Idaho Code

54-3605. POWERS AND DUTIES OF COMMISSION. The commission shall have, but is not limited to, the following powers and duties:
(1) To elect a chairman and such other officers as it deems advisable.
(2) To appoint and employ, and at its pleasure discharge, all necessary agents, employees and professional personnel and other personnel, including experts in agriculture and the publicizing of wines and to prescribe their duties and fix their compensation.
(3) To establish offices and incur expense and enter into contracts and to create such liabilities as may be reasonable for the proper administration and enforcement of this act.
(4) To find new markets for Idaho grape products.
(5) To give, publicize and promulgate reliable information showing the value of Idaho grape products for any purpose for which they are found useful and profitable.
(6) To investigate and participate in studies of the problems to the growers of grapes in the state of Idaho.
(7) To take such action as the commission deems necessary or advisable in order to promote Idaho grape products.
(8) To enter into such contracts as may be necessary or advisable.
(9) To make use of such advertising means and methods as the commission deems advisable and to enter into contracts and agreements for research and advertising within and without the state of Idaho.
(10) To cooperate with any local, state or national organization or agency, whether voluntary or created by the law of any state, or the United States, engaged in work or activity similar to the work and activities of the commission, and to enter into contracts and agreements with such organizations or agencies for carrying on a joint campaign of research, education, product protection, publicity and reciprocal enforcement of these objects.
(11) To protect brands, marks, packages, brand names or trademarks being promoted by the commission.
(12) To do any and all things that will promote Idaho grape products.
(13) To keep an accurate record of all its dealings, which shall be open to inspection by the state controller.
(14) To sue and be sued.
(15) To adopt and from time to time alter, rescind, modify and/or amend all proper and necessary rules and orders for the exercise of its powers and performance of its duties under this act.

[54-3605, added 1984, ch. 42, sec. 1, p. 69; am. 1994, ch. 180, sec. 105, p. 496; am. 2012, ch. 30, sec. 2, p. 88.]