Illinois Compiled Statutes
70 ILCS 1205/ - Park District Code.
Article 2 - Organization--Elections

(70 ILCS 1205/Art. 2 heading)

(70 ILCS 1205/2-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-1)
Sec. 2-1.

Any territory having less than 500,000 population and so lying as
to form one connected area (no portion of which shall be already included
in an incorporated park district except in the cases provided for in
Section 2-2.1) may be incorporated as a park district, hereinafter referred
to as a "General Park District".

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 915.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-2)
Sec. 2-2.

In organizing any park district under this Code not less than
100 legal voters resident within the limits of such proposed park district
may petition the circuit judge of the county in which such territory, or
the greater or greatest portion thereof, in area, lies, to cause the question
to be submitted to the legal voters of such proposed park district whether
they will organize as a park district. Such petition shall clearly define
the territory intended to be embraced in such district and the name of such
proposed district. The petition must include an affidavit attesting that
notice of intent to petition for formation of a park district has been published
as required by the general election law. In cases coming within the terms
of Section 2-2.1 the petition shall also set forth facts showing that the proposed
park district meets the requirements of that Section and shall be signed
by the number of legal voters required by that Section.

(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-2.1) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-2.1)
Sec. 2-2.1.
(a) When 2 or more park districts are situated entirely within
the corporate limits of the same municipality, a park district coterminous with
such municipality may be organized in the manner hereinafter provided, and,
when so organized, shall supersede the park districts previously existing
within the limits of the municipality. The petition to organize such a park
district shall comply with the requirements of Section 2-2, but must be
signed by not less than 100 legal voters residing in each of the existing
park districts and, if the municipality includes territory not included
within any existing park district, by at least 100 legal voters residing in
such territory or by at least 10% of the legal voters residing in such
territory, whichever is less. The petition shall also state whether the
proposed district shall have 5 elected commissioners or 7 appointed
commissioners. If the proposed district shall have 7 appointed
commissioners, the chief executive officer of the municipality, with the
advice and consent of the corporate authorities, shall appoint the
commissioners. The initial appointed commissioners shall serve terms
determined by lot as follows: 2 for terms of 2 years, 2 for terms of 4
years, and 3 for terms of 6 years. Thereafter, appointed commissioners
shall serve for terms of 6 years. A vacancy in the office of appointed
commissioner shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as
an original appointment. "Municipality" as used in this Section means a city, village or
incorporated town.
(b) (Blank).
(c) (Blank).

(Source: P.A. 99-16, eff. 1-1-16.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-2.2) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-2.2)
Sec. 2-2.2.
Organization; municipal territory.
Where territory to
be organized includes any part of a municipality not currently
a part of any park district, then the territory to be organized must
include all of the municipality.

(Source: P.A. 87-847.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-3)
Sec. 2-3.

An organization or reorganization petition under Section
2-2 or 2-2.1 shall be filed in the offices of the clerk of the circuit court
in which such proposed district or district to be
reorganized, or the greater or greatest portion in area
thereof, is situated together with a request that the circuit judge set a
date and time for a public hearing thereon. The organization petition
shall contain a plat survey of the legal boundaries of the proposed
district. The circuit judge shall fix a date and time, not less than 30
days nor more than 180 days after the date of filing of such petition and
hearing request, for a public hearing on the subject of the petition.
Notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be given by the clerk of
the circuit court at least 20 days prior to the date fixed for such hearing
by at least one publication thereof in one or more daily or weekly
newspapers having a general circulation within the proposed park district.
If no request for a hearing accompanied the petition or if a hearing on
the petition has not been held within the time required by this Section,
such petition shall be void and shall be dismissed by the circuit judge.

(Source: P.A. 84-633.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-4)
Sec. 2-4.

If the circuit judge finds, upon such hearing, that the petition
meets the requirements of this Act and the general election law, and that the
boundaries as defined are reasonable boundaries for the formation of a park
district or districts, he shall order the question submitted to referendum
and, if applicable, the election of 5 commissioners in such proposed
district or districts at the next regular election at which the question
may be submitted in accordance with the general election law. Thereupon
the clerk of the circuit court shall certify said proposition and, if
applicable, offices to the proper election authority which shall conduct
such election at the time and in the manner provided by the general
election law. Nomination petitions for this initial election, if
applicable, shall be filed within the time provided by the general election
law. In the case of a proposition to reorganize a district into 2 new
districts under subsection (b) of Section 2-2.1, nomination petitions shall
be filed separately for each of the proposed districts.

