Idaho Code
Chapter 25 - HORSE RACING

54-2513. HORSE RACING — DISTRIBUTIONS OF DEPOSITS — BREAKAGE. (A) Each licensee conducting the pari-mutuel system for live and simulcast horse races having an average daily handle in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) shall distribute all sums deposited in any pool as follows:
(1) Eighty-two percent (82%) of any win, place or show pool to the winner thereof, and eighteen percent (18%) to the licensee;
(2) Seventy-seven and one-quarter percent (77.25%) of all two (2) horse exotic wagers including, but not limited to, daily doubles and quinellas to the winner thereof, three-quarters of one percent (.75%) to the racing commission for deposit in the racing commission account, and twenty-two percent (22%) to the licensee;
(3) Seventy-five and one-quarter percent (75.25%) of all three (3) or more horse exotic wagers including, but not limited to, trifecta and twin-trifecta to the winner thereof, three-quarters of one percent (.75%) to the racing commission for deposit in the racing commission account, and twenty-four percent (24%) to the licensee.
(B) Each licensee conducting the pari-mutuel system for live and simulcast horse races having an average daily handle in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) shall retain the sums deposited in any pool as required in subsection (A) of this section, for distribution and payment based upon gross daily receipts as follows:
(1) One and one-quarter percent (1.25%) of gross daily receipts, separately stated, shall be paid to the Idaho state racing commission, for deposit in the racing commission account, which is hereby created in the state regulatory fund.
(2) One-half of one percent (.50%) of gross daily receipts from horse races, separately stated, shall be paid to the Idaho state racing commission for deposit in the track distribution account, which is hereby created in the pari-mutuel distribution fund, for further distribution to certain Idaho horse race tracks, defined as follows:
a. Recipient horse racing tracks shall be those which, during the race meet year of distribution, have a total race handle from both live races and simulcast races of less than five million dollars ($5,000,000);
b. Distributions to recipient horse racing tracks shall be weighted proportionately on the number of days raced during the year of distribution.
All moneys in the track distribution account are hereby continuously appropriated to the commission for payment as required by this section. Payments to horse racing tracks shall be made annually but not later than December 15.
(3) One-half of one percent (.50%) of gross daily receipts from horse races, separately stated shall be paid by the licensee to the commission for deposit in the breed distribution account, which is hereby created in the pari-mutuel distribution fund, for payment by the commission in proportion to the handle generated by each horse breed, to lawfully constituted representatives of each horse breed, to benefit owners and/or breeders of Idaho bred racing thoroughbreds, racing quarter horses, racing Appaloosas, racing paints and racing Arabians, subject to the approval of the commission. Moneys in the breed distribution account on December 31 of each year which have not been distributed by the commission shall be paid to the public school income fund.
All moneys in the breed distribution account are hereby continuously appropriated to the commission for payment as required by this section. Payments to representatives shall be made quarterly.
(4) From the balance of gross daily receipts remaining with the licensee after the distributions required in subsection (B)(1), (2) and (3) of this section from horse races, the following amounts shall be paid or retained:
a. From the first $20,000 of gross daily receipts, the licensee shall retain the entire amount;
b. From the next $10,000 of gross daily receipts (gross daily receipts between $20,000 and $30,000), the public school income fund and the equine education account shall each receive one-eighth of one percent (.125%), and the licensee shall retain the balance;
c. From the next $10,000 of gross daily receipts (gross daily receipts between $30,000 and $40,000), the public school income fund and the equine education account shall each receive sixty-two and one-half hundredths percent (.625%), and the licensee shall retain the balance;
d. From all amounts of over $40,000 of gross daily receipts, the public school income fund and the equine education account shall each receive one and one-eighth percent (1.125%), and the licensee shall retain the balance.
The public schools’ and the equine education account’s share shall be paid by the licensee to the racing commission for deposit in the public school income fund or the equine education account as appropriate. The licensee’s percentage shall be retained by the licensee.
(C) Each licensee conducting the pari-mutuel system for live and simulcast horse races having an average daily handle of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or less shall distribute all sums deposited in any pool as follows:
(1) Seventy-seven percent (77%) of any win, place or show pool to the winner thereof, and twenty-three percent (23%) to the licensee;
(2) Seventy-six and one-quarter percent (76.25%) of all other pools to the winner thereof, three-quarters of one percent (.75%) to the racing commission for deposit in the racing account, and twenty-three percent (23%) to the licensee.
(D) Each licensee conducting the pari-mutuel system for live and simulcast horse races shall retain twenty-three percent (23%) of all sums deposited in any pool, for distribution and payment based upon gross daily receipts as follows:
(1) One and one-quarter percent (1.25%) of gross daily receipts, separately stated, shall be paid to the Idaho state racing commission, for deposit in the racing commission account.
