Sec. 8. (a) The office shall determine:
(1) which applicants shall be awarded a grant; and
(2) subject to subsection (b) and to the availability of funding, the amount of each grant.
(b) At least five percent (5%) but not more than fifty percent (50%) of the:
(1) tuition for eligible or limited eligibility children under the prekindergarten pilot program; or
(2) expansion plan described in section 7.4(a) of this chapter;
during the state fiscal year must be paid from donations, gifts, grants, bequests, and other funds received from a private entity or person, from the United States government, or from other sources (excluding funds from a grant provided under this chapter and excluding other state funding). The office may receive and administer grants on behalf of the prekindergarten pilot program. The grants shall be distributed by the office to fulfill the requirements of this subsection.
(c) The amount of a grant made under the pilot program to an eligible or limited eligibility child:
(1) who attends a prekindergarten program full time must equal at least two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) during the state fiscal year; and
(2) may not exceed six thousand eight hundred dollars ($6,800) from state money provided under this chapter during the state fiscal year.
As added by P.L.202-2014, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.85-2017, SEC.61; P.L.184-2017, SEC.27; P.L.268-2019, SEC.13.
Structure Indiana Code
Article 17.2. Day Care Regulation
Chapter 7.2. Prekindergarten Pilot Program
12-17.2-7.2-1. "Eligible Child"
12-17.2-7.2-2. "Eligible Provider"
12-17.2-7.2-2.1. "Extended Enrollment Period"
12-17.2-7.2-2.5. "Limited Eligibility Child"
12-17.2-7.2-4. "Paths to Quality Program"
12-17.2-7.2-5. "Prekindergarten Pilot Program"
12-17.2-7.2-5.5. "Potential Eligible Provider or Existing Eligible Provider"
12-17.2-7.2-5.7. "Priority Enrollment Period"
12-17.2-7.2-6. "Qualified Early Education Services"
12-17.2-7.2-7. Establishment of Prekindergarten Pilot Program; Counties; Eligible Providers
12-17.2-7.2-7.2. Qualifications; Parent or Guardian Requirements and Agreement
12-17.2-7.2-7.3. Eligible Provider Agreement
12-17.2-7.2-7.6. Monitoring Educational Outcomes of Expansion Plans; Report
12-17.2-7.2-7.8. Random Onsite Inspections; Determination of Ineligibility
12-17.2-7.2-8. Eligibility; Amount of Grant; Funding From Donations and Gifts
12-17.2-7.2-8.1. Grants for Limited Eligibility Children; Maximum Amount
12-17.2-7.2-10. Application for Federal Waivers
12-17.2-7.2-11. Determination of Eligibility for Choice Scholarships
12-17.2-7.2-12. Requirement for Longitudinal Study
12-17.2-7.2-13. Reporting Requirements
12-17.2-7.2-13.1. Monthly Informational Report