Idaho Code
Chapter 47 - ACUPUNCTURE
Section 54-4713 - PENALTIES.

54-4713. PENALTIES. (1) A person who violates any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(2) The board may seek injunction against any person who practices acupuncture in violation of this chapter and may, in the event a permanent injunction is entered against such person or plea or verdict of guilty is entered in any criminal matter, impose a civil penalty in the amount of all costs and fees incurred by the board in prosecuting the matter.
(3) The representation to another person that a person holds a license, certification or permit pursuant to this chapter, when such representation is untrue, constitutes the using of a method, act or practice which is declared to be unlawful under the provisions of chapter 6, title 48, Idaho Code.

[54-4713, added 1999, ch. 379, sec. 1, p. 1044; am. 2011, ch. 75, sec. 9, p. 160.]