Indiana Code
Chapter 5. District Solid Waste Management Plan
13-21-5-11. Requirements of Plan

Sec. 11. A district plan must include the following:
(1) The results of a demographic study of the district predicting the population of the district:
(A) five (5) years;
(B) ten (10) years; and
(C) twenty (20) years;
after the year the district plan is adopted.
(2) A:
(A) description of the origin, content, and weight or volume of the solid waste to be generated in the district at the time of the development of the district plan; and
(B) projection of the origin, content, and weight or volume of the solid waste to be generated in the district:
(i) five (5) years;
(ii) ten (10) years; and
(iii) twenty (20) years;
after the year the district plan is adopted.
(3) An inventory and description of the following:
(A) The facilities located within the district.
(B) The solid waste management activities taking place within the district.
(4) A statement identifying and assessing solid waste problems that:
(A) exist in the district at the time of the development of the district plan; and
(B) may exist in the district in the future.
(5) A:
(A) projection of the need for; and
(B) description of;
facilities in the district five (5) years, ten (10) years, and twenty (20) years after the year the district plan is adopted.
[Pre-1996 Recodification Citation: 13-9.5-4-5.]
As added by P.L.1-1996, SEC.11.