Illinois Compiled Statutes
20 ILCS 2605/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Illinois State Police Law)
Article 2605 - Illinois State Police

(20 ILCS 2605/Art. 2605 heading)

(20 ILCS 2605/2605-1)
Sec. 2605-1. Article short title. This Article 2605 of the Civil
Administrative Code of Illinois may be cited as the Illinois State Police
Law (formerly the Department of State Police

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-5)
Sec. 2605-5. Definitions. In this Law:
"Director" means the Director of the Illinois State Police.
"Missing endangered senior" means an individual 65 years of age or older or a person with Alzheimer's disease or related dementias who is reported missing to a law enforcement agency and is, or is believed to be:
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-10) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-10. Powers and duties, generally.
(a) The Illinois State Police shall exercise the rights, powers, and duties that have been vested in the Illinois State Police by the following:
The Illinois State Police Act.
The Illinois State Police Radio Act.
The Criminal Identification Act.
The Illinois Vehicle Code.
The Firearm Owners Identification Card Act.
The Firearm Concealed Carry Act.
The Gun Dealer Licensing Act.
The Intergovernmental Missing Child Recovery Act of 1984.
The Intergovernmental Drug Laws Enforcement Act.
The Narcotic Control Division Abolition Act.
(b) The Illinois State Police shall have the
powers and duties set forth in the following Sections.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-15) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-15.
Rules and regulations.
To promulgate rules and
regulations necessary for the administration
and enforcement of its powers and duties, wherever granted and imposed,
pursuant to the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.

(Source: P.A. 90-18, eff. 7-1-97; 90-130, eff. 1-1-98; 90-372, eff. 7-1-98;
90-590, eff. 1-1-00; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 90-793, eff. 8-14-98; 91-239, eff.
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-25) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a-1)
Sec. 2605-25. Illinois State Police divisions.
(a) The Illinois State Police is divided into the Division of Statewide 9-1-1, the Division of Patrol Operations, the Division of Criminal Investigation, the Division of Forensic Services, the Division of Justice Services, the Division of the Academy and Training, and the Division of Internal Investigation
(b) The Office of the Director shall:
(Source: P.A. 101-378, eff. 1-1-20; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-30) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a-2)
Sec. 2605-30. Division of Patrol Operations (formerly State Troopers). The
Division of Patrol Operations shall exercise the following
functions and those in Section 2605-35:
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-35) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a-3)
Sec. 2605-35. Division of Criminal
(a) The Division of Criminal
Investigation shall exercise
the following functions and those in Section 2605-30:
(b) (Blank).
(c) The Division of Criminal
Investigation shall provide statewide coordination and strategy pertaining to firearm-related intelligence, firearms trafficking interdiction, and investigations reaching across all divisions of the Illinois State Police, including providing crime gun intelligence support for suspects and firearms involved in firearms trafficking or the commission of a crime involving firearms that is investigated by the Illinois State Police and other federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies, with the objective of reducing and preventing illegal possession and use of firearms, firearms trafficking, firearm-related homicides, and other firearm-related violent crimes in Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 102-1108, eff. 12-21-22; 102-1116, eff. 1-10-23.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-40) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a-4)
Sec. 2605-40. Division of Forensic Services. The Division of
Forensic Services shall exercise the following functions:
(Source: P.A. 101-378, eff. 1-1-20; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-45) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a-5)
Sec. 2605-45. Division of Justice Services. The Division of
Justice Services shall exercise the
following functions:
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-50) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a-6)
Sec. 2605-50. Division of Internal Investigation. The Division
of Internal Investigation shall have jurisdiction and initiate internal Illinois State Police
investigations and, at the direction of the Governor,
complaints and initiate investigations of official misconduct by State officers
and all State employees. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the Division shall serve as the investigative body for the Illinois State Police for purposes of compliance with the provisions of Sections 12.6 and 12.7 of the Illinois State Police Act.

(Source: P.A. 101-652, eff. 1-1-22; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-51)
Sec. 2605-51. Division of the Academy and Training.
(a) The Division of the Academy and Training shall exercise, but not be limited to, the following functions:
(b) The Division of the Academy and Training shall exercise the rights, powers, and duties vested in the former Division of State Troopers by Section 17 of the Illinois State Police Act.
(c) Specialized training.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-756, eff. 5-10-22; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-51.1)
(Section scheduled to be repealed on June 1, 2026)
Sec. 2605-51.1. Commission on Implementing the Firearms Restraining Order Act.
(a) There is created the Commission on Implementing the Firearms Restraining Order Act composed of at least 12 members to advise on the strategies of education and implementation of the Firearms Restraining Order Act. The Commission shall be appointed by the Director of the Illinois State Police or his or her designee and shall include a liaison or representative nominated from the following:
The Commission shall be chaired by the Director of the Illinois State Police or his or her designee. The Commission shall meet, either virtually or in person, to discuss the implementation of the Firearms Restraining Order Act as determined by the Commission while the strategies are being established.
(c) The members of the Commission shall serve without compensation and shall serve 3-year terms.
(d) An annual report shall be submitted to the General Assembly by the Commission that may include summary information about firearms restraining order use by county, challenges to Firearms Restraining Order Act implementation, and recommendations for increasing and improving implementation.
The Commission shall develop a model policy with an overall framework for the timely relinquishment of firearms whenever a firearms restraining order is issued. The model policy shall be finalized within the first 4 months of convening. In formulating the model policy, the Commission shall consult counties in Illinois and other states with extreme risk protection order laws which have achieved a high rate of petition filings. Once approved, the Illinois State Police shall work with their local law enforcement agencies within their county to design a comprehensive strategy for the timely relinquishment of firearms, using the model policy as an overall framework. Each individual agency may make small modifications as needed to the model policy and must approve and adopt a policy that aligns with the model policy. The Illinois State Police shall convene local police chiefs and sheriffs within their county as needed to discuss the relinquishment of firearms.
(f) The Commission shall be dissolved June 1, 2025 (3 years after the effective date of Public Act 102-345).
(g) This Section is repealed June 1, 2026 (4 years after the effective date of Public Act 102-345).