(Source: P.A. 86-307.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-5)
Sec. 2-5.

The ballots to be used at such election shall be substantially
the following form:
( )For Park District
( )Against Park District

For Park Commissioners (Vote for five)

(Here insert names of nominees, if any, with square at left opposite each,
and five additional blank lines for voters to write in names if desired.)
( ).......................................................
( ).......................................................
( ).......................................................
( ).......................................................
( ).......................................................

and shall include the names of all nominees for commissioners together with
five blank lines for voters to write in names if desired; provided however
in election jurisdictions where voting devices are utilized, voters may
write in names in the manner provided in the general election law governing
such voting systems. If the proposed district shall have appointed
commissioners, the provisions for voting for commissioners shall be omitted
from the ballot.

(Source: P.A. 86-307.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-6)
Sec. 2-6.

The circuit court shall canvass such returns and shall
enter a judgment of record determining
and declaring the results of the election, which judgment shall be filed
in the court and if such district shall lie in more than one county, a
certified copy thereof shall be delivered to the clerk of
the circuit court of each such other county who shall file the certified
copy of record in the circuit court of such county.

(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-7) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-7)
Sec. 2-7.

Except as otherwise provided in Section 2-7.1, in case a
majority of the votes cast upon the question so submitted shall be in
favor of the establishment of such district, said district shall then be
deemed organized subject to the election of the initial commissioners: Provided,
that where a referendum has been held to
organize any territory as a park district under this Act at which a
majority of the votes cast in the territory proposed to be organized was
against the organization of such park district, then in any subsequent
referendum to organize a park district, held within 2 years of the date of
the previous referendum, which includes any of the territory included in
such previous referendum, if a city, village or incorporated town is
included in the territory proposed as a district,
no such district shall be
deemed to be organized unless a majority of the votes cast within the
limits of each such city, village or incorporated town and also a
majority of the votes cast outside the limits of each such city, village
or incorporated town, shall be in favor of the establishment of such
district. The clerk shall certify the proposition to the proper election
officials who shall submit the proposition at an election in accordance
with the general election law.

(Source: P.A. 81-1489.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-7.1) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-7.1)
Sec. 2-7.1.

(a) In case of a proposal to organize a park district as
provided in subsection (a) of Section 2-2.1, the district shall be deemed
organized if the proposal to organize the district
receives the favorable vote of a majority of all
votes cast on the question, and also receives the favorable vote of a
majority of the votes cast within each of the existing park districts and
in the territory, if any, not included in any existing park district.
Thereupon the old park districts shall cease to exist, and the newly
organized district shall succeed to all of their property and all their
rights and obligations, including any bonded indebtedness.
(b) In case of a proposal to reorganize a park district into 2 new
park districts as provided in subsection (b) of Section 2-2.1, the district
shall be deemed reorganized if the proposal to reorganize the park district
receives the favorable vote of a majority of all votes cast within the park
district to be so reorganized. Thereupon the old park district shall cease
to exist, and the newly organized park districts shall succeed to all of
its property and all of its rights and obligations, including any bonded
indebtedness, as provided in Section 2-2.1.

(Source: P.A. 83-1346.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-8) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-8)
Sec. 2-8.

All courts in this State shall take judicial notice of all park

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-9) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-9)
Sec. 2-9.

Candidates for park commissioner elected at the election to
determine whether or not a General Park District shall be formed shall be
nominated in the same manner and form as prescribed in the general election
law, except that the petition for nomination shall be filed with the clerk
of the circuit court and shall have the signatures of no less than 25
qualified voters. Candidates for the initial board of commissioners shall
file nomination petitions within the time prescribed by the general election law.
In the event that such park district is organized, then the five persons
who shall have received the highest number of votes for commissioners each
at such election shall be declared the commissioners of said district.

(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-10) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-10)
Sec. 2-10.

Except as otherwise provided herein, within 30 days after declaration
of the result of the election to organize a district, the five persons elected
as commissioners shall meet and decide by lot, the term for which each shall
hold office. Two shall serve for six years; two shall serve for four years;
and one shall serve for two years, respectively and until their successors
shall be duly elected and qualified.

