Illinois Compiled Statutes
20 ILCS 405/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Central Management Services Law)
Article 405 - Department Of Central Management Services

(20 ILCS 405/Art. 405 heading)

(20 ILCS 405/405-1)
Sec. 405-1.
Article short title.
This Article 405 of the Civil
Administrative Code of Illinois may be cited as the Department of Central
Management Services Law.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-5) (was 20 ILCS 405/35.2)
Sec. 405-5. Definitions.
(a) In this Law:
"Department" means the Department of Central Management
"Director" means the Director of Central Management
(b) In paragraphs (1) and (2) of Section 405-10 and in Section 405-15,
"State agency", whether used in the singular or plural, means all
officers, commissions, boards, institutions, and bodies politic and
of the State. The term, however, does not mean the judicial branch, including, without limitation, the
several courts of
the State, the offices of the clerk of the supreme court and the clerks of the appellate court, and the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts, nor does it mean the legislature or its committees or

(Source: P.A. 94-295, eff. 7-21-05.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-10) (was 20 ILCS 405/35.3)
Sec. 405-10. Director's duties; State policy. It shall be the duty of
the Director and the policy of the State of Illinois to do the following:
(Source: P.A. 100-611, eff. 7-20-18.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-15) (was 20 ILCS 405/35.4)
Sec. 405-15.
The Department, when so requested by the
Governor or the
chief executive officer of a State agency, may perform internal audits, and
procedural audits and in performing these responsibilities, the Department
may examine the accounts of any organization, body, or agency receiving
appropriations from the General Assembly, including all grantees and
sub-grantees of grantor State agencies included within the scope of the audit.
For purposes of this Section, "State agency" is defined as in subsection (b)
of Section 405-5.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-20)
Sec. 405-20. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17. Repealed by P.A. 100-611, eff. 7-20-18.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-22)
Sec. 405-22.

(Source: P.A. 92-505, eff. 12-20-01; 92-628, eff. 7-11-02. Repealed
internally, eff. 7-1-02.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-25) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.34)
Sec. 405-25.
Moneys made available by public or private entities.
The Department may apply for, receive, expend, allocate,
or disburse funds and moneys made available by public or private entities,
including, but not limited to, contracts, private or public financial
gifts, bequests, grants, or donations from individuals, corporations,
foundations, or public or private institutions of higher learning. All
funds received by the Department from these sources shall be deposited into
the State treasury into a State trust fund to be held by the State
Treasurer as ex officio custodian and subject to the Comptroller --
Treasurer, voucher -- warrant system. The funds shall be expended by the
Department for purposes as indicated by the grantor, donor, or, in the case
of funds or moneys given or donated for no specific purpose, for any
purpose deemed appropriate by the Director in administering the
responsibilities of the agency as set forth in the Personnel Code.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-30) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.20)
Sec. 405-30.
Administrative Procedure Act applies.
provisions of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act are hereby expressly
adopted and incorporated
herein as though a part of this Law, and shall apply to all
rules and procedures of the Department.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-100) (was 20 ILCS 405/64)
Sec. 405-100.
Administration of the Personnel Code.
shall have power to administer the Personnel Code.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-101)
Sec. 405-101. Positive action toward addressing systemic racism and barriers to increase workforce diversity in State employment.
(a) The Director will strive to do the following:
(b) For purposes of this Section, "positive action" means taking proactive leading action to identify statutes and policies which impede access and opportunity for minorities and marginalized individuals to gain employment with the State of Illinois and to seek legislation and make policy changes.

(Source: P.A. 102-617, eff. 1-1-22.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-105) (was 20 ILCS 405/64.1)
Sec. 405-105. Fidelity, surety, property, and casualty insurance. The Department
shall establish and implement a program to coordinate
the handling of all fidelity, surety, property, and casualty insurance
exposures of the State and the departments, divisions, agencies,
and universities of the State. In performing this responsibility, the
Department shall have the power and duty to do the following:
(Source: P.A. 102-767, eff. 5-13-22.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-110) (was 20 ILCS 405/64.2)
Sec. 405-110. Federal tax-exempt benefits in lieu of salary or wages; flexible spending.
(a) The Department may, at the
Director's discretion, establish
and implement or approve plans whereby State employees and officers,
including those of State universities and colleges, may enter into
agreements with their employer to elect to receive, in lieu of salary or
wages, benefits that are not taxable under the federal Internal
Code. These agreements may include the acceptance of a reduction
earnings or the foregoing of an increase in earnings by an employee and the
employer's payment of those amounts as employer contributions for
that the employee selects from a list of employee benefits
offered by the
(b) Prior to the establishment of a plan under subsection (a), the Director shall seek
the advice of interested State agencies regarding the content and
implementation of the plan.
(c) Selection of plan offerings under subsection (a) shall not be subject to the Illinois
Purchasing Act.
(d) Benefits selected by employees in plans under subsection (a) shall be included in gross income for
determination of pension base.
(e) To the extent allowable under federal law and regulations, the Department of Central Management Services must allow employees of State colleges and universities to participate in the Department's flexible spending program. The flexible spending program includes the dependent care assistance plan and the medical care assistance plan.

(Source: P.A. 95-457, eff. 1-1-08.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-115) (was 20 ILCS 405/64.3)
Sec. 405-115.
State agency employees child care services.
shall administer the State Agency Employees Child Care Services Act.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-120) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.29)
Sec. 405-120. Hispanic, Asian-American, and bilingual employees. The
Department shall develop and implement plans to
increase the number of Hispanics employed by State government and the
number of bilingual persons employed in State government at supervisory,
technical, professional, and managerial levels.
The Department shall prepare and revise annually a State Hispanic Employment Plan and a State Asian-American Employment Plan in consultation with individuals and organizations informed on these subjects, including the Hispanic Employment Plan Advisory Council and the Asian-American Employment Plan Advisory Council. The Department shall report to the General Assembly by February 1 of each year each State agency's activities in implementing the State Hispanic Employment Plan and the State Asian-American Employment Plan.
(Source: P.A. 97-856, eff. 7-27-12; 98-329, eff. 1-1-14; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-121)
Sec. 405-121. Hispanic and Asian-American Employment Plan Advisory Councils. The Hispanic Employment Plan Advisory Council and the Asian-American Employment Plan Advisory Council are hereby created to examine, as applicable:
The Hispanic Employment Plan Advisory Council and the Asian-American Employment Plan Advisory Council shall each meet quarterly and independently to provide consultation to State agencies and the Department.
All members of the Hispanic Employment Plan Advisory Council and the Asian-American Employment Plan Advisory Council shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable and necessary expenses from funds available for that purpose.
The Hispanic Employment Plan Advisory Council and the Asian-American Employment Plan Advisory Council shall each consist of 11 members, each of whom shall be a Latino or an Asian-American subject matter expert, respectively, and shall be appointed by the Governor.
The Hispanic Employment Plan Advisory Council shall have an ex-officio liaison member appointed by the Director or Secretary of each of the following agencies: the Department on Aging, Department of Children and Family Services, Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Department of Corrections, Department of Employment Security, Department of Human Services, Department of Human Rights, Department of Healthcare and Family Services, Department of Public Health, and the Department of Transportation.
(Source: P.A. 97-856, eff. 7-27-12; 98-329, eff. 1-1-14.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-122)
Sec. 405-122. Employees with a disability. The Department, in cooperation with the Department of Human Services, the Department of Employment Security, and other agencies of State government shall develop and implement programs to increase the number of qualified employees with disabilities working in the State. The programs shall include provisions to increase the number of people with a disability hired for positions with specific job titles for which they have been assessed and awarded a passing grade. The Department shall conduct an annual presentation regarding the programs created under this Section, and each State agency shall designate one or more persons with hiring responsibilities to attend the presentation. The Department and the Department of Human Services must submit a report, annually, to the Governor and the General Assembly concerning their actions under this Section.

