(70 ILCS 200/Art. 25 heading)
(70 ILCS 200/25-1)
Sec. 25-1.
Short title.
This Article may be cited as the
Community Building Complex Committee of Boone County Law of 1997.
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-5)
Sec. 25-5.
The purpose of this Article is to allow the
Citizens of Boone County to maintain, operate and enhance the existing
community building complex and property geographically situated in
Belvidere, Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-10)
Sec. 25-10.
In this Article:
"Committee" means the Community Building Complex Committee of Boone County.
"Committee" means the governing and administrative body of the Community
Building Complex Committee of Boone County.
"Metropolitan area" means all that territory in the State of Illinois
lying within the corporate boundaries of Boone County.
"Community organization" means a not for profit organization that has
been registered with this State for at least 5 years as a not for profit
organization, qualifies for tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) or
501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and has been established in
Boone County for at least 5 years; such as the YMCA and the Boone County
Arts Council.
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-15)
Sec. 25-15.
Creation of Committee.
(a) The Community Building Complex Committee of Boone County is
created as a political subdivision, body politic, and municipal corporation.
(b) The principal office
of the Committee shall be in Boone County.
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-20)
Sec. 25-20.
The Committee shall promote,
operate, and
maintain civic meetings and theatrical, sports, and cultural
activities from time to time in the Boone County area. In connection
with its duties, the Committee shall arrange, finance, and maintain
industrial, cultural, educational, theatrical, sports, trade, and
scientific exhibits and shall construct, equip, and maintain auditorium,
exposition, recreational, and office buildings for those purposes.
Providing office space for lease and rental and leasing air space over and
appurtenant to those structures are integral functions of the Committee.
The Committee is granted all rights and powers necessary to perform its duties.
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-25)
Sec. 25-25.
The Committee has the following
(a) To acquire, purchase, own, construct, lease as lessee, or in any
other way acquire, improve, extend, repair, reconstruct, regulate, operate,
equip, and maintain the Community Building Complex including sites, parking
areas, and commercial facilities for those structures, located within Boone
(b) To plan for grounds, centers, and auditoriums; to plan, sponsor,
hold, arrange, and finance fairs, industrial, cultural, educational, trade,
and scientific exhibits, shows, and events; and to use or allow the use of
those grounds, centers, and auditoriums for the holding of fairs, exhibits,
shows, and events, whether conducted by the Committee or some other person
or governmental agency.
(c) To fix and collect just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory (i) charges
and rents for the use of its parking areas and facilities, grounds,
centers, buildings, and auditoriums and (ii) admission charges to fairs,
shows, exhibits, and events sponsored or held by the Committee. The
charges collected may be made available to defray the reasonable expenses
of the Committee and to pay the principal of and interest on any bonds
issued by the Committee.
(d) To enter into contracts treating in any manner with the objects and
purposes of this Article.
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-27)
Sec. 25-27.
Acquisition of property.
The Committee
has the
power (i) to acquire and accept by purchase, lease, gift, or otherwise any
property or rights from any person or persons, or from any municipal
corporation, or body politic, (ii) to apply for and accept grants, matching
grants, or loans from the State of Illinois or any agency or
instrumentality of the State to be used for any of the purposes of the
Committee other than capital development, and (iii) to enter into any
agreement with the State of Illinois in relation to those grants, matching
grants, or loans.
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-30)
Sec. 25-30.
Food and beverage tax.
(a) For the sole purpose of obtaining funds for the
support, construction, maintenance, or financing of a facility of the
Committee, the city council of the City of Belvidere, within the city, and
the county board of Boone County, within those areas of the county outside
the City of Belvidere, may jointly impose a tax on the retail sale of food
and beverages that have been prepared for immediate consumption. The tax
shall not exceed the rate of 1% of the selling price of such food and
beverages. A tax imposed under this Section shall be in addition to any
other taxes imposed on food and beverages.
(b) The purchaser of food and beverages shall be liable for the payment
of a tax imposed under this Section. The city council of the City of
Belvidere and the county board of Boone County may, however, jointly
require that any person engaged in the business of making retail sales that
are subject to the tax must collect the tax and pay over the proceeds of
the tax as prescribed by ordinances of the city council and county board.
(c) For the purposes of this Section, the support, construction,
maintenance, or financing of a facility of the Committee may include the
establishment of reserve funds and the expenditure of funds under an
intergovernmental agreement for those purposes.