(2) One-half of one percent (.50%) of gross daily receipts from horse races, separately stated, shall be paid to the Idaho state racing commission for deposit in the track distribution account, for further distribution to certain Idaho horse race tracks, defined as follows:
a. Recipient horse racing tracks shall be those which, during the race meet year of distribution, have a total race handle from both live races and simulcast races of less than five million dollars ($5,000,000);
b. Distributions to recipient horse racing tracks shall be weighted proportionately on the number of days raced during the year of distribution.
All moneys in the track distribution account are hereby continuously appropriated to the commission for payment as required by this section. Payments to horse racing tracks shall be made annually but not later than December 15.
(3) One-half of one percent (.50%) of gross daily receipts from horse races, separately stated shall be paid by the licensee to the commission for deposit in the breed distribution account, for payment by the commission in proportion to the handle generated by each horse breed, to lawfully constituted representatives of each horse breed, to benefit owners and/or breeders of Idaho bred racing thoroughbreds, racing quarter horses, racing Appaloosas, racing paints and racing Arabians, subject to the approval of the commission. Moneys in the breed distribution account on December 31 of each year which have not been distributed by the commission shall be paid to the public school income fund. All moneys in the breed distribution account are hereby continuously appropriated to the commission for payment as required by this section. Payments to representatives shall be made quarterly.
(4) Twenty and three-quarters percent (20.75%) of gross daily receipts from horse races shall be paid or retained as follows:
a. From the first $20,000 of gross daily receipts, the licensee shall retain twenty and three-quarters percent (20.75%);
b. From the next $10,000 of gross daily receipts (gross daily receipts between $20,000 and $30,000), the public school income fund and the equine education account shall each receive one-eighth of one percent (.125%), and the licensee shall retain twenty and one-half percent (20.50%);
c. From the next $10,000 of gross daily receipts (gross daily receipts between $30,000 and $40,000), the public school income fund and the equine education account shall each receive sixty-two and one-half hundredths percent (.625%), and the licensee shall retain nineteen and one-half percent (19.50%);
d. From all amounts of over $40,000 of gross daily receipts, the public school income fund and the equine education account shall each receive one and one-eighth percent (1.125%), and the licensee shall retain eighteen and one-half percent (18.50%).
The public schools’ share and the equine education account’s share shall be paid by the licensee to the racing commission for deposit in the public school income fund or the equine education account as appropriate. The licensee’s percentage shall be retained by the licensee.
(E) Each licensee may retain the odd cents of all redistribution to be based on each dollar deposited exceeding a sum equal to the next lowest multiple of ten (10), known as breakage, and the total amount of unclaimed tickets at the termination of the time allowed by rule of the commission.
(F) If the fiscal year-end balance in the racing commission account exceeds six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000), the excess shall be transferred by the office of the state controller to the pari-mutuel distribution fund, which is hereby created, for further distribution as follows:
(1) Sixty percent (60%) shall be deposited in the Idaho horse owner/breeder award account, which is hereby created in the pari-mutuel distribution fund, and shall be distributed by the racing commission annually, but not later than December 15 of each year as follows:
a. Fifty percent (50%) to the breeders of Idaho bred winners based on the number of live races by each breed for the current calendar year; and
b. Fifty percent (50%) in equal amounts to owners of Idaho bred horse race winners.
c. All moneys in the Idaho horse owner/breeder award account are hereby continuously appropriated to the commission for payment as required in this section.
(2) Forty percent (40%) shall be deposited in the track purse enhancement account, which is hereby created, and paid to all Idaho licensed horse racetracks for the purpose of purse enhancement based on the number of live race dates held the preceding calendar year. Track purse enhancement moneys shall be disbursed no later than thirty (30) days after Idaho state racing commission approval of live race meet license applications for the forthcoming calendar year. All moneys in the track purse enhancement account are hereby continuously appropriated to the commission for payment as required by this section.

[54-2513, added 1969, ch. 221, sec. 4, p. 724; am. 1974, ch. 96, sec. 2, p. 1196; am. 1977, ch. 73, sec. 1, p. 142; am. 1980, ch. 123, sec. 2, p. 279; am. 1983, ch. 205, sec. 1, p. 558; am. 1985, ch. 194, sec. 2, p. 495; am. 1987, ch. 282, sec. 1, p. 592; am. 1987, ch. 316, sec. 5, p. 662; am. 1988, ch. 141, sec. 3, p. 258; am. 1990, ch. 241, sec. 1, p. 688; am. 1990, ch. 399, sec. 1, p. 1117; am. 1992, ch. 19, sec. 3, p. 56; am. 1992, ch. 77, sec. 1, p. 215; am. 1996, ch. 380, sec. 4, p. 1290; am. 1997, ch. 353, sec. 1, p. 1041; am. 1998, ch. 127, sec. 1, p. 474; am. 2000, ch. 245, sec. 2, p. 682; am. 2014, ch. 160, sec. 1, p. 447.]