Idaho constitution
Article XV
Section 7

There shall be
constituted a Water Resource Agency, composed as the Legislature may now or
hereafter prescribe, which shall have power to construct and operate water projects;
to issue bonds, without state obligation, to be repaid from revenues of projects; to
generate and wholesale hydroelectric power at the site of production; to appropriate
public waters as trustee for Agency projects; to acquire, transfer and encumber title
to real property for water projects and to have control and administrative authority
over state lands required for water projects; all under such laws as may be
prescribed by the Legislature. Additionally, the State Water Resource Agency shall
have power to formulate and implement a state water plan for optimum development
of water resources in the public interest. The Legislature of the State of Idaho shall
have the authority to amend or reject the state water plan in a manner provided by
law. Thereafter any change in the state water plan shall be submitted to the
Legislature of the State of Idaho upon the first day of a regular session following
the change and the change shall become effective unless amended or rejected by law
within sixty days of its admission [submission] to the Legislature.