(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-10a) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-10a)
Sec. 2-10a.
Any district may provide by referendum, or by resolution of
the board, that the board shall be comprised of 7 commissioners. Any such
referendum shall be initiated and held in the same manner as is provided
by the general election law.
If a majority of the votes cast on the proposition is in favor of the 7-member
board, or if the board adopts a resolution stating that it is acting pursuant
to this Section in order to create a 7-member board, then whichever of the
following transition schedules are appropriate shall be applied: At the
election of commissioners next following by at least 60 days the date on
which the proposition to create a 7-member board was approved at referendum
or by resolution, the number of commissioners to be elected shall be 2 more
than the number that would otherwise have been elected. If this results
in the election, pursuant to Section 2-12 of this Act, of 4 commissioners
at that election, one of the 4, to be determined by lot within 30 days after
the election, shall serve for a term of 4 years or 2 years as the case
may be, instead of 6 years, so that his term will expire in the same year
in which the term of only one of the incumbent commissioners expires.
all commissioners shall be elected for 6-year terms as provided in Section
2-12. If the creation of a 7-member board results in the election of either
3 or 4 commissioners, pursuant to Section 2-12a of this Act, at that election,
2 of them, to
be determined by lot within 30 days after the election, shall serve for
terms of 2 years instead of 4 years. Thereafter all commissioners shall
be elected for 4-year terms as provided in Section 2-12a of this Act.
In any district where a 7-member board has been created pursuant to this
Section whether by referendum or by resolution, the number of commissioners
may later be reduced to 5, but only by a referendum initiated and held in
the same manner as prescribed in this Section for creating a 7-member board.
No proposition to reduce the number of commissioners shall affect the terms
of any commissioners holding office at the time of the referendum or to
be elected within 60 days of the referendum. If a majority of the votes cast on the proposition is in favor of reducing a 7-member board to a 5-member board, then, at the election of commissioners next following by at least 60 days the date on which the proposition was approved at referendum, the number of commissioners to be elected shall be 2 less than the number that would otherwise have been elected and whichever of the following transition schedules are appropriate shall be applied: (i) if this results in the election of no commissioners for a 6-year term pursuant to Section 2-12 of this Act, then at the next election in which 3 commissioners are scheduled to be elected to 6-year terms as provided in Section 2-12, one of the 3, to be determined by lot within 30 days after the election, shall serve for a term of 4 years or 2 years, as the case may be, instead of 6 years, so that his or her term will expire in the same year in which the term of no incumbent commissioner is scheduled to expire; thereafter, all commissioners shall be elected for 6-year terms as provided in Section 2-12; or (ii) if the reduction to a 5-member board results in the election of one commissioner to a 4-year term, pursuant to Section 2-12a of this Act, then at the next election in which 4 commissioners are scheduled to be elected to 4-year terms as provided in Section 2-12a, one of the 4, to be determined by lot within 30 days after the election, shall serve for a term of 2 years, instead of 4 years, so that his or her term will expire in the same year in which the term of only one incumbent commissioner is scheduled to expire; thereafter, all commissioners shall be elected for 4-year terms as provided in Section 2-12a.

(Source: P.A. 100-351, eff. 8-25-17.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-11) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-11)
Sec. 2-11.
No person shall be eligible to serve as park commissioner
unless that person is a qualified elector of the park district and has
resided therein at least one year prior to election or appointment.
A person is not eligible to serve as park commissioner if that person is in arrears in the payment of a tax or other indebtedness due to the park district or has been convicted in any court located in the United States of any infamous crime, bribery, perjury, or other felony.
Nominations of candidates for the office of park commissioners
in any General Park District at all succeeding elections shall be made by
petition signed in the aggregate for each candidate by qualified voters
of such district, equal in number to not less than 2% of the number who
voted at the last preceding election for commissioners in such district,
but in no case by less than 25 of such voters. The petition shall be filed
with the secretary of the district.
In all General Park Districts the secretary of the district shall, in
the manner and at the time prescribed by the general election law certify
to the proper election authorities the name or names of the candidate
or candidates so nominated. The ballot shall have no political party name,
platform or principle thereon designated, nor shall any party circle be
printed upon the ballot. Where voting machines or electronic voting systems
are used, the provisions of this Section may be modified as required or
authorized by the general election law.

(Source: P.A. 96-458, eff. 8-14-09.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-12) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-12)
Sec. 2-12.