(Source: P.A. 102-345, eff. 6-1-22; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 102-1116, eff. 1-10-23.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-52)
Sec. 2605-52. Division of Statewide 9-1-1.
(a) There shall be established an Office of the Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator within the Division of Statewide 9-1-1. Beginning January 1, 2016, the Office of the Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator shall be responsible for developing, implementing, and overseeing a uniform statewide 9-1-1 system for all areas of the State outside of municipalities having a population over 500,000.
(b) The Governor shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the Senate, a Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator. The Administrator shall serve for a term of 2 years, and until a successor is appointed and qualified; except that the term of the first 9-1-1 Administrator appointed under this Act shall expire on the third Monday in January, 2017. The Administrator shall not hold any other remunerative public office. The Administrator shall receive an annual salary as set by the Governor.
(c) The Illinois State Police, from appropriations made to it for that purpose, shall make grants to 9-1-1 Authorities for the purpose of defraying costs associated with 9-1-1 system consolidations awarded by the Administrator under Section 15.4b of the Emergency Telephone System Act.
(d) Division of Statewide 9-1-1 shall exercise the rights, powers, and duties vested by law in the Illinois State Police by the State Police Radio Act.
(e) The Division of Statewide 9-1-1 shall also conduct the following communication activities:
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-52.1)
Sec. 2605-52.1. Wireless service provider call location.
(a) Upon request of a law enforcement agency or a public safety answering point on behalf of a
law enforcement agency, a wireless service provider shall provide call location information
concerning the telecommunications device of a user to the requesting law enforcement
agency or public safety answering point. A law enforcement agency or public safety answering
point may not request information under this Section unless for the purposes of responding to
a call for emergency services or in an emergency situation that involves the risk of death or
serious physical harm.
(b) A wireless service provider may establish protocols by which the carrier voluntarily discloses
call location information.
(c) A claim for relief may not be brought in any court against any wireless service provider or any
other person for providing call location information if acting in good faith and under this
(d) The Illinois State Police shall obtain contact information from all wireless service
providers authorized to do business in this State to facilitate a request from a law enforcement
agency or a public safety answering point on behalf of a law enforcement agency for call
location information under this Section. The Illinois State Police shall disseminate the contact information
to each public safety answering point in this State.

(Source: P.A. 102-565, eff. 1-1-22.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-53)
Sec. 2605-53. 9-1-1 system; sexual assault and sexual abuse.
(a) The Office of the Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator, in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General and the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board, shall:
(a-5) Within one year after June 3, 2021 (the effective date of Public Act 102-9), the Office of the Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator, in consultation with the Statewide 9-1-1 Advisory Board, shall:
(a-10) The Office of the Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator may as necessary establish by rule appropriate testing and certification processes consistent with the training required by this Section.
(b) Training requirements:
(c) The Illinois State Police may adopt rules for the administration of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-9, eff. 6-3-21; 102-687, eff. 12-17-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-54)
Sec. 2605-54. Training policy; persons arrested while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The Illinois State Police shall adopt a policy and provide training to State Police officers concerning response and care for persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The policy shall be consistent with the Substance Use Disorder Act and shall provide guidance for the arrest of persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs, proper medical attention if warranted, and care and release of those persons from custody. The policy shall provide guidance concerning the release of persons arrested under the influence of alcohol or drugs who are under the age of 21 years of age which shall include, but not be limited to, language requiring the arresting officer to make a reasonable attempt to contact a responsible adult who is willing to take custody of the person who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-55)
Sec. 2605-55. Badges. The Director must authorize to each State trooper,
officer, and investigator and to any other employee of the Illinois State Police
exercising the
powers of a peace officer a distinct badge
that, on its face, (i)
clearly states that
the badge is authorized by the Illinois State Police and (ii) contains a unique
No other badge shall be authorized by
the Illinois State Police.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-75) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-75. Bilingual police officers. The Illinois State Police may ascertain the
number of bilingual
police officers and other personnel needed to provide services in a language
other than English and may establish, under applicable personnel rules and Illinois State Police
guidelines or through a collective bargaining agreement, a bilingual
pay supplement program.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-85)
Sec. 2605-85. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 93-209, eff. 7-18-03. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-90)
Sec. 2605-90. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 97-553, eff. 1-1-12. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-95)
Sec. 2605-95. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 97-469, eff. 7-1-12. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-96)
Sec. 2605-96. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 97-1040, eff. 1-1-13. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-97)
Sec. 2605-97. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 100-759, eff. 1-1-19. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-98)
Sec. 2605-98. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 99-801, eff. 1-1-17. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-99)
Sec. 2605-99. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 101-18, eff. 1-1-20. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-100)
Sec. 2605-100. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-105)
Sec. 2605-105. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-110)
Sec. 2605-110. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-115)
Sec. 2605-115. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-120)
Sec. 2605-120. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-130)
Sec. 2605-130. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-135)
Sec. 2605-135. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-140)
Sec. 2605-140. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-190) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-190. Other laws in relation to law enforcement. To
enforce and administer other laws in relation to law
enforcement to the extent that they vest any rights, powers, or duties in the
Illinois State Police.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-200) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-200. Investigations of crime; enforcement of laws; records; crime laboratories; personnel.
(a) To do the following:
(b) Persons exercising the powers set forth in
subsection (a) within the Illinois State Police
are conservators of the peace and as such have all the powers possessed
by policemen in cities and sheriffs, except that they may exercise those
powers anywhere in the State in cooperation with and after contact with
the local law enforcement officials. Those persons may use false
fictitious names in the performance of their duties under this Section,
upon approval of the Director, and shall not be subject to prosecution
under the criminal laws for that use.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-205) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-205.
Arson investigations.
To conduct arson

(Source: P.A. 90-18, eff. 7-1-97; 90-130, eff. 1-1-98;
90-372, eff. 7-1-98;
90-590, eff. 1-1-00; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 90-793, eff. 8-14-98;
91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-210) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-210.
Child abuse or neglect investigations.
Upon the
request of the Department of Children and Family
Services, to investigate reports of child abuse or neglect.

