Idaho Code
Section 7-1406 - NOTICE.

7-1406. NOTICE. Upon commencement of a proceeding for suspension of a license under this chapter, the petitioner shall also serve the licensee notice:
(1) Of the licensee’s right to a hearing;
(2) That the licensee has twenty-one (21) days after service to request a hearing;
(3) That the license will be suspended if there is no timely request for a hearing or the licensee fails without good cause to appear for a scheduled hearing; and
(4) That the license will not be suspended if the licensee pays the delinquency and the current support obligation in full; demonstrates compliance with a subpoena in a paternity or child support proceeding; demonstrates compliance with an order for visitation; pays the current support obligation in full and enters into a reasonable schedule for repayment of any child support delinquency; or establishes good cause why the license should not be suspended.

[7-1406, added 1996, ch. 429, sec. 1, p. 1459; am. 1997, ch. 317, sec. 2, p. 939; am. 1998, ch. 250, sec. 4, p. 817.]