(Source: P.A. 101-540, eff. 8-23-19.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-123)
(Text of Section from P.A. 102-225)
Sec. 405-123. State agency interview panel diversity.
(a) Each State agency shall establish the goal of increasing diversity on interview panels in order to increase State employment opportunities provided to women, minority persons, and persons to which the goals of the following programs apply: (i) the African American Employment Plan; (ii) the Hispanic Employment Plan; (iii) the Asian American Employment Plan; (iv) the Native American Employment Plan; and (v) the requirements concerning employment of bilingual persons.
(b) Each State agency shall use in the interview process, if possible, persons that are representative of the persons specified under subsection (a) if the interview being conducted meets the following criteria:
(c) Each State agency shall submit an annual report to the Department of Central Management Services concerning its actions under this Section, and the Department shall report annually on these actions through the employment plans specified under subsection (a). The report shall include the following:
(d) The requirements of this Section shall not apply to State employment for job titles that are classified as Rutan-exempt, or for which political considerations may be taken into account when hiring personnel.

(Source: P.A. 102-225, eff. 1-1-22.)
(Text of Section from P.A. 102-617)
Sec. 405-123. State agency interview panel diversity.
(a) Each State agency shall establish the goal of increasing diversity on interview panels in order to increase State employment opportunities provided to women, minority persons, and persons to which the goals of the following programs apply: (i) the African American Employment Plan; (ii) the Hispanic Employment Plan; (iii) the Asian American Employment Plan; (iv) the Native American Employment Plan; and (v) the requirements concerning employment of bilingual persons.
(b) Each State agency shall use in the interview process, if possible, persons that are representative of the persons specified under subsection (a) if the interview being conducted meets the following criteria:
(c) Each State agency shall submit an annual report to the Department of Central Management Services concerning its actions under this Section, and the Department shall report annually on these actions through the employment plans specified under subsection (a). The report shall include the following:
(d) The requirements of this Section shall not apply to State employment for job titles that are classified as Rutan-exempt, or for which political considerations may be taken into account when hiring personnel.

(Source: P.A. 102-617, eff. 1-1-22.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-124)
Sec. 405-124. Employees with child support payments. The Department shall increase State employment career counseling opportunities for individuals who are in arrears on their child support payments. The Department shall dedicate staff to consult with individuals and organizations informed on the subject of non-payment of child support to develop plans for the most effective career counseling opportunities for these individuals.

(Source: P.A. 102-617, eff. 1-1-22.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-125) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.31)
Sec. 405-125. State agency affirmative action and equal employment
opportunity goals. Each State agency shall implement strategies and programs in accordance with the State Hispanic Employment Plan, the State Asian-American Employment Plan, and the Native American Employment Plan to increase the number of Hispanics employed by the State, the number of Asian-Americans employed by the State, the number of

bilingual persons employed by the State, and the number of Native American persons employed by the State at supervisory, technical, professional, and managerial levels. Each State agency shall report annually to the Department and the Department of Human Rights, in a format prescribed by the Department, all of the agency's activities in implementing the State Hispanic Employment Plan, the State Asian-American Employment Plan, and the Native American Employment Plan. Each agency's annual report shall include reports or information related to the agency's Hispanic, Asian-American, Native American, and bilingual employment strategies and programs that the agency has received from the Illinois Department of Human Rights, the Department of Central Management Services, or the Auditor General, pursuant to their periodic review responsibilities; findings made by the Governor in his or her report to the General Assembly; assessments of bilingual service needs based upon the agency's service populations; information on the agency's studies and monitoring success concerning the number of Hispanics, Asian-Americans, Native Americans, and bilingual persons employed by the agency at the supervisory, technical, professional, and managerial levels and any increases in those categories from the prior year; and information concerning the agency's Hispanic, Asian-American, Native American, and bilingual employment budget allocations. The Department shall assist State agencies
required to establish preparation and promotion training programs under
subsection (H) of Section 7-105 of the Illinois Human Rights Act for
failure to meet their affirmative action and equal employment opportunity
goals. The Department shall survey State agencies to identify effective
existing training programs and shall serve as a resource to other State
agencies. The Department shall assist agencies in the development and
modification of training programs to enable them to meet their affirmative
action and equal employment opportunity goals and shall provide information
regarding other existing training and educational resources, such as the
Upward Mobility Program, the Illinois Institute for Training and
Development, the Central Management Services Training Center, Executive Recruitment Internships, and Graduate Public Service Internships.

(Source: P.A. 101-534, eff. 1-1-20.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-130) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.28)
Sec. 405-130. State government

suggestion award program.
(a) The Department shall assist in the implementation of a
State Government Suggestion Award Program, to be administered
by the Board
created in subsection (b). The program shall encourage and reward
improvements in the operation of State government that result in
substantial monetary savings. Any Illinois resident, any State employee, including management
personnel as defined by the Department,
any annuitant under Article 14 of the Illinois Pension Code,
and any
annuitant under Article 15 of that Code who receives a retirement or
disability retirement annuity, but not including elected officials and
departmental directors, may submit a cost-saving suggestion
to the Board, which shall
direct the suggestion to the appropriate department or agency without
disclosing the identity of the suggester. A suggester may make a
suggestion or include documentation on matters a department or agency
considers confidential, except where prohibited by federal or State law;
and no disciplinary or other negative action may be taken against the
suggester unless there is a violation of federal or State law.
Suggestions, including documentation, upon receipt, shall be given
confidential treatment and shall not be subject to subpoena or be
public until the agency affected by it has had the opportunity to request
continued confidentiality. The agency, if it requests continued
confidentiality, shall attest that disclosure would violate federal or
State law or rules and regulations pursuant to federal or State law or is a matter covered
under Section 7 of the Freedom of Information Act. The Board shall make its
decision on continued confidentiality
and, if it so classifies the suggestion, shall notify the suggester and
agency. A suggestion classified "continued confidential" shall nevertheless
be evaluated and considered for award. A suggestion that the
Board finds
or the suggester states or implies constitutes a
disclosure of information
that the suggester reasonably believes evidences (1) a violation
of any
law, rule, or regulation or (2) mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an
abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific
danger to public health or safety may be referred to the appropriate
investigatory or law enforcement agency for consideration for investigation and
action. The identity of the suggester may not be
disclosed without the consent of the suggester during any
investigation of
the information and any related matters. Such a suggestion shall also be
evaluated and an award made when appropriate. That portion of Board
meetings that involves the consideration of suggestions classified
"continued confidential" or being considered for that
classification shall
be closed meetings.
The Board may at its discretion make awards for those suggestions
certified by agency or department heads as resulting in savings to the
State of Illinois. Management personnel shall be recognized for their
suggestions as the Board considers appropriate but shall not receive any
monetary award. Illinois residents, annuitants, and employees, other than employees
who are management personnel,
shall receive
awards in accordance with the
schedule below. Each award to employees other than management personnel
and awards to residents and annuitants
shall be paid in one lump sum by the Board
created in subsection (b). A monetary award may be increased by
appropriation of
the General Assembly.
The amount of each award to employees other than management personnel
and the award to annuitants and residents shall be determined as follows:

(b) There is created a State Government Suggestion Award Board
to administer the program described in subsection (a). The Board shall consist
of 8 members appointed 2 each by the President of the Senate, the Minority
Leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and
the Minority Leader of the House of
Representatives and, as ex-officio, non-voting members, the directors of
Governor's Office of Management and Budget

and the Department.
Each appointing authority shall designate one initial appointee to serve
one year and one initial appointee to serve 2 years; subsequent terms shall
be 2 years. Any vacancies shall be filled for the
unexpired term by the original appointing authority and any member may be
reappointed. Board members shall serve without compensation but may be
reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The
Board shall annually elect a chairman from among its number, shall meet
monthly or more frequently at the call of the chairman, and shall
establish necessary procedures, guidelines, and criteria for the
administration of the program. The Board shall annually report to the
General Assembly by January 1 on the operation of the program, including
the nature and cost-savings of implemented suggestions, and any
recommendations for legislative changes it deems appropriate.
The General Assembly shall make an annual appropriation to the Board for
payment of awards and the expenses of the Board, such as,
but not limited to: travel of the members, preparation of publicity
material, printing of forms and other matter, and contractual expenses.

(Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06; 95-185, eff. 1-1-08.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-190) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.27)
Sec. 405-190.
Reduced rates and fares for State employee travel.
To negotiate
with vendors to establish reduced rates and
fares applicable for transportation and lodging for State employees traveling
on official business, and to publish a directory or listing of those fares
and rates. The publication shall be made available to all State agencies
in sufficient quantities to maximize utilization of the reduced rates and

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-200) (was 20 ILCS 405/67)
Sec. 405-200.
Department's responsibility, generally.
Department is responsible
for certain State properties, acquisitions, and services. In performing
this responsibility the Department has the powers and duties set forth in
the Sections following this Section (except Sections 405-220, 405-245,
405-250, 405-255, and 405-260) and in Sections 405-25, 405-30, 405-120,
405-125, and

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-210) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.21)
Sec. 405-210.
State Property Control Act.
To administer the
State Property Control Act.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-215) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.22)
Sec. 405-215.
Proper utilization of State property.
proper utilization of State property.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-216)
Sec. 405-216. Green cleaning policy. To require every State-owned building to establish a green cleaning policy whereby the building purchases and uses only environmentally-sensitive cleaning products, in compliance with the guidelines and specifications established by the Illinois Green Government Coordinating Council pursuant to Section 15 of the Green Cleaning Schools Act. The Department shall allow a State-owned building to deplete its existing cleaning and maintenance supply stocks and implement the new requirements in the procurement cycle for the following year and shall exempt a State-owned building from the green cleaning policy requirement if adhering to the requirement would not be economically feasible for the building.
For the purposes of this Section, adopting a green cleaning policy is not economically feasible if such adoption would result in an increase in the cleaning costs of the building.

(Source: P.A. 96-75, eff. 7-24-09.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-220) (was 20 ILCS 405/35.9)
Sec. 405-220.
Inventorying State property.
The Department
establish regulations for inventorying property owned or controlled by the

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-225)
Sec. 405-225. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 99-933, eff. 1-27-17.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-230)
Sec. 405-230.
Forms Notice Act.
To administer the
provisions of the Forms Notice Act.

(Source: P.A. 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-240) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.05)
Sec. 405-240.
Information concerning the State.
To publish,
from time to time, for the information of the
several departments and of the general public, bulletins of the work of the
government; to collect, compile, and disseminate information and literature
concerning the industrial, agricultural, and recreational facilities and
advantages, the historic and scenic places of interest, and the
transportation and highway facilities of Illinois; to encourage and
coordinate the efforts of other public and private organizations or groups
of citizens to publicize the facilities and attractions of Illinois; and to
use or employ or to contract for the use or employment of whatever
advertising medium it may deem necessary to effectuate the purposes
provided in this Section.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-250)
Sec. 405-250. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17. Repealed by P.A. 100-611, eff. 7-20-18.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-255)
Sec. 405-255. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 100-611, eff. 7-20-18.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-260)
Sec. 405-260. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 100-611, eff. 7-20-18.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-265)
Sec. 405-265. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239. eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 100-611, eff. 7-20-18.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-270) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.18)
Sec. 405-270. Broadcast communications services. To provide for and
coordinate broadcast communications services
for State agencies and, when requested and when in the best interests of
the State, for units of federal or local governments and public and
not-for-profit institutions of primary, secondary, and higher education.
The Department may make use of its satellite uplink available to interested
parties not associated with State government provided that State government
usage shall have first priority. For this purpose the Department shall have
the power and duty to do all of the following:
The Department is authorized, in consultation with the Department of Innovation and Technology, to
conduct a study for the purpose of determining technical, engineering, and
management specifications for the networking, compatible connection, or
shared use of existing and future public and private owned television
broadcast and reception facilities, including but not limited to
terrestrial microwave, fiber optic, and satellite, for broadcast and
reception of educational, governmental, and business programs, and to
implement those specifications.
However, the Department may not control or interfere with the input
of content into the broadcast communications systems by the several State
agencies or units of federal or local government, or public or
not-for-profit institutions of primary, secondary, and higher education, or
users of the Department's satellite uplink.
As used in this Section, the term "State agencies" means all
departments, officers, commissions, boards, institutions, and bodies
politic and corporate of the State except (i) the judicial branch, including, without limitation, the several courts of the State, the offices of the clerk of the supreme court and the clerks of the appellate court, and the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts and (ii) the General Assembly,
legislative service agencies, and all officers of the General Assembly.
This Section does not apply to the procurement of Next Generation 9-1-1 service as governed by Section 15.6b of the Emergency Telephone System Act.
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Section and any provision of the Department of Innovation and Technology Act, the Department of Innovation and Technology Act shall be controlling.
(Source: P.A. 99-6, eff. 1-1-16; 100-611, eff. 7-20-18.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-272)
Sec. 405-272. Bulk long distance telephone services for military personnel in military service.
(a) In this Section:
"Immediate family" means a service member's spouse residing in the service member's household, brothers and sisters of the whole or of the half blood, children, including adopted children and stepchildren, parents, and grandparents.
"Military service" means any full-time training or duty, no matter how described under federal or State law, for which a service member is ordered to report by the President, Governor of a state, commonwealth, or territory of the United States, or other appropriate military authority.
"Service member" means a resident of Illinois who is a member of any component of the U.S. Armed Forces or the National Guard of any state, the District of Columbia, a commonwealth, or a territory of the United States.
(b) The Department may enter into a contract to purchase bulk long distance telephone services and make them available at cost, or may make bulk long distance telephone services available at cost under any existing contract the Department has entered into, to persons in the immediate family of service members that have entered military service so that those persons in the service members' families can communicate with the service members. If the Department enters into a contract under this Section, it shall do so in accordance with the Illinois Procurement Code and in a nondiscriminatory manner that does not place any potential vendor at a competitive disadvantage.
(c) In order to be eligible to use bulk long distance telephone services purchased by the Department under this Section, a service member or person in the service member's immediate family must provide the Department with a copy of the orders calling the service member to military service in excess of 29 consecutive days and of any orders further extending the service member's period of military service.
(d) If the Department enters into a contract under this Section, the Department shall adopt rules as necessary to implement this Section.

