Idaho Code

56-1201. IDAHO STATE INDEPENDENT LIVING COUNCIL — LEGISLATIVE INTENT. The Idaho state independent living council, as hereby created and as provided for in this chapter, is not a single department of state government unto itself, nor is it a part of any of the twenty (20) departments of state government authorized by section 20, article IV, of the constitution of the state of Idaho, or of the departments prescribed in section 67-2402, Idaho Code.
It is legislative intent that the Idaho state independent living council operate and be recognized not as a state agency or department, but as a governmental entity whose creation has been authorized by the state, much in the same manner as other single purpose districts. Pursuant to this intent, and because the Idaho state independent living council is not a state department or agency, the Idaho state independent living council is exempt from the required participation in the services of the purchasing agent or employee liability coverage, as rendered by the department of administration. However, nothing shall prohibit the Idaho state independent living council from entering into contractual arrangements with the department of administration, or any other department of state government or an elected constitutional officer, for these or any other services.
It is legislative intent to require compliance with the state merit system, and to affirm the participation of the Idaho state independent living council in the public employee retirement system, chapter 13, title 59, Idaho Code, and the personnel system, chapter 53, title 67, Idaho Code.
It is also legislative intent that the matters of location of deposit of Idaho state independent living council funds, or the instruments or documents of payment from those funds shall be construed as no more than items of convenience for the conduct of business, and in no way reflect upon the nature or status of the Idaho state independent living council as an entity of government.
This section merely affirms that the Idaho state independent living council created under this chapter is not a state agency and in no way changes the character of it as it existed prior to this chapter. The functions previously performed by the state independent living council created by executive order no. 2002-05, are hereby transferred to the Idaho state independent living council pursuant to this chapter.

[56-1201, added 2004, ch. 327, sec. 1, p. 978.]