(Source: P.A. 90-18, eff. 7-1-97; 90-130, eff. 1-1-98;
90-372, eff. 7-1-98;
90-590, eff. 1-1-00; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 90-793, eff. 8-14-98;
91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-211)
Sec. 2605-211. Protocol; methamphetamine; illegal manufacture.
(a) The Illinois State Police shall develop a protocol to be followed in performing gross remediation of clandestine laboratory sites not to exceed the standards established by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration.
(b) "Gross remediation" means the removal of any and all identifiable clandestine laboratory ingredients and apparatus.
(c) The Illinois State Police must post the protocol on its official Web site.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-212)
Sec. 2605-212. Children; methamphetamine; protocol. The Illinois State Police shall cooperate with the Department of Children and Family Services and the State Board of Education in developing the protocol required under Section 6.5 of the Children and Family Services Act. The Illinois State Police must post the protocol on the official Web site maintained by the Illinois State Police.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-215) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-215.
Horse race track investigation services.
provide investigative services, with all of the powers
possessed by policemen in cities and sheriffs, in and around all race
tracks subject to the Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975.

(Source: P.A. 90-18, eff. 7-1-97; 90-130, eff. 1-1-98;
90-372, eff. 7-1-98;
90-590, eff. 1-1-00; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 90-793, eff. 8-14-98;
91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-220) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a-7)
Sec. 2605-220. Public aid fraud investigations. The Illinois State Police, through the
Division of Criminal Investigation, shall investigate recipients and
under the Illinois Public Aid Code and any
personnel involved in the administration of the Code
who are suspected of any violations of the Code pertaining to
fraud in the
administration, receipt, or provision of assistance and pertaining to any
violation of criminal law. The Illinois State Police shall, in addition to functions
otherwise authorized by State and federal law, exercise the following
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-250) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-250. Obtaining evidence. To expend the
sums the Director deems necessary from contractual
services appropriations for the Illinois State Police for the
purchase of evidence and for the employment of persons to obtain evidence.
The sums shall be advanced to agents authorized by the Director to
funds, on vouchers signed by the Director.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-275) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-275.
Registration of fictitious vital records.
obtain registration of a fictitious vital record pursuant to Section 15.1 of
the Vital Records Act.

(Source: P.A. 90-18, eff. 7-1-97; 90-130, eff. 1-1-98;
90-372, eff. 7-1-98;
90-590, eff. 1-1-00; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 90-793, eff. 8-14-98;
91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-300)
Sec. 2605-300. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 99-801, eff. 1-1-17. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-302) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-302. Arrest reports.
(a) When an individual is arrested, the
following information must be made available to the news media for inspection
and copying:
(b) The information required by this Section must be made available to the
news media for inspection and copying as soon as practicable, but in no event
shall the time period exceed 72 hours from the arrest. The information
described in items (3), (4), (5), and (6) of subsection (a),
however, may be withheld if it is determined that disclosure would (i)
interfere with pending or actually and reasonably contemplated law enforcement
proceedings conducted by any law enforcement or correctional agency; (ii)
endanger the life or physical safety of law enforcement or correctional
personnel or any other person; or (iii) compromise the security of any
correctional facility.
(c) For the purposes of this Section, the term "news media" means personnel
of a newspaper or other periodical issued at regular intervals whether in print
or electronic format, a news service whether in print or electronic format, a
radio station, a television station, a television network, a community antenna
television service, or a person or corporation engaged in making news reels or
other motion picture news for public showing.
(d) Each law enforcement or correctional agency may charge fees
for arrest records, but in no instance may the fee exceed the actual cost of
copying and reproduction. The fees may not include the cost of the labor used
to reproduce the arrest record.
(e) The provisions of this Section do not supersede the confidentiality
provisions for arrest records of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987.

(Source: P.A. 101-652, eff. 1-1-23; 102-1104, eff. 1-1-23.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-304)
Sec. 2605-304. Prohibited persons portal.
(a) Within 90 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, the Illinois State Police shall establish a portal for use by federal, State, or local law enforcement agencies, including Offices of the State's Attorneys and the Office of the Attorney General to capture a report of persons whose Firearm Owner's Identification Cards have been revoked or suspended. The portal is for law enforcement purposes only.
(b) The Illinois State Police shall include in the report the reason the person's Firearm Owner's Identification Card was subject to revocation or suspension, to the extent allowed by law, consistent with Sections 8 and 8.2 of the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act.
(c) The Illinois State Police shall indicate whether the person subject to the revocation or suspension of his or her Firearm Owner's Identification Card has surrendered his or her revoked or suspended Firearm Owner's Identification Card and whether the person has completed a Firearm Disposition Record required under Section 9.5 of the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act. The Illinois State Police shall make reasonable efforts to make this information available on the Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS).
(d) The Illinois State Police shall provide updates of information related to an individual's current Firearm Owner's Identification Card revocation or suspension status, including compliance under Section 9.5 of the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act, in the Illinois State Police's Law Enforcement Agencies Data System.
(e) Records in this portal are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.
(f) The Illinois State Police may adopt rules necessary to implement this Section.

