Idaho Code
Section 67-6803 - EXPENDITURE LIMITS.

67-6803. EXPENDITURE LIMITS. (a) The legislature shall not, by ongoing appropriation for any fiscal year, cause the expenditure of general fund revenues for that fiscal year to exceed five and one-third percent (5 1/3%) of the total personal income of the state for the ensuing fiscal year as determined by the economic estimates commission. One-time general fund appropriations are not to be included in the expenditure limit.
(b) In order to permit the transference of governmental functions between the federal and state governments and between the state government and its political subdivisions and school districts, without abridging the purpose of this act, adjustments to the appropriation percentage limitation of total personal income shall be specifically detailed in appropriations and shall be consistent with the following principles:
(1) If, by order of any court or by legislative enactment on or after January 1, 1980, the costs of a program or any portion thereof are transferred from a political subdivision of this state or school district to the state, the appropriation percentage limitation may be commensurately increased provided the tax revenues of the affected political subdivisions or school districts are commensurately decreased.
(2) If, by order of any court or by legislative enactment on or after January 1, 1980, the costs of a program or any portion thereof are transferred from the state to a political subdivision of this state, the appropriation percentage limitation shall be commensurately decreased, and the tax rates of the political subdivision may be commensurately increased.
(3) If funds provided by the federal government in support of an existing service or program are eliminated or significantly curtailed on or after January 1, 1980, the appropriation percentage limitation may be commensurately increased by the amount of the increased state costs incurred in providing such service or program or any portion thereof pursuant to an order of any court or by legislative enactment.
(4) If the costs of a program are transferred from the state to the federal government on or after January 1, 1980, the appropriation percentage limitation shall be commensurately decreased.

[67-6803, added 1980, ch. 380, Sec. 3, p. 966; am. 1994, ch. 338, sec. 1, p. 1074.]