(Source: P.A. 97-913, eff. 1-1-13.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-275) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.33)
Sec. 405-275.
Grants for distance learning services.
To award
grants to public community colleges and education
service centers for development and implementation of telecommunications
systems that provide distance learning services.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-280) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.15)
Sec. 405-280. State garages; charging stations; passenger cars.
(a) To supervise and
administer all State garages used for
the repair, maintenance, or servicing of State-owned motor vehicles
except those operated by any State college or university or by the Illinois
Mathematics and Science Academy; to supervise and administer the design, purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and associated improvements on any property that is owned or controlled by the State; and to acquire, maintain, and administer
the operation of the passenger cars reasonably necessary to the operations
of the executive department of the State government. To this end, the
Department shall adopt regulations setting
forth guidelines for the acquisition, use, maintenance, and replacement of
motor vehicles, including the use of ethanol blended gasoline whenever
feasible, used by the executive department of State government;
occupy the space and take possession of the personnel, facilities,
equipment, tools, and vehicles that are in the possession or
under the
administration of the former Department of Administrative Services for these
purposes on July 13, 1982 (the effective date of Public Act 82-789); and shall,
from time to time, acquire any further, additional, and
facilities, space, tools, and vehicles that are reasonably
necessary for
the purposes described in this Section.
(a-5) Notwithstanding any State policy or rule to the contrary, any State-owned motor vehicle requiring maintenance in the form of an oil change shall have such maintenance performed according to the applicable Department policy which considers the manufacturer's suggested oil change frequency for that vehicle's particular make, model, and year. The Department shall evaluate the original equipment manufacturer's oil change interval recommendations and other related impacts periodically and consider policy adjustments as is cost and operationally efficient for the State.
(b) The Department shall evaluate the availability and cost of GPS systems that State agencies may be able to use to track State-owned motor vehicles.
(c) The Department shall distribute a spreadsheet or otherwise make data entry available to each State agency to facilitate the collection of data for publishing on the Department's Internet website. Each State agency shall cooperate with the Department in furnishing the data necessary for the implementation of this subsection within the timeframe specified by the Department. Each State agency shall be responsible for the validity and accuracy of the data provided. Beginning on July 1, 2013, the Department shall make available to the public on its Internet website the following information:
(d) Beginning on January 1, 2013 (the effective date of Public Act 97-922), and notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the Department may not make any new motor vehicle purchases until the Department sets forth procedures to condition the purchase of new motor vehicles on (i) a determination of need based on a breakeven analysis, and (ii) a determination that no other available means, including car sharing or rental agreements, would be more cost-effective to the State. However, the Department may purchase motor vehicles not meeting or exceeding a breakeven analysis only if there is no alternative available to carry out agency work functions and the purchase is approved by the Manager of the Division of Vehicles upon the receipt of a written explanation from the agency head of the operational needs justifying the purchase.

(Source: P.A. 102-699, eff. 4-19-22.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-285) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.16)
Sec. 405-285.
Fees for maintaining motor vehicles.
To charge,
collect, and receive from all other agencies
of the State government fees or moneys equivalent to the costs of
repairing, servicing, and maintaining motor vehicles used by those
agencies under Section 405-280. All contracts let
under the
provisions of this Law shall be awarded in accordance with the
requirements of the Illinois Purchasing Act.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-290) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.32)
Sec. 405-290.
Retread replacement tires on State owned vehicles.
Department shall develop and implement a program to
use retreads as replacement tires on State owned vehicles wherever possible.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-292)
Sec. 405-292. Business processing reengineering; planning for a more
efficient government.
(a) The Department shall be responsible for recommending to the Governor
efficiency initiatives to reorganize, restructure, and reengineer the business
processes of the State. In performing this responsibility the Department shall
have the power and duty to do the following:
(b) For the purposes of this Section, "State agencies" means all
departments, boards, commissions, and agencies of the State of Illinois subject
to the Governor.

(Source: P.A. 101-275, eff. 8-9-19.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-293)
Sec. 405-293. Professional Services.
(a) The Department of Central Management Services (the "Department") is responsible for providing professional services for or on behalf of State agencies for all functions transferred to the Department by Executive Order No. 2003-10 (as modified by Section 5.5 of the Executive Reorganization Implementation Act) and may, with the approval of the Governor, provide additional services to or on behalf of State agencies. To the extent not compensated by direct fund transfers, the Department shall be reimbursed from each State agency receiving the benefit of these services. The reimbursement shall be determined by the Director of Central Management Services as the amount required to reimburse the Professional Services Fund for the Department's costs of rendering the professional services on behalf of that State agency.
(a-5) The Department of Central Management Services may provide professional services and other services as authorized by subsection (a) for or on behalf of other State entities with the approval of both the Director of Central Management Services and the appropriate official or governing body of the other State entity.
(b) For the purposes of this Section, "State agency" means each State agency, department, board, and commission directly responsible to the Governor. "Professional services" means legal services, internal audit services, and other services as approved by the Governor. "Other State entity" means the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority.

(Source: P.A. 93-839, eff. 7-30-04; 94-91, eff. 7-1-05.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-295) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.30)
Sec. 405-295. Decreased energy consumption. The Department
may enter into contracts for equipment or services designed to
decrease energy consumption in State programs and State owned or
controlled buildings or equipment. Prior to entering into any
such contract for a State owned building, the Department shall
consult with the Executive Director of the Capital Development
Board. The Department may consult with the Department of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity regarding any aspect of energy consumption projects.

(Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-300) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.02)
Sec. 405-300. Lease or purchase of facilities; training programs.
(a) To lease or purchase office and storage space,
buildings, land, and other
facilities for all State agencies, authorities, boards, commissions,
departments, institutions, and bodies politic and all other administrative
units or outgrowths of the executive branch of State government except the
Constitutional officers, the State Board of Education and the State
colleges and universities and their governing bodies. However, before
leasing or purchasing any office or storage space, buildings, land
or other facilities in any municipality the Department shall survey the
existing State-owned and State-leased property
to make a determination of need.
The leases shall be for
a term not to exceed 5 years, except that the leases
may contain a renewal clause subject to acceptance by the State after
that date or an option to purchase. The purchases shall be made
contracts that (i) may provide for the title to the property to
immediately to the State or a trustee or nominee for the benefit of the
State, (ii) shall provide for the consideration to be
paid in installments to
be made at stated intervals during a certain term not to exceed 30 years
from the date of the contract, and (iii) may provide for the
payment of interest on the unpaid balance at a rate that does not exceed
a rate determined by adding 3 percentage points to the annual yield on
United States Treasury
obligations of comparable maturity as most recently published in the Wall
Street Journal at the time such contract is signed. The leases and
contracts shall be and shall recite
that they are subject to termination and cancellation in any year for which
the General Assembly fails to make an appropriation to pay the rent or
purchase installments payable
under the terms of the lease or purchase contract.
Additionally, the purchase contract shall specify that title to
the office
and storage space, buildings, land, and other facilities being acquired
the contract shall revert to the Seller in the event of the
of the General Assembly to appropriate suitable funds.
However, this limitation on the
term of the leases does not apply to leases to and with the
Building Authority, as provided for in the Building Authority Act. Leases to and with that Authority may be
entered into for a term not to exceed 30 years and shall be and shall
recite that they are subject to termination and cancellation in any year
for which the General Assembly fails to make an appropriation to pay the
rent payable under the terms of the lease. These limitations do
apply if the lease or purchase contract contains a provision
limiting the liability for
the payment of the rentals or installments thereof solely to funds
received from the Federal government.
(b) To lease from an airport authority office, aircraft hangar, and
service buildings constructed upon a public airport under the Airport
Authorities Act for the use and occupancy of the State Department of
Transportation. The lease may be entered into for a term not
to exceed
30 years.
(c) To establish training programs for teaching State leasing procedures
and practices to new employees of the Department and to keep all employees
of the Department informed about current leasing practices and developments
in the real estate industry.
(d) To enter into an agreement with a municipality or county to
construct, remodel, or convert a structure for the purposes of its serving
as a correctional institution or facility pursuant to paragraph (c) of
Section 3-2-2 of the Unified Code of Corrections.
(e) To enter into an agreement with a private individual,
trust, partnership,
or corporation or a municipality or other unit of local government, when
authorized to do so by the Department of Corrections,
whereby that individual, trust, partnership, or corporation or
municipality or other unit of local government will construct, remodel,
or convert a structure for the purposes of its serving as a correctional
institution or facility and then lease the structure to the
for the use of the Department of Corrections. A lease entered into pursuant
to the authority granted in this
subsection shall be for a
term not to exceed 30 years but may grant to the State the
option to purchase the structure outright.
The leases shall be and shall recite that they are subject to
termination and cancellation in any year for which the General Assembly
fails to make an appropriation to pay the rent payable under the terms of the
(f) On and after September 17, 1983, the powers granted to
the Department under this Section shall be exercised exclusively by the
Department, and no other State agency may concurrently exercise any such
power unless specifically authorized otherwise by a later enacted law.
This subsection is not intended to impair any contract existing as of
September 17, 1983.
However, no lease for more than 10,000 square feet of space shall be executed
unless the Director, in consultation with the Executive Director of the
Development Board, has certified that leasing is in the best interest of
the State, considering programmatic requirements, availability of vacant
State-owned space, the cost-benefits of purchasing or constructing new
and other criteria as he or she shall determine. The Director shall not
multiple leases for less than 10,000 square feet to be executed in order
to evade this provision.
(g) To develop and implement, in cooperation with the Interagency
Energy Conservation Committee, a system for evaluating energy consumption in
facilities leased by the Department, and to develop energy consumption
standards for use in evaluating prospective lease sites.
(h) (1) After June 1, 1998 (the effective date of Public Act 90-520), the Department shall not enter into an agreement for the installment purchase or lease purchase of buildings, land, or facilities unless:
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15; 100-1109, eff. 1-1-19; 100-1148, eff. 12-10-18.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-305) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.06)
Sec. 405-305.
Lease of unused or unproductive State land.
lease the unused or unproductive land under the jurisdiction
of any of the several departments on terms and conditions that in the
judgment of the Director are in the best interests of the State.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-310) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.07)
Sec. 405-310.
Transfer of realty.
To transfer any realty
under the jurisdiction of the Department to any other State agency and to
accept a transfer of realty from the federal government.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-315) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.24)
Sec. 405-315. Management of State buildings; security force; fees.
(a) To manage, operate, maintain, and preserve from waste
the State buildings, facilities, structures, grounds, or other real property transferred to the Department under Section 405-415, including, without limitation, the State buildings
listed below. The Department may rent portions of these
and other State buildings when in the judgment of the Director those leases
or subleases will be in the best interests of the State. The leases or
subleases shall not
5 years unless a greater term is specifically authorized.
a. Peoria Regional Office Building
5415 North University

Peoria, Illinois 61614
b. Springfield Regional Office Building
4500 South 6th Street

Springfield, Illinois 62703
c. Champaign Regional Office Building
2125 South 1st Street

Champaign, Illinois 61820
d. Illinois State Armory Building
124 East Adams

Springfield, Illinois 62706
e. Marion Regional Office Building
2209 West Main Street

Marion, Illinois 62959
f. Kenneth Hall Regional State Office
#10 Collinsville Avenue

East St. Louis, Illinois 62201
g. Rockford Regional Office Building
4402 North Main Street
P.O. Box 915

Rockford, Illinois 61105
h. State of Illinois Building
160 North LaSalle

Chicago, Illinois 60601
i. Office and Laboratory Building
2121 West Taylor Street

Chicago, Illinois 60602
j. Central Computer Facility
201 West Adams

Springfield, Illinois 62706
k. Elgin Office Building
595 South State Street

Elgin, Illinois 60120
l. James R. Thompson Center
Bounded by Lake, Clark, Randolph and
LaSalle Streets

Chicago, Illinois
m. The following buildings located within the Chicago
Medical Center District:
Rehabilitation and Education
Family Services District Office
n. E.J. "Zeke" Giorgi Center
200 Wyman Street

Rockford, Illinois
o. Suburban North Facility
9511 Harrison

Des Plaines, Illinois
p. The following buildings located within the Revenue
Center in Springfield:
q. Effingham Regional Office Building
401 Industrial Drive

Effingham, Illinois
r. The Communications Center
120 West Jefferson

Springfield, Illinois
s. Portions or all of the basement and
ground floor of the
State of Illinois Building
160 North LaSalle

Chicago, Illinois 60601

may be leased or subleased to persons, firms, partnerships, associations,
or individuals
for terms not to exceed 15 years when in the judgment of the Director those
leases or subleases will be in the best interests of the State.
Portions or all of the commercial space, which includes the
sub-basement, storage mezzanine, concourse, and ground
and second floors of the

James R. Thompson Center
Bounded by Lake, Clark, Randolph and LaSalle Streets

Chicago, Illinois

may be leased or subleased to persons, firms, partnerships, associations,
or individuals
for terms not to exceed 15 years subject to renewals when in the
judgment of the Director those
leases or subleases will be in the best interests of the State.
The Director is authorized to rent portions of the above described
facilities to persons, firms, partnerships, associations, or individuals
terms not to exceed 30 days when those leases or subleases will not
with State
usage of the facility. This authority is meant to supplement and shall not
in any way be interpreted to restrict the Director's ability to make
portions of the State of Illinois Building and the James R. Thompson Center
available for long-term commercial leases or subleases.
Notwithstanding the provisions above, the Department of Children and
Family Services and the Department of Human Services (as successor to
the Department of Rehabilitation Services and the Department of Mental Health
and Developmental Disabilities) shall determine
the allocation of space for direct recipient care in their respective
facilities. The Department of Central Management Services shall consult
with the affected agency in the allocation and lease of surplus space in
these facilities. Potential lease arrangements shall not endanger the
direct recipient care responsibilities in these facilities.
(b) To appoint, subject to the Personnel Code, persons
to be members of a police and security force. Members of the security force
shall be peace officers when performing duties pursuant to this Section
and as such shall have all of the powers possessed by policemen in cities
and sheriffs, including the power to make arrests on view or issue citations
for violations of State statutes or city or county ordinances, except
that in counties of more than 1,000,000 population, any powers
created by this subsection shall be exercised only (i) when necessary
to protect the property, personnel, or interests of the Department or any State agency for whom the Department
manages, operates, or maintains property or (ii) when specifically
by appropriate State or local
law enforcement officials, and except that within counties of 1,000,000
or less
population, these powers shall be exercised only when necessary to
the property, personnel, or interests of the State of Illinois
and only
while on property managed, operated, or maintained by the Department.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed so as to make it conflict
with any provisions of, or rules promulgated under, the Personnel
(c) To charge reasonable fees for the lease, rental, use, or occupancy of
facilities managed,
operated, or maintained by the Department.
collected under this Section
shall be deposited in a revolving

fund in the State treasury known as the Facilities Management Revolving
(d) Provisions of this Section relating to the James R. Thompson Center
are subject to the provisions of Section 7.4 of the State Property Control