Except as may be otherwise determined pursuant to Section 2-12a
the commissioners shall be elected for 6 year terms in all districts now
or hereafter organized with the exceptions provided in Sections 2-10 and
2-10a as to those first elected.
In all General Park Districts commissioners shall be elected biennially
to take the place of those whose terms expire. Such elections
shall take place at the election provided by the general election
Commissioners shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified.

(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-12a) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-12a)
Sec. 2-12a.
Any district may provide, either by resolution of the board
or by referendum, that the term of commissioners shall be 4 years rather
than 6 years. Any such referendum shall be initiated and held in the same
manner as is provided by the general election law for public questions
authorized by Article VII of the Illinois Constitution.
If a majority of the votes cast on the proposition is in favor of a 4-year
term for commissioners, or if the Board adopts a resolution stating that
it is acting pursuant to this Section to change the term of office from
6 years to 4 years, commissioners thereafter elected, commencing with the
first regular park district election at least 60 days after the date on
which the proposition for 4-year terms was approved at referendum or by
resolution, shall be elected for a term of 4 years. In order to provide
for the transition from 6-year terms to 4-year terms:
In any district where the board has created 4-year terms pursuant to
this Section, whether by referendum or by resolution, the length of terms
may later be increased to 6 years, but only by a referendum initiated and
held in the same manner as prescribed in this Section for creating 4-year
terms. No proposition to increase the terms of commissioners shall affect
any commissioner holding office at the time of the referendum or to be
elected within 60 days of the referendum.

(Source: P.A. 101-58, eff. 7-12-19.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-14) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-14)
Sec. 2-14.

When the boundaries of any General Park District are coterminous
with the boundaries of a village having 50,000 or more inhabitants, and
the commissioners are being elected for the same
term of office as village trustees, within 30 days after the declaration
of the result of the first election held to elect commissioners, the five
persons elected as commissioners shall meet
and decide by lot the term for which each shall hold office. Two shall serve
for six years, two shall serve for four years, and one shall serve for two
years, respectively, from the date of their election as commissioners, or
until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified.
When the boundaries of any General Park District are coterminous with the
boundaries of a village having 50,000 or more inhabitants, and the commissioners
are being elected for the same term of office as
village trustees, the provisions of Section 2-12 concerning the term of
office of commissioners in General Park Districts
shall apply to elections subsequent to the first election held to elect commissioners.

(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-15) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-15)
Sec. 2-15.

In each Pleasure Driveway and Park District there shall be elected
a president and six trustees who shall be legal voters of and reside within
said district, who shall hold their respective offices for a term of four
years, from the date of said election and until their successors are elected
and qualified.

(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-17) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-17)
Sec. 2-17.

In existing Pleasure Driveway and Park Districts nominations
of candidates for the office of president and trustee shall be made only by petition
in the manner as provided for independent candidates
in the general election
law. The petition shall be
signed by qualified voters in the district equal in number to not less than
2% of the number who voted at the last preceding election for trustees in
the district, but in no case by fewer than 25 voters. The secretary of
such board shall certify the names of the candidates to the appropriate
election authorities, who shall conduct such election at the time and in
the manner provided by the general election law.

(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-17.5)
Sec. 2-17.5. Fox Valley Park District.
(a) The Fox Valley Pleasure Driveway and Park District is reorganized by operation of law as the Fox Valley Park District under this Code on July 16, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-772).
(b) Each Fox Valley Park District commissioner shall be a legal voter and reside within the park district and, as to the subdistrict commissioners, each shall reside within the subdistrict from which he or she is elected. The proper election authority shall conduct the elections for commissioners at the time and in the manner provided by the general election law.
(c) Beginning with the consolidated election in 2017, 7 commissioners shall be elected for 4-year terms, consisting of 6 commissioners from 3 2-member subdistricts and 1 commissioner elected at large. The terms of office of the initial commissioners elected under Public Act 98-772 will run as follows, to be determined by lot: 4 members shall serve a 4-year term and may be re-elected for subsequent 4-year terms, and 3 members shall serve a 2-year term and may be re-elected for subsequent 4-year terms thereafter.
The initial three subdistricts of the Fox Valley Park District shall be as follows:
In the year following the next decennial census and each decennial census thereafter, the board of commissioners shall reapportion the subdistricts to reflect the results of the census. A nominating petition for a candidate for commissioner of a subdistrict or for a candidate for the at-large commissioner shall contain signatures of registered voters residing anywhere within the Fox Valley Park District, but at least 50 such registered voters or 2% of the total number of ballots cast Park District-wide in the last preceding election for commissioners in the Fox Valley Park District, whichever is less.
The term of office for the commissioners elected
under this
Section shall commence on the first Monday
of the month following the month of election. The terms of all appointed trustees serving on July 16, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-772) shall end when their successors have been elected and qualified.
(d) The Fox Valley Park District board of commissioners shall elect officers of the board at the first meeting of the board following the next consolidated election for park district commissioners.
(e) As of July 16, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-772), each Fox Valley Pleasure Driveway and Park District trustee in office shall, as a member of the board of the Fox Valley Park District, perform the duties and exercise the powers conferred upon park board commissioners under this Code, until his or her successor is elected and has qualified.
(f) Any tax authorized by referendum or other means under this Code and levied by the Fox Valley Pleasure Driveway and Park District before July 16, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-772) shall not be affected or abrogated because of the name change, and the Fox Valley Park District may continue to levy and collect that tax.