(Source: P.A. 102-237, eff. 1-1-22.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-305) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-305. Statewide Organized Criminal Gang Database (SWORD). The Illinois State Police may establish and maintain, within
the Illinois State Police, a Statewide Organized Criminal Gang
(SWORD) for the purpose of tracking organized criminal gangs and their
memberships. Information in the database may include, but not be limited to,
the name, last known address, birth date, physical descriptions (such as scars,
marks, or tattoos), officer safety information, organized gang affiliation, and
entering agency identifier. The Illinois State Police may develop, in consultation with
the Criminal Justice Information Authority, and in a form and manner prescribed
by the Illinois State Police, an automated data exchange system to compile, to maintain,
and to make this information electronically available to prosecutors and to
other law enforcement agencies. The information may be used by authorized
agencies to combat the operations of organized criminal gangs statewide.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-315) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-315. Criminal history record information for Department of
Children and Family Services. Upon the request of the Department of
Children and Family Services,
the Illinois
State Police shall provide properly designated employees of the Department of
Children and Family
Services with criminal history record information as defined in the Illinois
Uniform Conviction Information Act and information maintained in the
statewide central juvenile records system as defined in Section 2605-355 if the Department of Children and Family Services
determines the
is necessary
to perform its duties under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
Act, the Child Care Act of 1969, and the Children and Family Services Act.
request shall be in the form and
by the Illinois State Police.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-320)
Sec. 2605-320. Criminal history information for Department of Human
Services. Upon request of the Department of Human Services, to
conduct an
assessment and evaluation of sexually violent persons as mandated by the
Sexually Violent Persons Commitment Act, the Illinois State Police shall furnish criminal
history information maintained on the requested person. The request shall be
in the form and manner specified by the Illinois State Police.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-325) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-325. Conviction information for school board or regional
superintendent. On request of a school board or regional
superintendent of schools,
to conduct a fingerprint-based criminal history records check pursuant to Section 10-21.9 or
34-18.5 of the School
Code. The Illinois State Police shall furnish the
conviction information to the president of the school board of the school
district that has requested the information or, if the
information was
requested by the regional superintendent, to that regional superintendent.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-327)
Sec. 2605-327. Conviction and sex offender information for medical school. Upon the inquiry of a medical school under the Medical School Matriculant Criminal History Records Check Act, to ascertain whether a matriculant of the medical school has been convicted of any violent felony or has been adjudicated a sex offender.
The Illinois State Police shall make sex offender information available to the inquiring medical school through the Statewide Sex Offender Database. Medical schools in this State must conduct an inquiry into the Statewide Sex Offender Database on all matriculants as part of the admissions process.
Pursuant to the Medical School Matriculant Criminal History Records Check Act, the Illinois State Police shall conduct a fingerprint-based criminal history records check of the Illinois criminal history records database and the Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history records database upon the request of a public medical school. Pursuant to the Medical School Matriculant Criminal History Records Check Act, the Illinois State Police shall conduct a fingerprint-based, Illinois Uniform Conviction Information Act check of the Illinois criminal history records database upon the request of a private medical school. The Illinois State Police may charge the requesting public or private medical school a fee for conducting the fingerprint-based criminal history records check. The fee shall not exceed the cost of the inquiry and shall be deposited into the State Police Services Fund.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-330) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-330. Firefighter applicant criminal history records checks. Upon
the request of the chief of a fire department or the board of trustees of a fire protection district, the Illinois State Police shall
conduct fingerprint-based criminal history records checks of both State and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history record databases concerning prospective firefighters and
report to the requesting chief or the board of trustees of a fire protection district any conviction information about those persons. The Illinois State Police may charge the requesting chief or board of trustees a fee for conducting the criminal history records check. The fee shall be deposited into the State Police Services Fund and shall not exceed the cost of the inquiry. The Illinois State Police may prescribe the form and manner
for requesting and furnishing conviction information under this Section.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-335) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-335. Conviction information for private child services
organization. Upon the request of any private organization
that devotes a major portion of its time to the provision of
recreational, social, educational, or child safety services to children, to
conduct, pursuant to positive identification, criminal background
investigations of all of that organization's current employees, current
volunteers, prospective employees, or prospective volunteers
charged with the care and custody of children during the provision of the
organization's services, and to report to the requesting organization
any record of convictions maintained in the Illinois State Police's files about those
persons. The Illinois State Police shall charge an application fee, based on actual
costs, for the dissemination of conviction information pursuant to this
Section. The Illinois State Police is empowered to establish this fee
and shall
prescribe the form and manner for requesting and furnishing conviction
information pursuant to this Section.
Information received by the
organization from the Illinois State Police concerning an individual shall be provided
to the individual. Any such information obtained by the
shall be confidential and may not be transmitted outside the organization
and may not be transmitted to anyone within the organization except as
needed for the purpose of evaluating the individual.
Only information and standards that bear a reasonable and
relation to the performance of child care shall be used by the organization.
Any employee of the Illinois State Police or any member, employee, or volunteer of
organization receiving confidential information under this Section who
gives or causes to be given any confidential information concerning any
criminal convictions of an individual shall be guilty of a Class A
misdemeanor unless release of the information is authorized by

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-340) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-340. Conviction information for private carrier company under
Metropolitan Transit Authority Act. Upon the request of a private
carrier company that provides
transportation under Section 28b of the Metropolitan Transit Authority Act,
to ascertain whether an applicant for a driver position has been
convicted of
any criminal or drug offense enumerated in that Section. The Illinois State Police shall
furnish the conviction
information to the private carrier company that requested the information.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-345)
Sec. 2605-345. Conviction information for financial institutions. Upon the request of (i) an insured depository institution, as defined by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Act, (ii) a depository institution holding company, as defined by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Act, (iii) a foreign banking corporation, as defined by the Foreign Banking Office Act, (iv) a corporate fiduciary, as defined by the Corporate Fiduciary Act, (v) a credit union, as defined in the Illinois Credit Union Act, or (vi) a subsidiary of any entity listed in items (i) through (v) of this Section (each such entity or subsidiary hereinafter referred to as a "requesting institution"), to ascertain whether any employee of the requesting institution, applicant for employment by the requesting institution, or officer, director, agent, institution-affiliated party, or any other party who owns or controls, directly or indirectly, or participates, directly or indirectly, in the affairs of the requesting institution, has been convicted of a felony or of any criminal offense relating to dishonesty, breach of trust, or money laundering, the Illinois State Police shall furnish the conviction information to the requesting institution.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-350) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-350.
Juveniles; police contact record keeping system.
To develop a
separate statewide statistical police contact
record keeping system for the study of juvenile delinquency. The records
of this police contact system shall be limited to statistical
information. No individually identifiable information shall be
maintained in the police contact statistical record system.

(Source: P.A. 90-18, eff. 7-1-97; 90-130, eff. 1-1-98;
90-372, eff. 7-1-98;
90-590, eff. 1-1-00; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 90-793, eff. 8-14-98;
91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-355) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-355. Delinquent minors; statewide central juvenile
records system. To develop a separate statewide
central juvenile
records system for persons arrested prior to the age of 17 under Section 5-401
of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 or
adjudicated delinquent minors and to make information available to
local law enforcement
officers so that law enforcement officers will be able to obtain rapid access
to the background of the minor from other jurisdictions to the end that the
juvenile police
officers can make appropriate decisions that will best serve the
interest of the child and the community.
The Illinois State Police shall submit a quarterly report to the General Assembly and
Governor. The report shall contain the number of juvenile records
that the Illinois State Police
has received in that quarter and a list, by category, of offenses that
minors were arrested for or convicted of by age, race, and gender.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-360) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-360.
Rules for confidentiality of juvenile records.
develop rules that guarantee the confidentiality of the
individually identifiable juvenile records described in
Section 2605-355
except to juvenile authorities who
request information concerning the minor and who certify in writing that the
information will not be disclosed to any other party except as provided under
law or order of court. For purposes of this Section, "juvenile authorities"
91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-365) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-365.
Access to juvenile records by minors and others.
To develop
administrative rules and administrative hearing
procedures that allow a minor, his or her attorney, and his or
her parents or
guardian access to individually identifiable juvenile
records for the purpose of determining or challenging the accuracy of the
records. Final administrative decisions shall be subject to the provisions
of the Administrative Review Law.

