Illinois Compiled Statutes
20 ILCS 2205/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Healthcare and Family Services Law)
Article 2205 - Department of Healthcare and Family Services

(20 ILCS 2205/Art. 2205 heading)

(20 ILCS 2205/2205-1)
Sec. 2205-1. Article short title. This Article 2205 of the Civil
Code of Illinois may be cited as the Department of Healthcare and Family Services Law.

(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(20 ILCS 2205/2205-5) (was 20 ILCS 2205/48a)
Sec. 2205-5. Public Aid Code. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall administer the Illinois Public Aid
Code as provided in that Code.

(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(20 ILCS 2205/2205-10) (was 20 ILCS 2205/48b)
Sec. 2205-10. Suspension or termination of authorization to provide medical
services. Whenever the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Department of Public Aid) suspends or
the authorization of any person, firm, corporation, association, agency,
institution, or other legal entity to provide medical services under Article
V of the Illinois Public Aid Code and the practice of providing
those services
or the maintenance of facilities for those services is licensed
under a
Act administered by the Department of Public Health or
the Department of Professional Regulation,
the Department of Healthcare and Family Services

shall, within 30 days of the suspension or termination, give
written notice
of the suspension or termination and transmit a record of the
and specify the grounds on which the suspension or termination is based
to the Department that administers the licensing Act under which
that person,
firm, corporation, association, agency, institution, or other legal entity
is licensed, subject to any confidentiality requirements imposed by applicable
federal or State law. The cost of any such record shall be borne by the
Department to which it is transmitted.

(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(20 ILCS 2205/2205-13)
Sec. 2205-13. Authorization to secure a federal waiver pursuant to the federal Social Security Act or a State plan amendment.
(a) The Director of Healthcare and Family Services, in collaboration and coordination with the Secretary of Human Services, shall develop and submit to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Center for Medicaid and State Operations, a request for a waiver pursuant to the federal Social Security Act or a State plan amendment consistent with the purpose of subsection (b) of this Section and requirements of subsection (c) of this Section.
(b) The purpose of the waiver or a State plan amendment authorized by subsection (a) of this Section is to obtain approval for the use of funds under Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act to provide for an alternative model of licensure, reimbursement, and quality assurance for services to individuals with developmental disabilities consistent with the Continuum of Care Services for the Developmentally Disabled Act.
(c) A waiver or a State plan amendment requested pursuant to this authorization must involve the licensure of a continuum of care facility pursuant to and consistent with all requirements of the Continuum of Care Services for the Developmentally Disabled Act and a proposal for a reimbursement methodology developed under paragraph (2) of Section 40 of the Continuum of Care Services for the Developmentally Disabled Act.

(Source: P.A. 99-892, eff. 1-1-17.)
(20 ILCS 2205/2205-15)
Sec. 2205-15. Internal oversight review and unified report. As required in Section 1-37 of the Department of Human Services Act, the Department shall conduct an internal review and work in conjunction with the Department of Human Services and other State human services agencies in the development of a unified report to the General Assembly summarizing the provider contracts issued by the agencies; auditing requirements related to these contracts; licensing and training requirements subject to audits; mandated reporting requirements for grant recipients and contractual providers; the extent to which audits or rules are redundant or result in duplication; and proposed actions to address the redundancy or duplication.

(Source: P.A. 96-1141, eff. 7-21-10.)
(20 ILCS 2205/2205-15a)
Sec. 2205-15a. Cross-agency prequalification and master service agreements. As required in Section 1-37a of the Department of Human Services Act, the Department shall have the authority and is hereby directed to collaborate with the Department of Human Services and other State human services agencies in the adoption of joint rules to establish (i) a cross-agency prequalification process for contracting with human service providers; (ii) a cross-agency master service agreement of standard terms and conditions for contracting with human service providers; and (iii) a cross-agency common service taxonomy for human service providers to streamline the processes referenced in this Section and outlined in Section 1-37a of the Department of Human Services Act.

(Source: P.A. 97-210, eff. 7-28-11.)
(20 ILCS 2205/2205-20)
Sec. 2205-20. State healthcare purchasing. On and after the date 6 months after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly, as provided in the Executive Order 1 (2012) Implementation Act, all of the powers, duties, rights, and responsibilities related to State healthcare purchasing under this Law that were transferred to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services by Executive Order 3 (2005) are transferred back to the Departments from which those powers, duties, rights, and responsibilities were transferred; however, powers, duties, rights, and responsibilities related to State healthcare purchasing under this Law that were exercised by the Department of Corrections before the effective date of Executive Order 3 (2005) but that pertain to individuals resident in facilities operated by the Department of Juvenile Justice shall be transferred to the Department of Juvenile Justice.

(Source: P.A. 98-488, eff. 8-16-13.)
(20 ILCS 2205/2205-25)
Sec. 2205-25. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 99-195, eff. 7-30-15. Repealed internally, eff. 1-1-18.)
(20 ILCS 2205/2205-30)
Sec. 2205-30. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 101-209, eff. 8-5-19. Repealed internally, eff. 12-1-20.)
(20 ILCS 2205/30)
Sec. 30. (Renumbered).

(Source: P.A. 102-512, eff. 1-1-22. Renumbered by P.A. 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
(20 ILCS 2205/2205-31)
Sec. 2205-31. Health care telementoring.
(a) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall designate one or more health care telementoring entities based on an application to be developed by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services. Applicants shall demonstrate a record of expertise and demonstrated success in providing health care telementoring services. Approved applicants from Illinois shall be eligible for State funding in accordance with rules developed by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services. Funding shall be provided based on the number of physicians who are assisted by each approved health care telementoring entity and the hours of assistance provided to each physician.
(b) In this Section, "health care telementoring" means a program:
"Health care telementoring" includes, but is not limited to, a program provided to improve services in a variety of areas, including, but not limited to, adolescent health, Hepatitis C, complex diabetes, geriatrics, mental illness, opioid use disorders, substance use disorders, maternity care, childhood adversity and trauma, pediatric ADHD, and other priorities identified by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services.

(Source: P.A. 102-512, eff. 1-1-22; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
(20 ILCS 2205/2205-35)
Sec. 2205-35. Certified veteran support specialists. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall recognize veteran support specialists who are certified by, and in good standing with, the Illinois Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association, Inc. as mental health professionals as defined in the Illinois Title XIX State Plan and in 89 Ill. Adm. Code 140.453.

(Source: P.A. 102-43, eff. 7-6-21.)