Illinois Compiled Statutes
750 ILCS 5/ - Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act.
Part VII - Miscellaneous

(750 ILCS 5/Pt. VII heading)

(750 ILCS 5/701) (from Ch. 40, par. 701)
Sec. 701.

(Source: P.A. 80-923. Repealed by P.A. 99-90, eff. 1-1-16.)
(750 ILCS 5/702) (from Ch. 40, par. 702)
Sec. 702.

Maintenance in Case of Bigamy.) When a dissolution of marriage
is granted to a person who shall, in good faith, have intermarried with
a person having at the time of such marriage, another spouse or spouses
living, the court may, nevertheless, allow the petitioner maintenance in
the same manner as in other cases of dissolution of marriage; but no such
allowance shall be made as will be inconsistent with the rights of such
other spouse or spouses, which shall first be ascertained by the court before
the granting of such maintenance.

(Source: P.A. 80-923.)
(750 ILCS 5/703) (from Ch. 40, par. 703)
Sec. 703.

(Source: P.A. 81-231. Repealed by P.A. 99-90, eff. 1-1-16.)
(750 ILCS 5/704) (from Ch. 40, par. 704)
Sec. 704. Public Aid Provisions.) Except as provided in Sections 709
through 712, if maintenance, child support or
both, is awarded to persons who are recipients of aid under "The
Illinois Public Aid Code", the court shall direct the husband or wife,
as the case may be, to make the payments to (1) the Department
of Healthcare and Family Services if the persons are recipients under Articles III, IV or V
of the Code, or (2) the local governmental unit responsible for their
support if they are recipients under Article VI or VII of the Code. The
order shall permit the Department of Healthcare and Family Services or the local
governmental unit, as the case may be, to direct that subsequent
payments be made directly to the former spouse, the children, or both,
or to some person or agency in their behalf, upon removal of the former
spouse or children from the public aid rolls; and upon such direction
and removal of the recipients from the public aid rolls, the
Department or local governmental unit, as the case requires, shall give
written notice of such action to the court.

(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(750 ILCS 5/705) (from Ch. 40, par. 705)
Sec. 705. Support payments; receiving and disbursing agents.
(1) The provisions of this Section shall apply, except as provided in
Sections 709 through 712.
(2) In a dissolution of marriage action filed in a county of less than 3
million population in which an order or judgment for child support is
entered, and in supplementary proceedings in any such county to enforce
or vary the terms of such order or judgment arising out of an action for
dissolution of marriage filed in such county, the court, except as it
otherwise orders, under subsection (4) of this Section, may direct that
child support payments be made to the clerk of the court.
(3) In a dissolution of marriage action filed in any county of 3
million or more population in which an order or judgment for child
support is entered, and in supplementary proceedings in any such county
to enforce or vary the terms of such order or judgment arising out of an
action for dissolution of marriage filed in such county, the court, except
as it otherwise orders under subsection (4) of this Section, may
direct that child support payments be made either to the clerk of the
court or to the Court Service Division of the County Department of
Public Aid. After the effective date of this Act, the court, except as
it otherwise orders under subsection (4) of this Section, may direct
that child support payments be made either to the clerk of the court or
to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services.
(4) In a dissolution of marriage action or supplementary proceedings
involving maintenance or child support payments, or both, to persons who
are recipients of aid under the Illinois Public Aid Code, the court
shall direct that such payments be made to (a) the Department
of Healthcare and Family Services if the persons are recipients under Articles III, IV, or V
of the Code, or (b) the local governmental unit responsible for their
support if they are recipients under Articles VI or VII of the Code.
In accordance with federal law and regulations, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services may continue to collect current maintenance payments or child
support payments, or both, after those persons cease to receive public
assistance and until termination of services under Article X of the Illinois
Public Aid Code. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall pay the net
amount collected to those persons after deducting any costs incurred in making
the collection or any collection fee from the amount of any recovery made. The order shall permit the Department
of Healthcare and Family Services or the local governmental unit, as the case may be, to direct
that payments be made directly to the former spouse, the
children, or both, or to some person or agency in their behalf, upon
removal of the former spouse or children from the public aid rolls or upon
termination of services under Article X of the Illinois Public Aid Code; and upon such direction, the
Department or local governmental unit, as the case requires, shall
give notice of such action to the court in writing or by
(5) All clerks of the court and the Court Service Division of a
County Department of Public Aid and, after the effective date of this
Act, all clerks of the court and the
Department of Healthcare and Family Services,
receiving child support payments under subsections (2) and (3) of this
Section shall disburse the payments to the person or persons entitled
thereto under the terms of the order or judgment. They shall establish
and maintain current records of all moneys received and disbursed and of
defaults and delinquencies in required payments. The court, by order or
rule, shall make provision for the carrying out of these duties.
Payments under this Section to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services