(Source: P.A. 90-18, eff. 7-1-97; 90-130, eff. 1-1-98;
90-372, eff. 7-1-98;
90-590, eff. 1-1-00; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 90-793, eff. 8-14-98;
91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-375) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-375. Missing persons; Law Enforcement Agencies Data System
(a) To utilize the statewide Law Enforcement
Agencies Data System (LEADS) for the purpose of providing electronic access
by authorized entities to criminal justice data repositories and effecting an
immediate law enforcement response to reports of missing persons, including
lost, missing or runaway minors, lost or missing individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities, and missing endangered seniors. The Illinois State Police shall implement an automatic
data exchange system to compile, to maintain, and to make available to
other law
enforcement agencies for immediate dissemination data that can
appropriate agencies in recovering missing persons and provide access by
authorized entities to various data repositories available through LEADS for
criminal justice and related purposes. To assist the Illinois State Police in
this effort, funds may be appropriated from the LEADS Maintenance Fund. Funds may be appropriated from the LEADS Maintenance Fund to the Illinois State Police to finance any of its lawful purposes or functions in relation to defraying the expenses associated with establishing, maintaining, and supporting the issuance of electronic citations.
(b) In exercising its duties under this Section, the Illinois State Police
shall provide a uniform reporting format (LEADS) for the entry of pertinent
information regarding the report of a missing person into LEADS. The report must include all of the following:
(b-5) The Illinois State Police shall:
(c) The Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board shall conduct a training program for law enforcement personnel of local governmental agencies in the Missing Persons Identification Act.
(d) The Illinois State Police shall perform the duties prescribed in the Missing Persons Identification Act, subject to appropriation.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-377) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-377. Department of Healthcare and Family Services; LEADS access.
(a) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services is an authorized entity under this
Law for the purpose of exchanging information, in the form and manner required
by the Illinois State Police, to facilitate the location of individuals
for establishing paternity, and establishing, modifying, and enforcing child
support obligations, pursuant to the Illinois Public Aid Code and Title IV,
Part D of the Social Security Act.
(b) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services is an authorized entity under
this Section for the purpose of obtaining access to various data repositories
available through LEADS, to facilitate the location of individuals for
establishing paternity, and establishing, modifying, and enforcing child
support obligations, pursuant to the Illinois Public Aid Code and Title IV,
Part D of the Social Security Act. The Illinois State Police shall enter into an
agreement with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services consistent with these

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-378)
Sec. 2605-378. I-CLEAR. The Illinois State Police shall provide for the entry into the Illinois Citizens and Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting System (I-CLEAR) of the names and
addresses of arsonists as defined in the Arsonist
Registration Act who are required to register under that
Act. The information shall be immediately accessible to law
enforcement agencies and peace officers of this State or
any other state or of the federal government. Similar
information may be requested from any other state or of the
federal government for the purposes of that Act.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-380) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a-8)
Sec. 2605-380. Dental records. The Illinois State Police shall do the following:
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-390)
Sec. 2605-390. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 99-352, eff. 1-1-16. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-400) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-400. Fees; State Police Services Fund; audit.
(a) To charge, collect, and receive fees or moneys equivalent to the
of providing Illinois State Police personnel, equipment, and services
to local governmental agencies when explicitly requested by a local
governmental agency and pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement as provided
by this Law, other State agencies, and federal
agencies, including but not limited to fees or moneys equivalent to
the cost of
providing dispatching services, radio and radar repair, and training to
local governmental agencies on terms and conditions that in the judgment of the Director are in the best interest of the State;
and to establish, charge, collect, and receive fees or moneys based on the
cost of providing responses to requests for criminal history record
information pursuant to positive identification and any Illinois or federal
law authorizing access to some aspect of that information and to
the form and manner for requesting and furnishing the information
to the
requestor on terms and conditions that in the judgment of
the Director
are in the best interest of the State, provided fees for
requesting and furnishing criminal history record information may be waived
for requests in the due administration of the criminal laws. The Illinois State Police
may also charge, collect, and receive fees or moneys equivalent to the cost
providing electronic data processing lines or related telecommunication
services to local governments, but only when those services can be
by the Illinois State Police at a cost less than that experienced by those
governments through other means. All services provided by the Illinois State Police
shall be conducted pursuant to contracts in accordance with the
Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, and all telecommunication services
shall be provided pursuant to the provisions of Section 405-270
the Department of Central Management Services Law.
(b) All fees received by the Illinois State Police under the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois
or the Illinois Uniform Conviction Information Act shall be deposited in a
special fund in the State treasury to be known as the State Police Services
Fund. The money deposited in the State Police Services Fund shall be
appropriated to the Illinois State Police for expenses of the Illinois State Police
(c) Upon the completion of any audit of the Illinois State Police as
prescribed by the Illinois State Auditing Act, which audit includes an
audit of the State Police Services Fund, the Illinois State Police shall make the audit open to inspection by any interested person.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-405) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-405. Applying for grants or contracts; moneys from other
entities. To apply for grants or contracts and receive,
expend, allocate, or
disburse funds and moneys made available by public or private entities,
including, but not limited to, contracts, bequests, grants, or receiving
equipment from corporations, foundations, or public or private institutions
of higher learning. All funds received by the Illinois State Police from these
sources shall be deposited into the appropriate fund
in the State treasury to be appropriated to the Illinois State Police for purposes as
indicated by the grantor or contractor or, in the case of funds or moneys
bequeathed or granted for no specific purpose, for any purpose deemed
appropriate by the Director in administering the responsibilities of the Illinois State Police.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-407)
Sec. 2605-407. Illinois State Police Federal Projects Fund. The Illinois State Police Federal Projects Fund is established as a federal trust fund in the State treasury. This federal Trust Fund is established to receive funds awarded to the Illinois State Police from the following: (i) all federal departments and agencies for the specific purposes established by the terms and conditions of the federal awards and (ii) federal pass-through grants from State departments and agencies for the specific purposes established by the terms and conditions of the grant agreements. Any interest earnings that are attributable to moneys in the federal trust fund must be deposited into the Fund.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-410)
Sec. 2605-410. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-420) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-420. Assisting victims and witnesses of gang crime. To
assist victims and witnesses in gang crime prosecutions
through the administration of funds appropriated from the Gang Violence
Victims and Witnesses Fund to the Illinois State Police. Those funds shall
appropriated to the Illinois State Police and shall only be used to assist victims and
witnesses in gang crime prosecutions. The assistance may
include any of
the following:
No victim or witness may receive assistance under this Section
if he or she is not a
part of or fails to fully cooperate in the prosecution of gang crime
members by law enforcement authorities.
The Illinois State Police shall promulgate any rules necessary for the
implementation of this amendatory Act of 1985.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-430) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-430.
Assistance to local law enforcement agencies.
To provide, as
required by law, assistance to local law
enforcement agencies through (i) training, management, and
services for local law enforcement agencies and (ii) the
research and the publication of studies pertaining to local law
enforcement activities.