(Source: P.A. 93-19, eff. 6-20-03; 93-839, eff. 7-30-04; 94-91, eff. 7-1-05.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-317)
Sec. 405-317. Bird-safe State buildings.
(a) Each State building constructed, acquired, or of which more than 50% of the facade is substantially altered, in the opinion of the Department's Bureau of Property Management, shall meet, as determined by the Director, the following standards:
(b) The Director shall take such actions as may be necessary to ensure that actual bird mortality is monitored at each State building.
(c) The Director, where practicable and consistent with security and other mission related requirements, shall reduce exterior building and site lighting for each State building. This subsection (c) shall not apply to buildings in which the Director does not have control of the exterior building and site lighting. In implementing the requirements of this subsection (c), the Director shall make use of automatic control technologies, including timers, photo-sensors, and infrared and motion detectors.
(d) In implementing the requirements of this Section, the Director may employ any available methods and strategies that are in accordance with existing effective best practices to reduce bird mortality.
(e) The requirements of this Section shall not apply to any acquisition or substantial alteration described in subsection (a) if the Director, after consideration of multiple options, determines that the use of the required building materials and design features would result in a significant additional cost for the project.
(f) Any construction which may be required as a result of
the requirements of this Section shall be under the authority
of the Capital Development Board in consultation with the
(g) The requirements of this Section shall only apply to
State buildings under the management or control of the
Department, but does not include buildings leased by the
(h) The requirements of this Section shall not apply to any project in the design or construction phase as of the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly.
(i) This Section shall not apply to the following buildings:
(Source: P.A. 102-119, eff. 1-1-22.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-320) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.25)
Sec. 405-320. Multi-use State facility at Collinsville; State Police
headquarters at Sterling.
(a) To enter into an agreement with a private individual,
trust, partnership, or corporation or a municipality or other unit of
government whereby that individual, trust, partnership, or
corporation or
municipality or other unit of local government will construct a structure
in the vicinity of Collinsville, Illinois for the purposes of its serving
as a multi-use State facility and then lease that structure to the
Department for the use of the Department of Transportation and other State
(b) To enter into an agreement with a municipality or other unit of
local government whereby the municipality or other unit of local government
will construct a structure in the vicinity of Sterling, Illinois for the
purposes of its serving as an Illinois State Police district
headquarters and then lease the structure to the Department for the use of
the Illinois State Police. The Director is further authorized to convey the existing Illinois
State Police headquarters at Sterling to the City of Sterling, Illinois, a
municipal corporation, at a value established by the average of 3
appraisals in exchange for a deduction of equal value against any amounts
due the municipality under the State's contract to acquire an Illinois State Police
district headquarters at Sterling.
(c) A lease entered into pursuant to the authority granted in this
Section shall
be for a term not to exceed 30 years but may grant to the State the option
to purchase the structure outright.
(d) The lease shall be approved by the heads of the agencies occupying
facility and shall be and shall recite that it is subject to termination
and cancellation in any year for which the General Assembly fails to make
an appropriation to pay the rent payable under the terms of the lease.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-325) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.26)
Sec. 405-325.
Mental health facility at Dixon.
To enter into
an agreement with a private individual,
trust, partnership, or corporation or a municipality or other unit of
government whereby that individual, trust, partnership, or
corporation or
municipality or other unit of local government will construct a structure
in the vicinity of Dixon, Illinois for the purposes of its serving as a
mental health facility and then lease that structure to the
Department for
the use of the Department of Human Services.
A lease entered into pursuant to the authority granted in this Section shall
be for a term not to exceed 30 years but may grant to the State the option
to purchase the structure outright.
The lease shall be approved by the Secretary of Human Services and shall be
and shall recite
that it is subject to termination and cancellation in any year for which the
General Assembly fails to make an appropriation to pay the rent payable under
the terms of the lease.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-330)
Sec. 405-330.
The Director must authorize to each member of the
security force and to any other employee of the Department exercising the
powers of a
peace officer a distinct badge that, on its face, (i) clearly states that the
badge is authorized
by the
Department and (ii) contains a unique identifying number. No other badge shall
be authorized by the Department.

(Source: P.A. 91-883, eff. 1-1-01.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-335)
Sec. 405-335. Illinois Transparency and Accountability Portal (ITAP).
(a) The Department, within 12 months after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly, shall establish and maintain a website, known as the Illinois Transparency and Accountability Portal (ITAP), with a full-time webmaster tasked with compiling and updating the ITAP database with information received from all State agencies as defined in this Section. Subject to appropriation, the full-time webmaster must also compile and update the ITAP database with information received from all counties, townships, library districts, and municipalities.
(b) For purposes of this Section:
"State agency" means the offices of the constitutional officers identified in Article V of the Illinois Constitution, executive agencies, and departments, boards, commissions, and Authorities under the Governor.
"Contracts" means payment obligations with vendors on file with the Office of the Comptroller to purchase goods and services exceeding $10,000 in value (or, in the case of professional or artistic services, exceeding $5,000 in value).
"Appropriation" means line-item detail of spending approved by the General Assembly and Governor, categorized by object of expenditure.
"Individual consultants" means temporary workers eligible to receive State benefits paid on a State payroll.
"Recipients" means State agencies receiving appropriations.
(c) The ITAP shall provide direct access to each of the following:
(d) The ITAP shall include all information required to be published by subsection (c) of this Section that is available to the Department in a format the Department can compile and publish on the ITAP. The Department shall update the ITAP as additional information becomes available in a format that can be compiled and published on the ITAP by the Department.
(e) Each State agency, county, township, library district, and municipality shall cooperate with the Department in furnishing the information necessary for the implementation of this Section within a timeframe specified by the Department.
(f) Each county, township, library district, or municipality submitting information to be displayed on the Illinois Transparency and Accountability Portal (ITAP) is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
(g) The Department, within 6 months after January 1, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-283), shall distribute a spreadsheet or otherwise make data entry available to each State agency to facilitate the collection of data on the State's annual workforce characteristics, workforce compensation, and employee mobility. The Department shall determine the data to be collected by each State agency. Each State agency shall cooperate with the Department in furnishing the data necessary for the implementation of this subsection within the timeframe specified by the Department. The Department shall publish the data received from each State agency on the ITAP or another open data site annually.
(Source: P.A. 97-744, eff. 1-1-13; 98-246, eff. 8-9-13; 98-283, eff. 1-1-14; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14; 98-1084, eff. 1-1-15.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-400) (was 20 ILCS 5/34.1)
Sec. 405-400.

Successor to Department of Administrative Services and
Department of Personnel. The Department of Central Management
Services shall assume all rights, powers, duties, and responsibilities of
the Department of Administrative Services and the Department of Personnel
as the successor to those departments. The Department of Administrative
Services, the Department of Personnel, and the Advisory Board to the Department
of Personnel are abolished.
Personnel, books, records, papers, documents, property, real and personal,
appropriations, and pending business in any way pertaining to the former
Department of Administrative Services and the former Department of Personnel
are transferred to the Department of Central
Management Services, but any rights of employees or the State under the
Personnel Code or any other contract or plan shall be unaffected by
this transfer.
No rule or regulation promulgated by the former Department of Administrative
Services or the former Department of Personnel pursuant to an exercise of
any right, power, duty, or responsibility transferred to the Department of
Central Management Services shall be affected by Public Act 82-789, and all
such rules and regulations shall become the rules and
of the Department of Central Management Services.