(d) The authority to impose a tax under this Section terminates 10
years after the effective date of the ordinance authorizing the tax unless
(i) a continuation of the tax is approved by the voters of Boone County by
referendum conducted in accordance with the general election law or (ii)
there are outstanding bonds of the Committee.
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-35)
Sec. 25-35.
Creation of the Committee.
The governing
administrative body of the Committee shall consist of 11 members and shall
be known as the Community Building Complex Committee. The members of the
Committee shall be individuals of generally recognized ability and
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-40)
Sec. 25-40.
Members of the Committee.
Within 60 days
after September 3, 1991 (the effective date of Article 1 of Public Act
87-230), the appointing authorities shall appoint the initial
members of the Committee as follows:
The initial members of the Committee shall serve for terms determined by lot
at the first meeting of the Committee as follows: 4 members for a term of one
year; 4 members for a term of 2 years; and 3 members for a term of 3 years.
The successors of the initial members shall be appointed in like manner for
3 year terms from the date of appointment, except in case of an appointment
to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term.
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-45)
Sec. 25-45.
Removal of Board members.
The appointing authority may remove
any member of the Committee in case of incompetency, neglect of duty, or
malfeasance in office, after service on the member, by registered United
States mail, return receipt requested, of a copy of the written charges
against the member and after an opportunity to be publicly heard in person
or by counsel in his or her own defense upon being notified not less than
10 days before the hearing.
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-50)
Sec. 25-50.
Quorum; action by 6 Board members; approval by chairman.
Six members of the Committee shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All actions of the
Committee shall be by ordinance or resolution, and the affirmative vote of
at least 6 members shall be necessary for the adoption of any ordinance or
resolution. Before taking effect, all ordinances and resolutions shall be
approved by the chairman of the Committee by signing the ordinance or
resolution. If the chairman does not approve of an ordinance or
resolution, he shall return it to the Committee with written objections at
the next regular meeting of the Committee after the passage of the
ordinance or resolution. If the chairman fails to return the ordinance or
resolution with written objections at that meeting, the ordinance or
resolution takes effect as if the chairman had approved it. Upon the return
of a resolution or ordinance by the chairman with written objections, the
Committee shall reconsider its vote. If upon reconsideration
the resolution or ordinance passes with at least 7 votes, it shall take
effect notwithstanding the veto of the chairman.
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-55)
Sec. 25-55.
(a) All contracts for the sale of property of a value of more
than $10,000 or for a concession in or lease of property,
including air
rights, of the Committee for a term of more than one year shall be awarded
to the highest responsible bidder after advertising for bids. All
construction contracts and contracts for supplies, materials, equipment, and
services, when the expense will exceed $10,000, shall be let to
lowest responsible bidder after advertising for bids, except (i) when
repair parts, accessories, equipment, or services are required for equipment
or services previously furnished or contracted for, (ii) when the nature of
the services required is such that competitive bidding is not in the best
interest of the public, including without limitation
the services of accountants, architects, attorneys, engineers,
physicians, superintendents of construction, and others possessing a high
degree of skill, and (iii) when services such as water, light, heat, power,
telephone, or telegraph are required.
(b) All contracts involving less than $10,000 shall be let by
bidding to the lowest responsible bidder whenever possible and, in any
event, in a manner calculated to ensure the best interests of
the public.
Competitive bidding is not required for the lease of real estate or
buildings owned or controlled by the Committee. The Committee is empowered
to offer those leases upon terms it deems advisable.
(c) In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the Committee may
take into account the past records of dealings with the bidder, the
bidder's experience, adequacy of equipment, and ability to complete
performance within the time set, and other factors besides financial
responsibility, but in no case shall any contracts be awarded to any other
than the highest bidder (in case of sale, concession, or lease) or the
lowest bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless authorized or
approved by a vote of at least 7 members of the Committee and unless the
action is accompanied by a statement in writing setting forth the reasons
for not awarding the contract to the highest or lowest bidder, as the case
may be, which statement shall be kept on file in the principal office of
the Committee and open to public inspection.
(d) Members of the Committee, officers and employees of the Committee,
and their relatives within the third degree of consanguinity by the terms
of the civil law are forbidden to be interested directly or indirectly in
any contract for construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
materials, supplies, or equipment.
