Illinois Compiled Statutes
20 ILCS 3105/ - Capital Development Board Act.
Article III - Effective Date and Severability

(20 ILCS 3105/Art. III)

(20 ILCS 3105/1(Art.III)) (from Ch. 127, par. 791)
Sec. 1(Art.III).

This Act takes effect on July 1, 1972 or upon its becoming a
law, whichever is later.

(Source: P.A. 77-1995.)
(20 ILCS 3105/2(Art.III)) (from Ch. 127, par. 792)
Sec. 2(Art.III).

If any clause or other portion of this Act shall be held
invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions
of this Act. It is hereby declared that all such remaining portions of this
Act are severable, and that the General Assembly would have enacted such
remaining portions if the portions that may be so held to be invalid had
not been included in this Act.

(Source: P.A. 77-1995.)
(20 ILCS 3105/19)
Sec. 19. Access to State building or construction codes.
(a) The Board shall maintain on its website, accessible from the Illinois State Government website, links to all currently applicable State building codes as provided in the Illinois Administrative Code.
(b) Every State agency that proposes to adopt new building or construction requirements, or amendments to existing requirements, shall report that proposed activity to the Board. For purposes of this Section, State agency building or construction requirements include, but are not limited to, those affecting general construction, plumbing, electrical, accessibility, fire protection, drinking water, waste water, asbestos, ozone, radon, and any other requirements that the State applies to construction activities. The report shall be submitted at least 30 days before the State agency officially proposes the changes by filing the First Notice of its rulemaking with the Secretary of State. The report shall include a plain language summary of the proposed changes and the State agency contact to whom comments on the proposal can be made.
(c) The Board shall provide on its website the information given to it by State agencies under subsection (b) and shall provide a link to the Illinois Register page where the rulemaking is proposed and can be viewed by the interested public.
(d) When the State agency moves its rulemaking to Second Notice, it shall notify the Board and the Board shall post a notice of this activity on its website and provide a link to the Illinois General Assembly website where the Second Notice version of the rulemaking can be viewed.
(e) When the State agency adopts a rulemaking creating or amending building or construction rules, it shall notify the Board and the Board shall post a notice of this activity on its website and provide a link to the Illinois Register page where the adoption occurred.

(Source: P.A. 100-711, eff. 8-3-18.)
(20 ILCS 3105/20)
Sec. 20. Hospital and Healthcare Transformation Capital Investment Grant Program.
(a) The Capital Development Board, in coordination with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, shall establish a Hospital and Healthcare Transformation Capital Investment Grant Program. The Board shall, subject to appropriation, make capital improvement grants to Illinois hospitals licensed under the Hospital Licensing Act and other qualified healthcare providers serving the people of Illinois. The Build Illinois Bond Fund and the Capital Development Fund shall be the sources of funding for the program. Eligible grant recipients shall be hospitals and other healthcare providers that offer facilities and services in a manner that supports and fulfills the mission of the Department of Healthcare and Family Services. Eligible grant recipients have no entitlement to a grant under this Section.
(b) The Capital Development Board, in consultation with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall adopt rules to implement this Section and shall create a competitive application procedure for grants to be awarded. The rules shall specify: the manner of applying for grants; grantee eligibility requirements; project eligibility requirements; restrictions on the use of grant moneys; the manner in grantees must account for the use of grant moneys; and any other provision that the Capital Development Board or Department of Healthcare and Family Services determine to be necessary or useful for the administration of this Section. Rules may include a requirement for grantees to provide local matching funds in an amount equal to a certain percentage of the grant.
(c) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall establish standards for the determination of priority needs concerning health care transformation based on projects located in communities in the State with the greatest utilization of Medicaid services or underserved communities, including, but not limited to Safety Net Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals, utilizing data available to the Department.
(d) Nothing in this Section shall exempt nor relieve any healthcare provider receiving a grant under this Section from any requirement of the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act.
(e) No portion of a healthcare transformation capital investment program grant awarded under this Section may be used by a hospital or other healthcare provider to pay for any on-going operational costs, pay outstanding debt, or be allocated to an endowment or other invested fund.

(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-604, eff. 12-13-19.)