(Source: P.A. 90-18, eff. 7-1-97; 90-130, eff. 1-1-98;
90-372, eff. 7-1-98;
90-590, eff. 1-1-00; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 90-793, eff. 8-14-98;
91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-435) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-435.

Electronic criminal surveillance; assistance to local
authorities. To do the following:
91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-475) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-475.Emergency Telephone System Act. The Illinois State Police and Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator shall exercise the powers and perform the duties specifically assigned to each
under the Emergency Telephone System Act. Nothing in the Emergency Telephone System
Act shall require the Illinois State Police to provide
wireless enhanced 9-1-1 services.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-480)
Sec. 2605-480. Statewide kidnapping alert and prevention program;
Child Safety Coordinator.
(a) The Illinois
State Police shall develop a coordinated program for a statewide emergency
alert system when a child is missing or kidnapped.
The system shall include, but is not limited to, the use in coordination with
the Illinois
Department of Transportation, of electronic message signs on roads and highways
in the
vicinity of a child abduction to immediately provide critical information to
the public.
(b) The Illinois State Police shall establish an AMBER Plan Task Force
monitor and review the implementation and operation of the system developed
subsection (a), including procedures, budgetary requirements, and response
The Task Force shall also develop additional network resources for use in the
(c) The Illinois State Police, in coordination with the Illinois
Management Agency, shall develop and implement a community outreach program to
promote awareness among the State's parents and children of child abduction
and response.
(d) The Illinois State Police, in coordination with the State Board of
Education, shall develop child abduction prevention instruction for inclusion
in elementary and secondary school curricula throughout the State. The Illinois State Police
State Board of Education shall encourage the inclusion of the child abduction
instruction in private elementary and secondary school curricula throughout the
(e) The Illinois State Police shall appoint a Child Safety Coordinator to assist in the
establishment of State standards for child safety from kidnap and abduction and
to advocate for the achievement of those standards. The Child Safety
Coordinator shall have the
qualifications and experience that the Illinois State Police shall require by rule. The
Child Safety Coordinator shall receive no compensation but shall be reimbursed
for his or her expenses from the Illinois State Police's operations budget. No funds shall
be appropriated solely
for the expenses of the Child Safety Coordinator. The Illinois State Police shall provide
technical assistance for the Child Safety Coordinator from its existing

