pre-1995 Recodification Citation: 14-3-20-23.]
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.5. Amended by P.L.172-2016, SEC.22.
Structure Indiana Code
Title 14. Natural and Cultural Resources
Article 12. State Resource Development
Chapter 2. President Benjamin Harrison Conservation Trust Program
14-12-2-5. "Project Committee"
14-12-2-14. Project Committee; Establishment and Members
14-12-2-15. Project Committee; Terms of Members
14-12-2-16. Project Committee Officers
14-12-2-17. Project Committee; Meetings
14-12-2-18. Project Committee Attendance
14-12-2-19. Project Committee; Purpose
14-12-2-20. Per Diem Compensation and Traveling Expenses
14-12-2-21. Procedure for Acquisition of Property
14-12-2-22. Management of Property
14-12-2-23. Eminent Domain Precluded
14-12-2-25. Fund; Establishment
14-12-2-27. Fund Allocations to Stewardship Account
14-12-2-28. Fund; Other Allotments
14-12-2-29. Fund; Balance in Accounts Not Reverting to Fund
14-12-2-30. Fund; Use of Money in Accounts
14-12-2-31.5. Use of Discretionary Account to Acquire Property