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-410)
Sec. 405-410. Transfer of Information Technology functions.
(a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the Secretary of Innovation and Technology, working in cooperation with
the Director of any other agency, department, board, or commission directly
responsible to the Governor, may direct the transfer, to the Department of Innovation and Technology, of those information technology functions at that
agency, department, board, or commission that are suitable for centralization.
Upon receipt of the written direction to transfer information technology
functions to the Department of Innovation and Technology, the personnel,
equipment, and property (both real and personal) directly relating to the
transferred functions shall be transferred to the Department of Innovation and Technology, and the relevant documents, records, and correspondence
shall be transferred or copied, as the Secretary may prescribe.
(b) Upon receiving written direction from the Secretary of Innovation and Technology, the Comptroller and Treasurer are authorized
to transfer the unexpended balance of any appropriations related to the
information technology functions transferred to the Department of Innovation and Technology and shall make the necessary fund transfers from any
special fund in the State Treasury or from any other federal or State trust
fund held by the Treasurer to the General Revenue Fund or the Technology Management Revolving Fund, as designated by the Secretary of Innovation and Technology, for
use by the Department of Innovation and Technology in support of information
technology functions or any other related costs or expenses of the Department
of Innovation and Technology.
(c) The rights of employees and the State and its agencies under the
Personnel Code and applicable collective bargaining agreements or under any
pension, retirement, or annuity plan shall not be affected by any transfer
under this Section.
(d) The functions transferred to the Department of Innovation and Technology by this Section shall be vested in and shall be exercised by the
Department of Innovation and Technology. Each act done in the exercise of
those functions shall have the same legal effect as if done by the agencies,
offices, divisions, departments, bureaus, boards and commissions from which
they were transferred.
Every person or other entity shall be subject to the same obligations and
duties and any penalties, civil or criminal, arising therefrom, and shall have
the same rights arising from the exercise of such rights, powers, and duties as
had been exercised by the agencies, offices, divisions, departments, bureaus,
boards, and commissions from which they were transferred.
Whenever reports or notices are now required to be made or given or papers
or documents furnished or served by any person in regards to the functions
transferred to or upon the agencies, offices, divisions, departments, bureaus,
boards, and commissions from which the functions were transferred, the same
shall be made, given, furnished or served in the same manner to or upon the
Department of Innovation and Technology.
This Section does not affect any act done, ratified, or cancelled or any
right occurring or established or any action or proceeding had or commenced
in an administrative, civil, or criminal cause regarding the functions
transferred, but those proceedings may be continued by the Department of Innovation and Technology.
This Section does not affect the legality of any rules in the Illinois
Administrative Code regarding the functions transferred in this Section that
are in force on the effective date of this Section. If necessary, however,
the affected agencies shall propose, adopt, or repeal rules, rule amendments,
and rule recodifications as appropriate to effectuate this Section.

(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-611, eff. 7-20-18.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-411)
Sec. 405-411. Consolidation of workers' compensation functions.
(a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the Director of Central Management Services, working in cooperation with the Director of any other agency, department, board, or commission directly responsible to the Governor, may direct the consolidation, within the Department of Central Management Services, of those workers' compensation functions at that agency, department, board, or commission that are suitable for centralization.
Upon receipt of the written direction to transfer workers' compensation functions to the Department of Central Management Services, the personnel, equipment, and property (both real and personal) directly relating to the transferred functions shall be transferred to the Department of Central Management Services, and the relevant documents, records, and correspondence shall be transferred or copied, as the Director may prescribe.
(b) Upon receiving written direction from the Director of Central Management Services, the Comptroller and Treasurer are authorized to transfer the unexpended balance of any appropriations related to the workers' compensation functions transferred to the Department of Central Management Services and shall make the necessary fund transfers from the General Revenue Fund, any special fund in the State treasury, or any other federal or State trust fund held by the Treasurer to the Workers' Compensation Revolving Fund for use by the Department of Central Management Services in support of workers' compensation functions or any other related costs or expenses of the Department of Central Management Services.
(c) The rights of employees and the State and its agencies under the Personnel Code and applicable collective bargaining agreements or under any pension, retirement, or annuity plan shall not be affected by any transfer under this Section.
(d) The functions transferred to the Department of Central Management Services by this Section shall be vested in and shall be exercised by the Department of Central Management Services. Each act done in the exercise of those functions shall have the same legal effect as if done by the agencies, offices, divisions, departments, bureaus, boards and commissions from which they were transferred.
Every person or other entity shall be subject to the same obligations and duties and any penalties, civil or criminal, arising therefrom, and shall have the same rights arising from the exercise of such rights, powers, and duties as had been exercised by the agencies, offices, divisions, departments, bureaus, boards, and commissions from which they were transferred.
Whenever reports or notices are now required to be made or given or papers or documents furnished or served by any person in regards to the functions transferred to or upon the agencies, offices, divisions, departments, bureaus, boards, and commissions from which the functions were transferred, the same shall be made, given, furnished or served in the same manner to or upon the Department of Central Management Services.
This Section does not affect any act done, ratified, or cancelled or any right occurring or established or any action or proceeding had or commenced in an administrative, civil, or criminal cause regarding the functions transferred, but those proceedings may be continued by the Department of Central Management Services.
This Section does not affect the legality of any rules in the Illinois Administrative Code regarding the functions transferred in this Section that are in force on the effective date of this Section. If necessary, however, the affected agencies shall propose, adopt, or repeal rules, rule amendments, and rule recodifications as appropriate to effectuate this Section.
(e) There is hereby created within the Department of Central Management Services an advisory body to be known as the State Workers' Compensation Program Advisory Board to review, assess, and provide recommendations to improve the State workers' compensation program and to ensure that the State manages the program in the interests of injured workers and taxpayers. The Governor shall appoint one person to the Board, who shall serve as the Chairperson. The Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, and the Minority Leader of the Senate shall each appoint one person to the Board. Each member initially appointed to the Board shall serve a term ending December 31, 2013, and each Board member appointed thereafter shall serve a 3-year term. A Board member shall continue to serve on the Board until his or her successor is appointed. In addition, the Director of the Department of Central Management Services, the Attorney General, the Director of the Department of Insurance, the Secretary of the Department of Transportation, the Director of the Department of Corrections, the Secretary of the Department of Human Services, the Director of the Department of Revenue, and the Chairman of the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission, or their designees, shall serve as ex officio, non-voting members of the Board. Members of the Board shall not receive compensation but shall be reimbursed from the Workers' Compensation Revolving Fund for reasonable expenses incurred in the necessary performance of their duties, and the Department of Central Management Services shall provide administrative support to the Board. The Board shall meet at least 3 times per year or more often if the Board deems it necessary or proper. By September 30, 2011, the Board shall issue a written report, to be delivered to the Governor, the Director of the Department of Central Management Services, and the General Assembly, with a recommended set of best practices for the State workers' compensation program. By July 1 of each year thereafter, the Board shall issue a written report, to be delivered to those same persons or entities, with recommendations on how to improve upon such practices.
(f) The Director of Central Management Services shall take all appropriate actions with respect to the State's workers' compensation obligations necessary to transfer administration of those obligations to an independent private vendor as provided by Section 405-105.
(Source: P.A. 97-18, eff. 6-28-11; 97-895, eff. 8-3-12.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-413)
Sec. 405-413. Geographic consolidation of State employment positions.
(a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the Director of Central Management Services, working in consultation with the Director of any affected State agency, shall direct the relocation to Sangamon County of all State employment positions under the Personnel Code that are not required by their nature or function to be located in a specific geographic area.
(b) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the Director of Central Management Services, working in consultation with the Director of any affected State agency, shall direct all new State employment positions which may be created under the Personnel Code, and which are not required by their nature or function to be located in a specific geographic area, to be located in Sangamon County.
(c) The Director shall determine a geographic location for each State employment position and, if it is other than Sangamon County, the reason for it to be in that geographic location. In determining whether to locate or relocate a State employment position to Sangamon County, the Director shall consult the Director of any affected State agency as to whether the nature or function of a position requires it to be located in a specific geographic area of the State. If no such geographic necessity exists, that position shall be located or relocated to Sangamon County.
(d) The rights of employees and the State and its agencies under the Personnel Code and applicable collective bargaining agreements with respect to the relocation of current State employee position holders shall not be affected by the provisions of this Section. The provisions of this Section regarding location or relocation of a position to Sangamon County shall apply only to State employment positions that become vacant or are created on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly.
(e) The provisions of this Section do not apply to: (1) any office of the legislative or judicial branch; (2) Statewide offices under the jurisdiction of any executive branch constitutional officer other than the Governor; or (3) persons employed directly by the Office of the Governor. This Section does apply to departments and agencies of State government under the jurisdiction of the Governor other than persons employed directly by the Office of the Governor.