(e) The Committee shall have the right to reject all bids and to
readvertise for bids. If no responsible and satisfactory bid within the
terms of the advertisement is received, the Committee may award the
contract without competitive bidding if the contract is not less
advantageous to the Committee than any valid bid received in response
to advertisement.
(f) The Committee shall adopt rules and regulations to carry into effect
the provisions of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 93-491, eff. 1-1-04.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-60)
Sec. 25-60.
State appropriations for capital development prohibited.
The Committee is prohibited from receiving
or accepting any funds appropriated by the General Assembly to the
Committee for the purpose of capital development.
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
(70 ILCS 200/25-65)
Sec. 25-65.
Standard civic center provisions incorporated by reference.
The following Sections of this Code are incorporated by reference into this
Section 2-5. Definitions.
Section 2-10. Lawsuits; common seal.
Section 2-25. Incurring obligations.
Section 2-30. Prompt payment.
Section 2-40. Federal money.
Section 2-45. Insurance.
Section 2-50. Borrowing; revenue bonds; suits to compel performance.
Section 2-55. Bonds; nature of indebtedness.
Section 2-60. Investment in bonds.
Section 2-75. Board members; financial matters; conflict of interest.
Section 2-80. Board members' oath.
Section 2-85. Board members; vacancy in office.
Section 2-90. Organization of the Board.
Section 2-97. Board meetings; public records.
Section 2-100. Secretary; treasurer.
Section 2-105. Funds.
Section 2-110. Signatures on checks or drafts.
Section 2-115. General manager; other appointments.
Section 2-122. Rules and regulations; penalties.
Section 2-130. Bids and advertisements.
Section 2-132. Bidders; civil action to compel compliance.
Section 2-135. Report and financial statement.
Section 2-145. Anti-trust laws.
Section 2-150. Tax exemption.
(Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes
70 ILCS 200/ - Civic Center Code.
Article 2 - Standard Civic Center Provisions
Article 5 - Aledo Civic Center
Article 10 - Aurora Civic Center
Article 15 - Benton Civic Center
Article 20 - Bloomington Civic Center
Article 25 - Boone County Community Building Complex
Article 30 - Bowdre Township Civic Center
Article 35 - Brownstown Park District Civic Center
Article 40 - Carbondale Civic Center
Article 45 - Cave In Rock Township Civic Center
Article 50 - Centre East Civic Center
Article 55 - Chicago South Civic Center
Article 60 - Collinsville Civic Center
Article 65 - Columbia Civic Center
Article 70 - Crystal Lake Civic Center
Article 75 - Decatur Civic Center
Article 80 - Dupage County Civic Center
Article 85 - Elgin Civic Center
Article 90 - Forest Park Civic Center
Article 95 - Herrin Civic Center
Article 100 - Illinois International Convention Center
Article 105 - Illinois-Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor Civic Center
Article 110 - Illinois Valley Civic Center
Article 115 - Jasper County Civic Center
Article 120 - Jefferson County Civic Center
Article 125 - Jo Daviess County Civic Center
Article 130 - Katherine Dunham Metropolitan Exposition And Auditorium Authority
Article 140 - Leyden Township Space Needs Authority
Article 145 - Marengo Civic Center
Article 150 - Mason County Civic Center
Article 155 - Matteson Civic Center
Article 160 - Maywood Civic Center
Article 165 - Melrose Civic Center
Article 170 - Metropolitan Civic Center
Article 175 - Milford Civic Center
Article 180 - Normal Civic Center
Article 185 - Oak Park Civic Center
Article 190 - Orland Park Civic Center
Article 195 - Ottowa Civic Center
Article 200 - Pekin Civic Center
Article 205 - Peoria Civic Center
Article 210 - Pontiac Civic Center
Article 215 - Quad City Civic Center
Article 220 - Quincy Civic Center
Article 225 - Randolph County Civic Center
Article 230 - River Forest Civic Center
Article 235 - Riverside Civic Center
Article 240 - Rockford Civic Center
Article 245 - Salem Civic Center
Article 250 - Sheldon Civic Center
Article 255 - Springfield Metropolitan Exposition And Auditorium Authority
Article 260 - Sterling Civic Center
Article 265 - Vermilion County Civic Center
Article 270 - Waukegan Civic Center
Article 275 - West Frankfort Civic Center
Article 280 - Will County Metropolitan Exposition And Auditorium Authority
Article 900 - Codification Provisions