pursuant to the Child Support Enforcement Program established by Title IV-D
of the Social Security Act shall be paid into the Child Support Enforcement
Trust Fund. All payments under this Section to the Illinois Department
of Human Services shall be deposited in the DHS
Recoveries Trust Fund. Disbursements from these funds shall be as provided in
the Illinois Public Aid Code. Payments received by a local governmental unit
shall be deposited in that unit's General Assistance Fund.
Any order of court directing payment of child support to a clerk of
court or the Court Service Division of a County Department of Public
Aid, which order has been entered on or after August 14, 1961, and prior
to the effective date of this Act, may be amended by the court in line
with this Act; and orders involving payments of maintenance or child
support to recipients of public aid may in like manner be amended to
conform to this Act.
(6) No filing fee or costs will be required in any action brought at
the request of the Department of Healthcare and Family Services in any proceeding
under this Act. However, any such fees or costs may be assessed by the
court against the respondent in the court's order of support or any
modification thereof in a proceeding under this Act.
(7) For those cases in which child support is payable to the clerk of
the circuit court for transmittal to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly
Illinois Department of Public Aid)
by order of court or upon notification by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Illinois Department of Public
Aid), the clerk shall transmit all such payments, within 4
working days of receipt, to insure that funds are available for immediate
distribution by the Department to the person or entity entitled thereto in
accordance with standards of the Child Support Enforcement Program
established under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. The clerk shall
notify the Department of the date of receipt and amount thereof at the time
of transmittal. Where the clerk has entered into an
agreement of cooperation with the Department to record the terms of
child support orders and payments made thereunder directly into the
Department's automated data processing system, the clerk shall account for,
transmit and otherwise distribute child support payments in accordance with
such agreement in lieu of the requirements contained herein.
In any action filed in a county with a population of 1,000,000 or less,
the court shall assess against the respondent in any order of maintenance
or child support any sum up to $36 annually authorized by ordinance of the
county board to be collected by the clerk of the court as costs for
administering the collection and disbursement of maintenance and child
support payments. Such sum shall be in addition to and separate from
amounts ordered to be paid as maintenance or child support.
(8) To the extent the provisions of this Section are inconsistent with the
requirements pertaining to the State Disbursement Unit under Section 507.1 of
this Act and Section 10-26 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, the requirements
pertaining to the State Disbursement Unit shall apply.

(Source: P.A. 94-88, eff. 1-1-06; 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(750 ILCS 5/706.1) (from Ch. 40, par. 706.1)
Sec. 706.1.
Withholding of Income to Secure Payment of Support.
Orders for support entered under this Act are subject to the Income
Withholding for Support Act.

(Source: P.A. 90-18, eff. 7-1-97; 90-425, eff. 8-15-97; 90-655, eff.
7-30-98; 90-673, eff. 1-1-99; 90-790, eff. 8-14-98; 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)
(750 ILCS 5/706.2) (from Ch. 40, par. 706.2)
Sec. 706.2.
Posting Security, Bond or Guarantee to Secure Payment.

The court may require a parent to post security, bond or give some other
guarantee of a character and amount sufficient to assure
payment of any amount of support due.

(Source: P.A. 84-758.)
(750 ILCS 5/706.3)
Sec. 706.3. Information concerning obligors.
(a) In this Section:
"Arrearage", "delinquency", "obligor", and "order for support" have the
meanings attributed to those terms in the Income Withholding for Support Act.
"Consumer reporting agency" has the meaning attributed to that term in
Section 603(f) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. 1681a(f).
(b) Whenever a court of competent jurisdiction finds that an obligor either
owes an arrearage of more than $10,000, is delinquent in payment of an amount
equal to at least 3 months' support obligation pursuant to an order for
support, or fails to pay the child support annual fee for a period of 3 years,
the court shall direct the clerk of the court to make information
concerning the obligor available to consumer reporting agencies.
(c) Whenever a court of competent jurisdiction finds that an obligor either
owes an arrearage of more than $10,000 or is delinquent in payment of an amount
equal to at least 3 months' support obligation pursuant to an order for
support, the court shall direct the clerk of the court to cause the obligor's
name and address to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
area in which the obligor resides. The clerk shall cause the obligor's name
and address to be published only after sending to the obligor at the obligor's
last known address, by certified mail, return receipt requested, a notice of
intent to publish the information. This subsection (c) applies only if the
obligor resides in the county in which the clerk of the court holds office.

