Idaho constitution
Article XI
Section 6

individuals, associations, and corporations, similarly situated, shall have equal rights
to have persons or property transported on and over any railroad, transportation, or
express route in this state, except that preference may be given to perishable
property. No undue or unreasonable discrimination shall be made in charges or
facilities for transportation of freight or passengers of the same class, by any
railroad, or transportation, or express company, between persons or places within
this state; but excursion or commutation tickets may be issued and sold at special
rates, provided such rates are the same to all persons. No railroad, or
transportation, or express company shall be allowed to charge, collect, or receive,
under penalties which the legislature shall prescribe, any greater charge or toll for
the transportation of freight or passengers, to any place or station upon its route or
line, than it charges for the transportation of the same class of freight or passengers
to any more distant place or station upon its route or line within this state. No
railroad, express, or transportation company, nor any lessee, manager, or other
employee thereof, shall give any preference to any individual, association, or
corporation, in furnishing cars or motive power, or for the transportation of money
or other express matter.