(770 ILCS 40/0.01) (from Ch. 82, par. 56.9)
Sec. 0.01.
Short title.
This Act may be cited as the
Innkeepers Lien Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1324.)
(770 ILCS 40/48) (from Ch. 82, par. 57)
Sec. 48.
Hotel, inn and boarding house keepers shall have a lien upon the
baggage and other valuables of their guests or boarders brought into such
hotel, inn or boarding house by such guests or boarders, for the proper
charges due from such guests or boarders for their accommodations, board
and lodgings and such extras as are furnished at their request.
(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 665.)
(770 ILCS 40/49) (from Ch. 82, par. 58)
Sec. 49. Stable keepers.
(a) As used in this Section:
(b) Stable keepers shall have a lien upon the horses,
carriages, harness, tack and equipment, and any other personal property stored by the owner at the stable or boarding facility in the amount of the proper charges due for the
keeping thereof and expenses bestowed thereon at the request of the owner,
or the person having the possession thereof, plus other charges, present or future, in relation to the horse boarded, plus all fees and expenses, including legal fees, incurred by the keeper to enforce the lien, whether by public or private sale, to the extent permitted under this Section.
(c) The lien provided under this Section is a possessory lien which entitles the keeper to restrict the subject horse's movement from the keeper's facility, except for emergency veterinary care. Local law enforcement authorities notified of the keeper's right to a possessory lien on the horse shall have the authority, without a court order, to restrict the removal of the horse from the keeper's facility despite the horse owner's request or demand, until the keeper confirms to the local law enforcement authorities that the lien has been satisfied. Evidence of a possessory lien that constitutes notice to law enforcement authorities includes, but is not limited to, a written boarding agreement signed by the horse owner acknowledging that the keeper shall have an automatic lien on the horse for the amount owed or the unpaid invoices for the keeping of the horse and fees and expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred in connection with the enforcement of the lien.
(d) Enforcement of the lien must be by public sale of the horse or any personal property left on the premises, unless the written boarding agreement provides a clear authorization that the horse and any personal property left on the premises may be sold through a private sale or provides a clear authorization that the keeper may take ownership of the horse and any personal property left on the premises to satisfy the lien.
(e) Prior to enforcement of the lien through a public or private sale, the keeper must make a written demand for payment from the owner of the horse and include notice that the horse and any personal property left on the premises will be sold at a date certain not less than 30 days after service of the demand for payment if payment of all amounts due is not made by the day set for the sale.
(f) In the event of enforcement of the lien through a public sale, the sale shall be conducted by the local sheriff or other authorized individual, at which cash shall be paid by the highest bidder. The date, time, and place of the sale shall be advertised by posting a written notice of the sale at 3 of the most public places in the township or municipality where the horse is boarded or if the horse is not boarded in a township or municipality, by posting a written notice of the sale at 3 of the most public places in the county. The posting may be done at any time, but shall not be done less than 21 days before the sale. Alternatively, the sale may be advertised by placing a sale notice stating the date, time, and place of the sale for 3 consecutive weeks in a weekly or daily newspaper of general circulation distributed in the township or municipality where the horse is boarded. After the amount due for keeping the horse and any unpaid invoices and any and all fees and costs incurred in connection with the enforcement of the lien, including, but not limited to, the auctioneer and sheriff's fees, advertising costs, and any legal fees and costs are paid, the balance shall be paid to the owner. At the time that the surplus funds are received by the horse owner, the ownership papers to the horse shall be forwarded by the horse owner to the public sale buyer within 7 days after the horse owner's receipt of the surplus funds. In the event the horse owner cannot be found after reasonable attempts to locate the owner have been made, any surplus funds shall be paid to the keeper's chosen equine rescue, rehabilitation, or retirement facility or organization. At the time of the sale conducted pursuant to this Section, the sheriff or other authorized person conducting the sale shall, upon payment of the sale price, provide a public sale certificate of purchase of the horse to the highest bidder showing that the highest bidder is the new legal owner of the horse. As of the time of the delivery of the public sale certificate of purchase, the original horse owner shall have no claim of right, title, or interest in the horse.
