71-411. STANDARD WEIGHT AND TARE TICKET. (1) All commodities weighed on public platform scales, having a capacity of five (5) tons or more, shall be recorded on standard weight and tare ticket prepared in triplicate, stating:
(a) Name and address of licensed weighing agency;
(b) Serial number;
(c) Date;
(d) Owner of commodity weighed;
(e) Kind of commodity being weighed;
(f) Gross weight of load;
(g) Tare;
(h) Net weight; and
(i) Full signature of weigher.
(2) Weight and tare tickets shall be kept and maintained by the weighmaster or the weighing facility for three (3) years.
[(71-411) I.C.A., sec. 69-411, added 1949, ch. 155, sec. 1, p. 332; am. 1967, ch. 251, sec. 1, p. 718; am. 2020, ch. 141, sec. 7, p. 432.]
Structure Idaho Code