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-485)
Sec. 2605-485. Endangered Missing Person Advisory.
(a) A coordinated program known as the Endangered Missing Person Advisory is established within the Illinois State Police. The purpose of the Endangered Missing Person Advisory is to provide a regional system for the rapid dissemination of information regarding a missing person who is believed to be a high-risk missing person as defined in Section 10 of the Missing Persons Identification Act.
(b) The AMBER Plan Task Force, established under Section 2605-480 of this Law, shall serve as the task force for the Endangered Missing Person Advisory. The AMBER Plan Task Force shall monitor and review the implementation and operation of the regional system developed under subsection (a), including procedures, budgetary requirements, and response protocols. The AMBER Plan Task Force shall also develop additional network resources for use in the system.
(c) The Illinois State Police, in coordination with the Illinois Department on Aging, shall develop and implement a community outreach program to promote awareness among the State's healthcare facilities, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other senior centers. The guidelines and procedures shall ensure that specific health information about the missing person is not made public through the alert or otherwise.
(c-5) Subject to appropriation, the Illinois State Police, in coordination with the Illinois Department of Human Services, shall develop and implement a community outreach program to promote awareness of the Endangered Missing Person Advisory among applicable entities, including, but not limited to, developmental disability facilities as defined in Section 1-107 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code. The guidelines and procedures shall ensure that specific health information about the missing person is not made public through the alert or otherwise.
(d) The Child Safety Coordinator, created under Section 2605-480 of this Law, shall act in the dual capacity of Child Safety Coordinator and Endangered Missing Person Coordinator. The Coordinator shall assist in the establishment of State standards and monitor the availability of federal funding that may become available to further the objectives of the Endangered Missing Person Advisory. The Illinois State Police shall provide technical assistance for the Coordinator from its existing resources.
(e)(1) The Illinois State Police, in cooperation with the Silver Search Task Force, shall develop as part of the Endangered Missing Person Advisory a coordinated statewide awareness program and toolkit to be used when a person 21 years of age or older who is believed to have Alzheimer's disease, other related dementia, or other dementia-like cognitive impairment is reported missing, which shall be referred to as Silver Search.
The Illinois State Police shall complete development and deployment of the Silver Search Awareness Program and toolkit on or before July 1, 2017.
The Illinois State Police shall establish a Silver Search Task Force within 90 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly to assist the Illinois State Police in development and deployment of the Silver Search Awareness Program and toolkit. The Task Force shall establish the criteria and create a toolkit, which may include usage of Department of Transportation signs, under Section 2705-505.6 of the Department of Transportation Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. The Task Force shall monitor and review the implementation and operation of that program, including procedures, budgetary requirements, standards, and minimum requirements for the training of law enforcement personnel on how to interact appropriately and effectively with individuals that suffer from Alzheimer's disease, other dementia, or other dementia-like cognitive impairment. The Task Force shall also develop additional network and financial resources for use in the system. The Task Force shall include, but is not limited to, one representative from each of the following:
The members of the Task Force designated in subparagraphs (A) through (I) of this paragraph (3) shall be appointed by the head of the respective agency. The members of the Task Force designated in subparagraphs (J) through (R) of this paragraph (3) shall be appointed by the Director of the Illinois State Police. The Director of the Illinois State Police or his or her designee shall serve as Chair of the Task Force.
The Task Force shall meet at least twice a year and shall provide a report on the operations of the Silver Search Program to the General Assembly and the Governor each year by June 30.
Subject to appropriation, the Illinois State Police, in coordination with the Department on Aging and the Silver Search Task Force, shall develop and implement a community outreach program to promote awareness of the Silver Search Program as part of the Endangered Missing Person Advisory among law enforcement agencies, the State's healthcare facilities, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, other senior centers, and the general population on or before January 1, 2017.
The Child Safety Coordinator, created under Section 2605-480 of this Law, shall act in the capacity of Child Safety Coordinator, Endangered Missing Person Coordinator, and Silver Search Program Coordinator. The Coordinator, in conjunction with the members of the Task Force, shall assist the Illinois State Police and the Silver Search Task Force in the establishment of State standards and monitor the availability of federal and private funding that may become available to further the objectives of the Endangered Missing Person Advisory and Silver Search Awareness Program. The Illinois State Police shall provide technical assistance for the Coordinator from its existing resources.
(6) The Illinois State Police shall provide administrative and other support to the Task Force.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-500)
Sec. 2605-500. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-505) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55b)
Sec. 2605-505. Local citizens radio groups. The Illinois State Police is authorized to
use local
citizens radio groups in connection with its communication duties under the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois and to coordinate
those local citizens radio groups with the
functions of local law enforcement agencies as the Illinois State Police deems
advisable. With the approval of the Illinois State Police, those local
citizens radio
groups shall be eligible for law enforcement grants.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-525)
Sec. 2605-525. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00. Repealed by P.A. 96-371, eff. 8-13-09.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-550) (was 20 ILCS 2605/55a in part)
Sec. 2605-550. Transfer of realty to State agency; acquisition of
federal land. To transfer jurisdiction of any realty title to
which is held by
the State of Illinois under the control of the Illinois State Police to any other
department of the State government or to the State Employees Housing
Commission or to acquire or accept federal land when the
acquisition, or acceptance is advantageous to the State and is approved
in writing by the Governor.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-555)
Sec. 2605-555. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 94-556, eff. 9-11-05. Repealed by P.A. 99-933, eff. 1-27-17.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-575)
Sec. 2605-575. Children's fingerprints. With the written permission of the child's parent or guardian, the Illinois State Police may retain the fingerprint record of a child fingerprinted by the Illinois State Police at any location of collection, such as a State fair, county fair, or other place the Illinois State Police collects such data. The record may be retained and used only if the child is later missing or abducted, if an Amber Alert is issued for that child, or if a missing person report is filed for that child with one or more local law enforcement agencies, and for no other purpose. After the child reaches the age of 18, the record must be destroyed unless the Illinois State Police, within a reasonable period after the fingerprinted person's 18th birthday, obtains the permission of the fingerprinted person to retain the fingerprint record.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-580)
Sec. 2605-580. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 96-303, eff. 8-11-09. Repealed by P.A. 101-306, eff. 8-9-19.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-585)
Sec. 2605-585. Money Laundering Asset Recovery Fund. Moneys and the sale proceeds distributed to the Illinois State Police under paragraph (3) of Section 29B-26 of the Criminal Code of 2012 shall be deposited in a special fund in the State treasury to be known as the Money Laundering Asset Recovery Fund. The moneys deposited in the Money Laundering Asset Recovery Fund shall be appropriated to and administered by the Illinois State Police for State law enforcement purposes.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-590)
Sec. 2605-590. Drug Traffic Prevention Fund. Moneys deposited into the Drug Traffic Prevention Fund pursuant to subsection (e) of Section 5-9-1.1 and subsection (c) of Section 5-9-1.1-5 of the Unified Code of Corrections shall be appropriated to and administered by the Illinois State Police for funding of drug task forces and Metropolitan Enforcement Groups in accordance with the Intergovernmental Drug Laws Enforcement Act.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-595)
Sec. 2605-595. State Police Firearm Services Fund.
(a) There is created in the State treasury a special fund known as the State Police Firearm Services Fund. The Fund shall receive revenue under the Firearm Concealed Carry Act, the Firearm Dealer License Certification Act, and Section 5 of the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act. The Fund may also receive revenue from grants, pass-through grants, donations, appropriations, and any other legal source.
(a-5) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, and in addition to any other transfers that may be provided by law, on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, or as soon thereafter as practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer the remaining balance from the Firearm Dealer License Certification Fund into the State Police Firearm Services Fund. Upon completion of the transfer, the Firearm Dealer License Certification Fund is dissolved, and any future deposits due to that Fund and any outstanding obligations or liabilities of that Fund shall pass to the State Police Firearm Services Fund.
(b) The Illinois State Police may use moneys in the Fund to finance any of its lawful purposes, mandates, functions, and duties under the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act, the Firearm Dealer License Certification Act, and the Firearm Concealed Carry Act, including the cost of sending notices of expiration of Firearm Owner's Identification Cards, concealed carry licenses, the prompt and efficient processing of applications under the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act and the Firearm Concealed Carry Act, the improved efficiency and reporting of the LEADS and federal NICS law enforcement data systems, and support for investigations required under these Acts and law. Any surplus funds beyond what is needed to comply with the aforementioned purposes shall be used by the Illinois State Police to improve the Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS) and criminal history background check system.
(c) Investment income that is attributable to the investment of moneys in the Fund shall be retained in the Fund for the uses specified in this Section.

(Source: P.A. 102-505, eff. 8-20-21; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-600)
Sec. 2605-600. Crimes Against Police Officers Advisory.
(a) For purposes of this Section:
(b) A coordinated program known as the Crimes Against Police Officers Advisory is established within
the Illinois State Police. The purpose of the Crimes Against Police Officers Advisory is to
provide a regional system for the rapid dissemination of information regarding a person who is suspected of committing or attempting to commit any of the offenses described in subsection (c).
(c) The Illinois State Police shall develop an advisory to assist law enforcement agencies when the commission or attempted commission of the following offenses against a peace officer occur:
(d) Law enforcement agencies participating in the advisory may request assistance when:
(e) The Illinois State Police shall reserve the authority to determine if dissemination of the information will pose a significant risk to the public or jeopardize the investigation.
(f) The Illinois State Police may partner with media and may request a media broadcast concerning details of the suspect in order to obtain the public's assistance in locating the suspect or vehicle used in the offense, or both.

