Idaho Code
Chapter 28 - GEOLOGISTS
Section 54-2819 - DISCIPLINE.

54-2819. DISCIPLINE. (1) Grounds for discipline. The board shall have the power to deny any application for or renewal of a certificate of registration or to revoke, suspend or otherwise discipline any registrant or registration issued pursuant to this chapter and to limit or restrict the practice of any registrant upon a determination by the board that the person:
(a) Made, or caused to be made, a false, fraudulent or forged statement, document, credentials or representation in procuring or attempting to procure a certificate of registration to practice geology; or
(b) Practiced geology under a false or assumed name; or
(c) Was convicted, found guilty, received a withheld judgment or suspended sentence in this or any other state of action constituting a crime that is deemed relevant in accordance with section 67-9411(1), Idaho Code; or
(d) Violated the provisions of this chapter or rules, standards of conduct and practice, or any ethical codes as may be adopted by the board; or
(e) Is or has been grossly negligent, incompetent, or reckless in the practice of geology; or
(f) Has had a license, certificate, or registration to practice as a professional geologist suspended or revoked in any jurisdiction. A certified copy of the order of suspension or revocation shall be prima facie evidence of such suspension or revocation.
(2) Proceedings. Every person subject to disciplinary proceedings shall be afforded an opportunity for hearing after reasonable notice.
(a) All proceedings hereunder shall be in accordance with chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code, and the Idaho rules of administrative procedure of the attorney general (IDAPA 04.11.01).
(b) Hearings shall be conducted by the board or by persons appointed by the board to conduct hearings and receive evidence.
(3) Probation. Any order of the board entered under this section may be withheld or suspended for a probationary period to be fixed by the board upon such terms and conditions as may be appropriate in order to regulate, monitor or supervise the practice of geology by the registrant subject to such order for the prescribed probationary period.
(4) Subsequent review. Any order of the board entered under this section may be withdrawn, reversed, modified or amended upon a showing by the person subject to the order that the grounds for discipline no longer exist or that he is rehabilitated, qualified and competent to practice professional geology and that he is not likely to violate the provisions of this section or rules adopted hereunder in the future.
(5) Costs and fees. The board may, pursuant to an order of discipline or as a condition to withdrawal, reversal, modification or amendment of the order, require the person to pay all or part of the costs and fees incurred by the board in proceedings upon which the order was entered.
(6) Administrative fines. The board may, pursuant to an order of discipline, require the payment of an administrative fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each violation of the provisions of this section or rules adopted hereunder.

[54-2819, added 1971, ch. 137, sec. 19, p. 576; am. 1993, ch. 216, sec. 84, p. 658; am. 2002, ch. 266, sec. 14, p. 795; am. 2009, ch. 75, sec. 5, p. 211; am. 2020, ch. 175, sec. 27, p. 535.]