(Source: P.A. 93-836, eff. 1-1-05.)
(750 ILCS 5/707) (from Ch. 40, par. 707)
Sec. 707.

Certificate of Dissolution or Invalidity of Marriage -
Filing with Department of Public Health.) A certificate of each
dissolution of marriage or declaration of invalidity of marriage ordered
in this State shall be filed with the Illinois Department of Public Health on
a form furnished by such Department. The form shall contain the social
security numbers of the parties whose marriage has been dissolved or declared
invalid. This form shall be prepared by the
person filing the petition for dissolution of marriage or declaration of
invalidity of marriage and shall be presented to the judge of the court
for his inspection prior to the entry of the final order. Failure to
comply with this Act shall not invalidate any judgment of dissolution of
marriage or declaration of invalidity of marriage. Immediately after
the judgment is granted, the clerk of the court shall complete the
remaining entries on the certificate. Within 45 days after the close of
the month in which the judgment is rendered, the clerk shall forward the
certificate to the Illinois Department of Public Health.

(Source: P.A. 90-18, eff. 7-1-97.)
(750 ILCS 5/708) (from Ch. 40, par. 708)
Sec. 708.

In any proceeding brought under this Act, the identification
of a party's street address shall not be required for any purpose if the
court finds that the physical, mental or emotional health of a party or
that of a minor child, or both, would be seriously endangered by disclosure
of the party's address.

(Source: P.A. 81-419.)
(750 ILCS 5/709) (from Ch. 40, par. 709)
Sec. 709. Mandatory child support payments to clerk.
(a) As of January 1, 1982, child support orders entered in any county
covered by this subsection shall be made pursuant to the provisions of Sections
709 through 712 of this Act. For purposes of these Sections, the term "child
support payment" or "payment" shall include any payment ordered to be made
solely for the purpose of the support of a child or children or any payment
ordered for general support which includes any amount for support of any child
or children.
The provisions of Sections 709 through 712 shall be applicable to any county
with a population of 2 million or more and to any other county which notifies
the Supreme Court of its desire to be included within the coverage of these
Sections and is certified pursuant to Supreme Court Rules.
The effective date of inclusion, however, shall be subject to approval
of the application for reimbursement of the costs of the support program
by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services as provided in Section 712.
(b) In any proceeding for a dissolution of marriage, legal separation,
or declaration of invalidity of marriage, or in any supplementary proceedings
in which a judgment or modification thereof for the payment of
child support is entered on or after January 1, 1982, in any county covered
by Sections 709 through 712, and the person entitled to payment is receiving
a grant of financial aid under Article IV of the Illinois Public
Aid Code
or has applied and qualified for child support enforcement services
under Section 10-1 of
that Code, the court shall direct: (1) that such payments be made to the
clerk of the court and (2) that the parties affected shall each thereafter
notify the clerk of any change of address or change in other conditions
that may affect the administration of the order, including the fact that a
party who was previously not on public aid has become a recipient of public
aid, within 10 days of such change. All notices sent to
the obligor's last known address on file with the clerk shall be deemed
sufficient to proceed with enforcement pursuant to the provisions of
Sections 709 through 712.
In all other cases, the court may direct that payments be made to the
clerk of the court.
(c) Except as provided in subsection (d) of this Section, the clerk shall
disburse the payments to the person or persons entitled thereto under the
terms of the order or judgment.
(d) The court shall determine, prior to the entry of the support order,
if the party who is to receive the support is presently receiving public
aid or has a current application for public aid pending and shall enter
the finding on the record.
If the person entitled to payment is a recipient of aid under the Illinois
Public Aid Code, the clerk, upon being informed of this fact by finding of the
court, by notification by the party entitled to payment, by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Illinois
Department of Public Aid) or by the local governmental unit, shall make all
payments to: (1) the Department of Healthcare and Family Services if the person is
a recipient under Article III, IV, or V of the Code or (2) the local
governmental unit responsible for his or her support if the person is a
recipient under Article VI or VII of the Code.
In accordance with federal law and regulations, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services may continue to collect current maintenance payments or child
support payments, or both, after those persons cease to receive public
assistance and until termination of services under Article X of the Illinois
Public Aid Code. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall pay the net
amount collected to those persons after deducting any costs incurred in making
the collection or any collection fee from the amount of any recovery made. Upon termination of public aid payments to
such a recipient or termination of services under Article X of the Illinois
Public Aid Code, the
Department of Healthcare and Family Services or the appropriate
local governmental unit shall notify the clerk in writing or by electronic
transmission that all subsequent payments
are to be sent directly to the person entitled thereto.
Payments under this Section to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services

