Idaho Code

54-4511. AWARD OF CONTRACTS — DUAL CAPACITY. (1) Construction manager representative (CMR). A licensed construction manager and the firm of which he is a principal or full-time employee may be awarded a contract to act only as representative for an owner. In soliciting bids or awarding contracts for public works construction to be entered into by the owner, a licensed construction manager representative shall comply with all notice and bidding laws with which an owner would be required to comply if it were to do the same activities without the assistance of a construction manager. A licensed construction manager representative and the firm of which he is a principal or employee shall not provide construction management services for a construction project on which the licensed construction manager or his firm also provides design services or other construction related services, whether as a contractor or subcontractor. Provided however, that this section shall not preclude a licensed architect or registered professional engineer from providing public works construction management services which are normally provided by licensed architects or registered professional engineers for a project on which the person or firm has provided design services. Such public works construction management services provided by a licensed architect or registered professional engineer shall not include the procurement of equipment or construction work required by law to be competitively bid for public works construction.
(2) Construction manager/general contractor (CM/GC). A licensed construction manager and the firm of which he is a principal or full-time employee may be awarded a contract to act as both construction manager and general contractor provided the construction manager/general contractor has a valid public works contractor license as a general contractor pursuant to section 54-1902, Idaho Code.
(3) Compensation of a construction manager/general contractor shall be determined pursuant to section 67-2320, Idaho Code.
(4) At such time as the design of a project or a phase of a project is available, the construction work, materials and equipment for construction of a project may be incorporated into the construction manager/general contractor contract based upon bids solicited from licensed public works contractors and from suppliers for all construction work, materials and equipment.
(5) For each portion of the work, competitive bids shall be solicited from not less than three (3) contractors or suppliers deemed to be qualified by the construction manager/general contractor. All bids shall be opened publicly in the presence of a representative of the public entity for whom the project is undertaken and, once opened, bids shall be subject to the public record requirements outlined in title 74, Idaho Code.
(6) All construction work, materials and equipment shall be awarded to the lowest responsive qualified bidder. For good cause, the public entity may approve the award of bids based upon fewer than three (3) bids.
(7) The construction manager/general contractor, or its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, may bid to perform construction work or to supply materials or equipment only if it holds a valid license pursuant to section 54-1902, Idaho Code, and for which it customarily self-performs or supplies such construction work, materials or equipment; provided, the public entity may limit the amount of work the construction manager/general contractor, including its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, may perform under the contract. Bids from the construction manager/general contractor and its subsidiaries or affiliated companies must be opened at the opening of any other bids.
(8) When bidding for all phases of the project has been completed, a guaranteed maximum price for the entire project may be negotiated by the public entity.
(9) No public entity shall enter into a contract with any person or firm for construction management services as construction manager representative or as construction manager/general contractor if such person or firm is required to be licensed under this chapter unless:
(a) Such person holds a valid license or such firm holds a valid certificate issued pursuant to this chapter;
(b) The selection of such construction manager representative or construction manager/general contractor is made pursuant to section 67-2320, Idaho Code; and
(c) All terms of the contract including, but not limited to, terms for management fees, incentive compensation and disposition of any contingency fund, if applicable, are agreed upon in writing.

[54-4511, added 1998, ch. 410, sec. 1, p. 1271; am. 2014, ch. 132, sec. 2, p. 368; am. 2016, ch. 35, sec. 1, p. 85.]