(g) In the event of enforcement of the lien through a private sale pursuant to the terms of this Section, written notice shall be considered satisfactory under this Section when sent at least 3 weeks prior to the date of any private sale to the horse owner's last known mailing address by first class certified or registered mail or by e-mail or facsimile. At the time of the private sale conducted pursuant to the requirements of this subsection, the keeper shall, upon payment of the sale price, provide a private sale certificate for the horse to the buyer certifying that the requirements of this subsection were met and that the buyer is the legal owner of the horse. As of the time of the delivery of the private sale certificate, the original horse owner shall have no claim of right, title, or interest in the horse. The application of the sale proceeds shall be as provided in subsection (f).
(h) In the event of enforcement of the lien through the keeper obtaining ownership of the horse and any personal property left on the premises, the keeper shall provide a demand for payment to the owner pursuant to subsection (e) and shall include an appraisal of the value of the horse and any personal property left on the premises showing that the value of the horse and the personal property left on the premises is at least equal to the amount due and owing to the keeper.
(i) A lien created pursuant to this Section attaches as of the date the horse is brought to the stable and shall be superior to any other lien or security interest except for a statutory lien or security interest which is perfected through a proper filing pursuant to Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code prior to the beginning of the boarding.
(Source: P.A. 97-569, eff. 1-1-12.)
(770 ILCS 40/50) (from Ch. 82, par. 59)
Sec. 50.
Agisters and persons keeping, yarding, feeding or pasturing
domestic animals, shall have a lien upon the animals agistered, kept,
yarded or fed, for the proper charges due for the agisting, keeping,
yarding or feeding thereof.
(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 665.)
(770 ILCS 40/50a) (from Ch. 82, par. 59a)
Sec. 50a.
Every person who, as owner or lessee of any threshing machine,
clover huller, corn sheller or hay baler, threshes grain or seed, hulls
clover, shells corn or presses hay or straw at the request of the owner,
reputed owner, authorized agent of the owner or lawful possessor of such
crops shall have a lien upon such crops, beginning at the date of the
commencement of such threshing, hulling, shelling or baling, for the agreed
contract price of the job, or, in the absence of a contract price, for the
reasonable value of the services or labor furnished. Such lien shall run
for a period of (8) eight months after the completion of such services or
labor notwithstanding the fact that the possession of the crops has been
surrendered to its owner or lawful possessor, provided that such lien shall
not be valid and enforceable against a purchaser of said crops from the
owner or lawful possessor thereof unless the lien holder shall, previous to
or at the time of making final settlement for such crops by such purchaser,
serve upon such purchaser a notice in writing of the existence of such
(Source: Laws 1931, p. 667.)
Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes
770 ILCS 5/ - Attorneys Lien Act.
770 ILCS 15/ - Commercial Real Estate Broker Lien Act.
770 ILCS 23/ - Health Care Services Lien Act.
770 ILCS 30/ - Horseshoers Lien Act.
770 ILCS 40/ - Innkeepers Lien Act.
770 ILCS 45/ - Labor and Storage Lien Act.
770 ILCS 50/ - Labor and Storage Lien (Small Amount) Act.
770 ILCS 55/ - Liens Against Railroads Act.
770 ILCS 60/ - Mechanics Lien Act.
770 ILCS 65/ - Miners Lien Act.
770 ILCS 70/ - Oil and Gas Lien Act of 1989.
770 ILCS 85/ - Preference of Claims for Wages Act.
770 ILCS 90/ - Sale of Unclaimed Property Act.
770 ILCS 95/ - Self-Service Storage Facility Act.
770 ILCS 100/ - Stallion and Jack Service Lien Act.
770 ILCS 103/ - Timeshare Lien and Security Interest Act.