pursuant to the Child Support Enforcement Program established by Title IV-D
of the Social Security Act shall be paid into the Child Support Enforcement
Trust Fund. All payments under this Section to the Illinois
Department of Human Services shall be deposited in the
DHS Recoveries Trust Fund. Disbursements from these
funds shall be as provided in the Illinois Public Aid Code. Payments received
by a local governmental unit shall be deposited in that unit's General
Assistance Fund.
(e) Any order or judgment may be amended by the court, upon
its own motion or upon the motion of either party, to conform with the
provisions of Sections 709 through 712, either as to the requirement
of making payments to the clerk or, where payments are already being made
to the clerk, as to the statutory fees provided for under Section 711.
(f) The clerk may invest in any interest bearing account or in any
securities, monies collected for the benefit of a payee, where such payee
cannot be found; however, the investment may be only for the period until
the clerk is able to locate and present the payee with such monies. The
clerk may invest in any interest bearing account, or in any securities,
monies collected for the benefit of any other payee; however, this does not
alter the clerk's obligation to make payments to the payee in a timely manner.
Any interest or capital gains accrued shall be for the benefit of the county
and shall be paid into the special fund established in subsection (b) of
Section 711.
(g) The clerk shall establish and maintain a payment record of all
monies received and disbursed and such record shall constitute prima facie
evidence of such payment and non-payment, as the case may be.
(h) For those cases in which child support is payable to the clerk of
the circuit court for transmittal to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly
Illinois Department of Public Aid)
by order of court or upon notification by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Illinois Department of Public
Aid), the clerk shall transmit all such payments, within 4
working days of receipt, to insure that funds are available for immediate
distribution by the Department to the person or entity entitled thereto in
accordance with standards of the Child Support Enforcement Program
established under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. The clerk shall
notify the Department of the date of receipt and amount thereof at the time
of transmittal. Where the clerk has entered into an agreement of
cooperation with the Department to record the terms of child support orders
and payments made thereunder directly into the Department's automated data
processing system, the clerk shall account for, transmit and otherwise
distribute child support payments in accordance with such agreement in lieu
of the requirements contained herein.
(i) To the extent the provisions of this Section are inconsistent with
the requirements pertaining to the State Disbursement Unit under Section 507.1
of this Act and Section 10-26 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, the requirements
pertaining to the State Disbursement Unit shall apply.

(Source: P.A. 94-88, eff. 1-1-06; 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(750 ILCS 5/710) (from Ch. 40, par. 710)
Sec. 710.
Enforcement; Penalties.
(a) In counties certified as included
under the provisions of Sections 709 through 712 and whose application for
reimbursement is approved, there shall be instituted a child support
enforcement program to be conducted by the clerk of the circuit court and
the state's attorney of the county. The program is to be limited to
enforcement of child support orders entered pursuant to this Act.
The child support enforcement program is to be conducted only on
behalf of dependent children included in a grant of financial aid under
Article IV of The Illinois Public Aid Code and parties
who apply and qualify for child support enforcement services pursuant
to Section 10-1 of such Code.
Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prohibit the establishment of
a child support enforcement program by the clerk of the circuit court in
cooperation with the State's Attorney of the county.
(b) In the event of a delinquency in payment, as determined from the record
maintained by the clerk in a county covered by the child support enforcement
program, such clerk shall notify both the party obligated to make the payment,
hereinafter called the payor, and the recipient of such payment, hereinafter
called the payee, of such delinquency and that if the amount then due and
owing is not remitted in the time period required by circuit court rules,
the matter will be referred to the state's attorney for enforcement
proceedings. Upon failure of the payor to remit as required, the clerk
shall refer the matter to the state's attorney, except as provided by rule
of the circuit court.
(c) Upon referral from the clerk, the state's attorney shall promptly
initiate enforcement proceedings against the payor. Legal representation
by the state's attorney shall be limited to child support and shall not
extend to visitation, custody, property or other matters; however, if the
payor properly files pleadings raising such matters during the course of the
child support hearing and the court finds that it has jurisdiction of such
matters, the payee shall be granted the opportunity to obtain a continuance
in order to secure representation for those other matters, and the court
shall not delay entry of an appropriate support order pending the
disposition of such other matters.
If the state's attorney does not commence enforcement proceedings within
30 days, the clerk shall inform the court which, upon its own motion, shall
appoint counsel for purposes of enforcement. The fees and expenses of such
counsel shall be paid by the payor and shall not be paid by the State.
Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prevent a payee from
instituting independent enforcement proceedings or limit the remedies
available to payee in such proceedings. However, absent the exercise under
this provision of a private right of enforcement, enforcement shall be as
otherwise provided in this Section.
(d) At the time any support order is entered, the payee shall be informed
of the procedure used for enforcement and shall be given the address and
telephone number both of the clerk and of the Child and Spouse Support Unit
as provided in Section 712.
The payee shall be informed that, if no action is taken within 2 months
of any complaint to the clerk, payee may contact the Unit
to seek assistance in obtaining enforcement.
(e) Upon a finding that payor is in default and that such non-payment
is for a period of two months and that such non-payment is without good
cause, the court shall order the payor to pay a sum equal to 2% of the
arrearage as a penalty along with his payment.
The court may further assess against the payor any fees and expenses incurred
in the enforcement of any order or the reasonable value thereof and may
impose any penalty otherwise available to it in a case of contempt.
All penalties, fees and expenses assessed against the payor pursuant to
this subsection are to cover the expenses of enforcement, are to be
paid to the clerk and are to be placed by him in
the special fund provided for in Section 711.
(f) Any person not covered by the child support enforcement
program may institute private and independent proceedings to enforce
payment of support.