(Source: P.A. 101-672, eff. 1-1-22.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-18) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-18)
Sec. 2-18. (a) Except for the Fox Valley Park District on and after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly, in any Pleasure Driveway and Park District in which the legal voters
have heretofore determined that the governing board shall be appointed,
such method shall continue in effect and the board shall consist of 7
trustees. In such case and if the district is wholly contained within
a single county the trustees shall be appointed by the presiding officer of the
county board with the advice and consent of the county board.
If the district is located in more than one county, the number of
trustees who are residents of a county shall be in
proportion, as nearly as practicable, to the number of
residents of the district who reside in that county in
relation to the total population of the district, except that the board of
may determine that one trustee is to be appointed from each county within
the district, such appointment to be made by the appropriate appointing
authority as hereinafter provided. Each trustee shall be
appointed by the county board of his
or her county of residence, or in the case of a home rule
county, by the chief executive officer of the county with
the advice and consent of the county board.
(b) Upon the expiration of the term of a trustee who is
in office at the time of the publication of each decennial Federal census
of population, the successor shall be a resident of whichever county is
entitled to such representation as determined under subsection (a), and he
shall be appointed by the county board of that county, or
in the case of a home rule county as defined by Article VII, Section 6
of the Illinois Constitution, the chief executive officer of that county,
with the advice and consent of the county board. Thereafter, each
trustee shall be succeeded by a resident of the same county who shall
be appointed by the same appointing authority.
The appropriate appointing authority
shall appoint trustees biennially for such district on the first Monday in July, to
fill the vacancies on the board of trustees caused by the expiration of the term of
office of trustees and the trustees shall be legal voters and reside within
the park district; provided, that no more than 4 trustees at any one time
shall belong to the same political party. Each of the trustees shall receive
a certificate of appointment and qualify within 10 days from the receipt of
notice of appointment.
Trustees shall be appointed for a period of 4 years and shall hold
their office until their successors are appointed and qualified.
Whenever a vacancy is created other than by the expiration of a
trustee's term of office, it shall be filled by the appropriate appointing
authority as provided in subsection (a).
All trustees appointed for any park district, as herein provided, shall
have and exercise all the powers conferred upon trustees elected under the
provisions of this Code.
In a Pleasure Driveway and Park District the trustees of which are
appointed as herein provided, whenever a provision in this Code or any other
applicable law authorizes
a public question of any kind to be submitted to the electors of the district at an
election, a petition by electors of the district asking that such question
be submitted shall be signed by a number of registered voters of
such district equal to not less than 10% of the number of registered voters in
the district as of the last preceding regular election.

(Source: P.A. 98-772, eff. 7-16-14.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-19) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-19)
Sec. 2-19.

The board of Township Park Districts shall consist of three
commissioners, each of whom must be a legal voter of and reside within the
district. Each shall hold office for a term of six years from the date of
his election and until his successor is elected and qualified.
An election shall be held at the time provided by
the general election law,
to elect the commissioner whose term then expires. Nominations
shall be made in the manner as provided for General Park Districts under Sections
2-11, 2-12 and 2-13 of this Code. The election shall be conducted
as provided by the general election law.

(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-20) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-20)
Sec. 2-20.