(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-605)
Sec. 2605-605. Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force. The Director of the Illinois State Police shall establish a statewide multi-jurisdictional Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force led by the Illinois State Police dedicated to combating gun violence, gun-trafficking, and other violent crime with the primary mission of preservation of life and reducing the occurrence and the fear of crime. The objectives of the Task Force shall include, but not be limited to, reducing and preventing illegal possession and use of firearms, firearm-related homicides, and other violent crimes, and solving firearm-related crimes.
(1) The Task Force may develop and acquire information, training, tools, and resources necessary to implement a data-driven approach to policing, with an emphasis on intelligence development.
(2) The Task Force may utilize information sharing, partnerships, crime analysis, and evidence-based practices to assist in the reduction of firearm-related shootings, homicides, and gun-trafficking, including, but not limited to, ballistic data, eTrace data, DNA evidence, latent fingerprints, firearm training data, and National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) data. The Task Force may design a model crime gun intelligence strategy which may include, but is not limited to, comprehensive collection and documentation of all ballistic evidence, timely transfer of NIBIN and eTrace leads to an intelligence center, which may include the Division of Criminal Investigation of the Illinois State Police, timely dissemination of intelligence to investigators, investigative follow-up, and coordinated prosecution.
(3) The Task Force may recognize and utilize best practices of community policing and may develop potential partnerships with faith-based and community organizations to achieve its goals.
(4) The Task Force may identify and utilize best practices in drug-diversion programs and other community-based services to redirect low-level offenders.
(5) The Task Force may assist in violence suppression strategies including, but not limited to, details in identified locations that have shown to be the most prone to gun violence and violent crime, focused deterrence against violent gangs and groups considered responsible for the violence in communities, and other intelligence driven methods deemed necessary to interrupt cycles of violence or prevent retaliation.
(6) In consultation with the Chief Procurement Officer, the Illinois State Police may obtain contracts for software, commodities, resources, and equipment to assist the Task Force with achieving this Act. Any contracts necessary to support the delivery of necessary software, commodities, resources, and equipment are not subject to the Illinois Procurement Code, except for Sections 20-60, 20-65, 20-70, and 20-160 and Article 50 of that Code, provided that the Chief Procurement Officer may, in writing with justification, waive any certification required under Article 50 of the Illinois Procurement Code.
(7) The Task Force shall conduct enforcement operations
against persons whose Firearm Owner's Identification Cards
have been revoked or suspended and persons who fail to comply
with the requirements of Section 9.5 of the Firearm Owners
Identification Card Act, prioritizing individuals presenting a
clear and present danger to themselves or to others under
paragraph (2) of subsection (d) of Section 8.1 of the Firearm
Owners Identification Card Act.
(8) The Task Force shall collaborate with local law
enforcement agencies to enforce provisions of the Firearm
Owners Identification Card Act, the Firearm Concealed Carry
Act, the Firearm Dealer License Certification Act, and Article
24 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
(9) To implement this Section, the Director of the
Illinois State Police may establish intergovernmental
agreements with law enforcement agencies in accordance with the
Intergovernmental Cooperation Act.
(10) Law enforcement agencies that participate in
activities described in paragraphs (7) through (9) may apply
to the Illinois State Police for grants from the State Police
Revocation Enforcement Fund.

(Source: P.A. 102-237, eff. 1-1-22; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-610)
Sec. 2605-610. Possession of a Firearm Owner's Identification Card. The Illinois State Police shall not make possession of a Firearm Owner's Identification Card a condition of continued employment if the State Police officer's Firearm Owner's Identification Card is revoked or seized because the State Police officer has been a patient of a mental health facility and the State Police officer has not been determined to pose a clear and present danger to himself, herself, or others as determined by a physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified examiner. Nothing in this Section shall otherwise impair an employer's ability to determine a State Police officer's fitness for duty. A collective bargaining agreement already in effect on this issue on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly cannot be modified, but on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly, the employer cannot require a Firearm Owner's Identification Card as a condition of continued employment in a collective bargaining agreement. The employer shall document if and why a State Police officer has been determined to pose a clear and present danger.

(Source: P.A. 101-375, eff. 8-16-19; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-615)
Sec. 2605-615. Illinois Forensic Science Commission.
(a) Creation. There is created within the Illinois State Police the Illinois Forensic Science Commission.
(b) Duties and purpose. The Commission shall:
(c) Members. The Commission shall be composed of the Director of the Illinois State Police, or his or her designee, together with the following members appointed for a term of 4 years by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate:
The Governor shall designate one of the members of the Commission to serve as the chair of the Commission. The members of the Commission shall elect from their number such other officers as they may determine. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties from funds appropriated for that purpose.
(d) Subcommittees. The Commission may form subcommittees to study specific issues identified under paragraph (3) of subsection (b), including, but not limited to, subcommittees on education and training, procurement, funding and hiring. Ad hoc subcommittees may also be convened to address other issues. Such subcommittees shall meet as needed to complete their work, and shall report their findings back to the Commission. Subcommittees shall include members of the Commission, and may also include non-members such as forensic science stakeholders and subject matter experts.
(e) Meetings. The Commission shall meet quarterly, at the call of the chairperson. Facilities for meeting, whether remotely or in person, shall be provided for the Commission by the Illinois State Police.
(f) Reporting by publicly funded forensic laboratories. All State and local publicly funded forensic laboratory systems, including, but not limited to, the DuPage County Forensic Science Center, the Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory, and the Illinois State Police, shall annually provide to the Commission a report summarizing its significant non-conformities with the efficient delivery of forensic services and the sound practice of forensic science. The report will identify:
each significant non-conformity or deficient method;
how the non-conformity or deficient method was detected;
the nature and extent of the non-conformity or deficient method;
all corrective actions implemented to address the non-conformity or deficient method;
and an analysis of the effectiveness of the corrective actions taken.
(g) Definition. As used in this Section, "Commission" means the Illinois Forensic Science Commission.

(Source: P.A. 102-523, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 2605/2605-620)
Sec. 2605-620. School helpline program. The Illinois State Police shall establish a school helpline program in accordance with the Student Confidential Reporting Act.

(Source: P.A. 102-752, eff. 1-1-23.)