(Source: P.A. 92-590, eff. 7-1-02.)
(750 ILCS 5/711) (from Ch. 40, par. 711)
Sec. 711.
(a) To reimburse any covered county for the cost of maintaining the child
support enforcement program pursuant to Section 710, the court shall order
any payor making payments directly to the clerk
to pay the clerk a fee at the rate of $3.00 per month for every month the
order is in effect. However, any fee collected for any case not included
in such program as provided in subsection (a) of Section 710 may be used
by the county for any purpose.
The fee shall be payable semi-annually, being due with the support payment
due on or next immediately following January 1 and July 1. The fee shall
be payable in advance as herein provided, except for the initial payment
which shall be paid at the time of the initial child support payment to
the clerk. The amount of the fee due for the initial period shall be computed
from the date the support order first takes effect to the next January 1
or July 1, whichever occurs first.
Unless paid in cash, the payment of the fee shall be by a separate instrument
from the support payment and shall be made to the order of the clerk.
(b) All monies collected in fees by the clerk and all monies received
by him upon assessment under Section 710 for reimbursement for
the costs of enforcement shall be held in a special fund, the contents of
which the clerk shall pay over to the county treasury every month or at
such other period as the treasurer shall determine.

(Source: P.A. 82-1002.)
(750 ILCS 5/712) (from Ch. 40, par. 712)
Sec. 712. (a) The Supreme Court may make Rules concerning the
certification of counties for inclusion in the child support enforcement
program and the application of the procedures created by Sections 709
through 712 in the various counties.
The Supreme Court shall inform each circuit court and clerk of the court
of the availability of the program to reimburse counties desiring to
participate in the program of enforcement of child support payments.
The Supreme Court shall also distribute to each circuit court and clerk
of the court any materials prepared by the Child and Spouse Support Unit
comparing child support enforcement in counties included and not included in
this program.
(b) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services, through the Child and Spouse
Support Unit provided for by Section 10-3.1 of the Illinois Public Aid
Code, shall have general supervision of the child support programs created
by Sections 709 through 712 and shall have the powers and duties provided
in this Section, including the following:
(c) Any county may apply for financial assistance to the Unit to
initiate or maintain a program of child support enforcement. Every county
which desires such assistance shall apply according to procedures
established by the Unit. In its application, it shall state the following:
financial needs, personnel requirements, anticipated caseloads, any
amounts collected or anticipated in fees or penalties, and any other
information required by the Unit.
(d) In the case that any advance money is given to any county under this
Section to initiate an enforcement system, the county shall reimburse the
state within 2 years from the date such monies are given to it. The Unit
may establish an appropriate schedule of reimbursement for any county.
(e) In the event of the unavailability of federal monies to pay for the
greater part of the costs to a county of the child support enforcement
program under Sections 709 through 712 and the resulting cessation of state
participation, the operation of the child support enforcement program under
Sections 709 through 712 shall terminate. The date and the method of
termination shall be determined by Supreme Court Rule.