(Source: P.A. 100-742, eff. 8-9-18.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-415)
Sec. 405-415. Transfer of facilities and facility management functions.
(a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the Director of Central Management Services may direct the transfer, to the Department of Central Management Services, of those facilities and facility management functions authorized to be transferred under Executive Order 10 (2003).
Upon receipt of the written direction to transfer facilities or facility management functions to the Department of Central Management Services, the personnel, equipment, and property (both real and personal) directly relating to the transferred functions shall be transferred to the Department of Central Management Services, and the relevant documents, records, and correspondence shall be transferred or copied, as the Director may prescribe.
(b) Upon receiving written direction from the Director of Central Management Services, the Comptroller and Treasurer are authorized to transfer the unexpended balance of any appropriations related to the facilities or facility management functions transferred to the Department of Central Management Services and shall make the necessary fund transfers from the General Revenue Fund, any special fund in the State Treasury, or any other federal or State trust fund held by the Treasurer to the Facilities Management Revolving Fund for use by the Department of Central Management Services in support of facilities and facility management functions or any other related costs or expenses of the Department of Central Management Services.
(c) The Department may adopt rules establishing standards for the maintenance, management, operations, and occupancy of State facilities and the disposition of excess State facilities that are subject to the transfer of ownership and control authorized by Executive Order 10 (2003) and this Section, regardless of whether the Department has actually exercised its rights of ownership and control.

(Source: P.A. 93-839, eff. 7-30-04.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-500)
Sec. 405-500. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06. Repealed by P.A. 96-136, eff. 8-7-09.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-515)
Sec. 405-515. High-Volume Transaction Processing System study.
(a) As used in this Act:
"Department" means the Department of Central Management Services.
"High-Volume Transaction Processing System (HVTPS)" means a computer, or designated network of computers, that, in daily operations (i) supports, or is capable of supporting, more than 15,000,000 transactions per hour and (ii) is used for critical computing needs, including, but not limited to, bulk data processing, transaction processing, resource planning, statistic generation, process monitoring, and process modeling. "HVTPS" also includes the applications, operating systems, and other support software, hardware add-ons, and maintenance services required by a system.
"Overall value" is to be derived from factors including, but not limited to, total cost of ownership, the quality of the hardware, software, or services to be delivered by the contractor, the contractor's responsiveness and account service record, and the contractor's willingness to share risk.
(b) Subject to appropriation, the Department shall study the cost of and the State's current use of and reliance on HVTPS. The study shall consider, without limitation:
(c) The Department shall report to the Governor and the General Assembly no later than 6 months after the completion of the study. Sensitive or confidential material, such as technical trade secrets (excluding pricing), may be redacted from the public version of the report.

(Source: P.A. 95-992, eff. 6-1-09.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-520)
Sec. 405-520. State healthcare purchasing. On and after the date 6 months after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly, as provided in the Executive Order 1 (2012) Implementation Act, all of the powers, duties, rights, and responsibilities related to State healthcare purchasing under this Law that were transferred from the Department to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services by Executive Order 3 (2005) are transferred back to the Department.

(Source: P.A. 98-488, eff. 8-16-13.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-525)
Sec. 405-525. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 98-1031, eff. 8-25-14. Repealed internally, eff. 12-31-17.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-530)
Sec. 405-530. Higher education supplier diversity report.
(a) Every private institution of higher education approved by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission for purposes of the Monetary Award Program shall submit a 2-page report on its voluntary supplier diversity program to the Department. The report shall set forth all of the following:
Each private institution of higher education is required to submit a searchable Adobe PDF report to the Department on or before November 15, 2019 and on or before November 15 every year thereafter. However, if a private institution of higher education elects to report the information under subdivision (3) of this subsection (a) for fiscal year or calendar year 2018 instead, then the institution is required to submit the report on or before November 15, 2018 and on or before November 15 every year thereafter.
(b) For each report submitted under subsection (a) of this Section, the Department shall publish the results on its Internet website for 5 years after submission. The Department is not responsible for collecting the reports or for the content of the reports.
(c) The Department shall hold an annual higher education supplier diversity workshop in February of 2018 and every February thereafter to discuss the reports with representatives of the institutions of higher education and vendors.
(d) The Department shall prepare a one-page template (not including the narrative section) for the voluntary supplier diversity reports.

(Source: P.A. 100-140, eff. 8-18-17.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-535)
Sec. 405-535. Race and gender wage reports.
(a) Each State agency and public institution of higher education shall annually submit to the Commission on Equity and Inclusion a report, categorized by both race and gender, specifying the respective wage earnings of employees of that State agency or public institution of higher education.
(b) The Commission shall compile the information submitted under this Section and make that information available to the public on the Internet website of the Commission.
(c) The Commission shall annually submit a report of the information compiled under this Section to the Governor and the General Assembly.
(d) As used in this Section:
"Public institution of higher education" has the meaning provided in Section 1 of the Board of Higher Education Act.
"State agency" has the meaning provided in subsection (b) of Section 405-5.
(Source: P.A. 101-657, Article 25, Section 25-5, eff. 3-23-21; 102-29, eff. 6-25-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-536)
Sec. 405-536. State building municipal identification card access. Any State-owned building that requires the display of a State-issued identification card for the purpose of gaining access to the premises shall, in addition to other acceptable forms of identification, accept the use of any Illinois municipal identification card as an acceptable form of identification for the purpose of entering the premises. An Illinois municipal
identification card may not be sufficient to access certain secure
areas within the premises and may require additional authorization or identification at the discretion of the premises' security, the Department of
Central Management Services, or the user agency.
For the purposes of this Section, "municipal identification card" means a photo identification card that is issued by an Illinois municipality, as defined under Section 1-1-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code, in accordance with its ordinances or codes that consists of the photo, name, and address of the card holder.

(Source: P.A. 102-561, eff. 1-1-22; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
(20 ILCS 405/405-540)
Sec. 405-540. African Descent-Citizens Reparations Commission.
(a) The African Descent-Citizens Reparations Commission is hereby established within the Department of Central Management Services.
(b) The Commission shall include the following members:
(c) Appointment of members to the Commission shall be made within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly, with the first meeting of the Commission to be held at a reasonable period of time thereafter. The Chairperson of the Commission shall be elected from among the members during the first meeting. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for travel expenses. The 10 members of the public appointed by the Governor shall be from diverse backgrounds, including businesspersons and persons without high school diplomas.
(d) Administrative support and staffing for the Commission shall be provided by the Department of Central Management Services. Any State agency under the jurisdiction of the Governor shall provide testimony and documents as directed by the Department.
(e) The Commission shall perform the following duties:
(f) Beginning January 1, 2022, and for each year thereafter, the Commission shall submit a report regarding its actions and any information as required under this Section to the Governor and the General Assembly. The report of the Commission shall also be made available to the public on the Internet website of the Department of Central Management Services.

(Source: P.A. 101-657, Article 15, Section 15-5, eff. 3-23-21; 102-29, eff. 6-25-21.)