Whenever the legal voters of any Township Park District or Pleasure
Driveway and Park District, equal in number to ten per cent of the number
of electors voting at the last preceding election held in the district,
petition the board thereof to submit the question whether the park district
shall reorganize as a General Park District under this Code, the secretary
of the board shall certify this question to the appropriate election authorities
who shall conduct a referendum on said question in accordance with the general
election law. Such petition shall be filed with the secretary of said board
in accordance with provisions of general election law.

(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-21) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-21)
Sec. 2-21.

The proposition to be submitted at such election shall be in
substantially the following form:

Shall the.... Park District YES
reorganize as a General Park District ------------------------
under the Park District Code? NO


(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-22) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-22)
Sec. 2-22.

If a majority of the legal voters of such district voting on
such proposition vote in favor thereof, the park district shall become a
General Park District under this Code. Thereupon, the Park District
officers then in office or elected at such election shall exercise the
powers conferred upon like officers under this Code until their successors
are elected and have qualified.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-23) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-23)
Sec. 2-23.

The first election for commissioners where a Pleasure Driveway
and Park District has become a General Park District shall be held at
the next regular election for park district commissioners at which time
two commissioners
shall be elected for a term of six years to succeed the former president
and two trustees whose terms have expired. In the succeeding
biennial election three commissioners shall be elected to succeed the remaining
former trustees, whose terms shall have then expired. These three
newly elected commissioners shall decide by lot the term for which each
shall hold office. The two drawing the longest term shall serve for six
years; and the other shall serve for two years, and until their successors
shall be duly elected and qualified. Thereafter commissioners shall be elected
biennially for a term of six years to succeed the commissioners whose terms
expire. Provided, in former Pleasure Driveway and Park Districts, where
the trustees are appointed in the manner provided in Section 2-18 hereof,
the first election for commissioners shall be held at the next
regular election for park district commissioners after
the expiration of the terms of the three or four former trustees (as the
case may be) whose terms first expire. Said election shall be held at
the time provided by the general election law
at which two commissioners shall be elected for a term of six years
to succeed said former trustees whose terms have expired. Two
years thereafter an election shall be held at the time provided by the
general election law, at which three commissioners
shall be elected to succeed the remaining former trustees whose terms shall
have expired. These three newly elected commissioners shall
decide by lot the term for which each shall hold office, in the same manner
as above provided for Pleasure Driveway and Park Districts in which the
former trustees were elected by the voters.

(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-24) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-24)
Sec. 2-24.

The first election for commissioners where a Township Park District
has been incorporated as a General Park District shall be held at
the next regular election of such commissioners as provided in the general
election law at which time three commissioners shall be elected to succeed
the commissioner whose term has expired.
These newly elected three commissioners shall decide by lot the term for
which each shall hold office; the two drawing the longest term shall serve
for six years, and the other shall serve for four years, and until their
successors shall be duly elected and qualified. In the succeeding biennial
election one commissioner shall be elected for a term of six years to succeed
the commissioner whose term has expired. Thereafter commissioners shall
be elected biennially for a term of six years to succeed the commissioners
whose terms expire.

(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-25) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-25)
Sec. 2-25. Vacancies. Whenever any member of the governing board of any park
district (i) dies, (ii) resigns, (iii) becomes under legal disability, (iv)
ceases to be a legal voter in the district, (v) is convicted in any court located in the United States of any
infamous crime, bribery, perjury, or other felony, (vi) refuses or neglects to take his or her oath of office,
(vii) neglects to perform the duties of his or her office or attend
meetings of the board for the length of time as the board fixes by
ordinance, or (viii) for any other reason specified by law, that office may
be declared vacant. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by a majority
of the remaining members of the board. Any person so appointed shall hold
his or her office until the next regular election for this office, at which
a member shall be elected to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term,
subject to the following conditions:
(Source: P.A. 101-257, eff. 8-9-19; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-26) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-26)
Sec. 2-26.

The election of a park commissioner may be contested in the
Circuit Court. Such contests shall be initiated and conducted pursuant
to the provisions of Article 23 of The Election Code, as amended, applicable
to contests of election of officers elected from districts.

(Source: P.A. 80-638.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-27)
Sec. 2-27. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 98-928, eff. 8-15-14. Repealed internally, eff. 6-1-17.)
(70 ILCS 1205/2-28)
Sec. 2-28. Plainfield Park District board. On and after April 4, 2017, the Plainfield Park District shall have a board of 7 commissioners to be elected as provided under Section 2-10a of this Code.

(Source: P.A. 98-928, eff. 8-15-14.)