(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(750 ILCS 5/713) (from Ch. 40, par. 713)
Sec. 713. Attachment of the Body. As used in this Section,
"obligor" has the same meaning ascribed to such term in the Income
Withholding for Support Act.
(a) In any proceeding to enforce an order for support, where the
obligor has failed to appear in court pursuant to order of court and after
due notice thereof, the court may enter an order for the attachment of the
body of the obligor. Notices under this Section shall be served upon the
by any means authorized under subsection (a-5) of Section 505. The attachment
order shall fix an amount of escrow which is equal to a minimum of 20% of
the total child support arrearage alleged by the obligee in sworn testimony
to be due and owing. The attachment order shall direct the Sheriff of any
county in Illinois to take the obligor into custody and shall set the
number of days following release from custody for a hearing to be held at
which the obligor must appear, if he is released under subsection (b) of this
(b) If the obligor is taken into custody, the Sheriff shall take the obligor
before the court which entered the attachment order. However, the Sheriff may
release the person after he or she has deposited the amount of escrow ordered
by the court pursuant to local procedures for the posting of bond. The
Sheriff shall advise the obligor of the hearing date at which the obligor
is required to appear.
(c) Any escrow deposited pursuant to this Section shall be transmitted
to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the county in which the order for
attachment of the body of the obligor was entered. Any Clerk who receives
money deposited into escrow pursuant to this Section shall notify the
obligee, public office or legal counsel whose name appears on the
attachment order of the court date at which the obligor is required to
appear and the amount deposited into escrow.
The Clerk shall disburse
such money to the obligee only under an order from the court that entered
the attachment order pursuant to this Section.
(d) Whenever an obligor is taken before the court by the Sheriff, or appears
in court after the court has ordered the attachment of his body, the court
(e) If the obligor fails to appear in court after being notified of the
court date by the Sheriff upon release from custody, the court shall order
any monies deposited into escrow to be immediately released to the obligee
or public office and shall proceed under subsection (a) of this Section
by entering another order for the attachment of the body of the obligor.
(f) This Section shall apply to any order for support issued under the
"Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act", approved September
22, 1977, as amended; the Illinois Parentage Act of 2015; the "Illinois Parentage Act of 1984", effective July
1, 1985, as amended; the "Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support
Act", approved August 28, 1969, as amended; "The Illinois Public Aid Code",
approved April 11, 1967, as amended; the Non-Support Punishment Act; and the
"Non-support of Spouse and
Children Act", approved June 8, 1953, as amended.
(g) Any escrow established pursuant to this Section for the purpose of
providing support shall not be subject to fees collected by the Clerk of
the Circuit Court for any other escrow.

(Source: P.A. 99-85, eff. 1-1-16.)
(750 ILCS 5/714)
Sec. 714.
Information to locate putative fathers and noncustodial parents.
(a) Upon request by a public office, employers, labor unions, and telephone
shall provide location information concerning putative fathers and noncustodial
parents for the
purpose of establishing a child's paternity or establishing, enforcing, or
modifying a child support
obligation. The term "public office" is defined as set forth in the Income
Withholding for
Support Act. In this Section, "location information" means information about
(i) the physical
whereabouts of a putative father or noncustodial parent, (ii) the employer of
the putative father or
noncustodial parent, or (iii) the salary, wages, and other compensation paid
and the health
insurance coverage provided to the putative father or noncustodial parent by
the employer of the
putative father or noncustodial parent or by a labor union of which the
putative father or
noncustodial parent is a member.
An employer, labor union, or telephone company shall respond to the request of
public office within 15 days after receiving the request. Any employer, labor
union, or telephone
company that willfully fails to fully respond within the 15-day period shall be
subject to a penalty
of $100 for each day that the response is not provided to the public office
after the 15-day period
has expired. The penalty may be collected in a civil action, which may be
brought against the
employer, labor union, or telephone company in favor of the public office.
(b) Upon being served with a subpoena (including an administrative subpoena
authorized by law), a utility company or cable television company must provide
information to a public office for the purpose of establishing a child's
paternity or establishing,
enforcing, or modifying a child support obligation.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other State or local law to the
contrary, an
employer, labor union, telephone company, utility company, or cable television
company shall
not be liable to any person for disclosure of location information under the
requirements of this
Section, except for willful and wanton misconduct.

(Source: P.A. 93-116, eff. 7-10-03.)