Idaho Code

50-2913. URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY PLANS — REPORTING INFORMATION REQUIRED — PENALTIES FOR FAILURE TO REPORT. In addition to the provisions applicable to urban renewal agencies in chapters 20 and 29, title 50, Idaho Code, the provisions of this section shall also apply to urban renewal agencies. For purposes of this section, "urban renewal agency" shall have the same meaning as provided in chapters 20 and 29, title 50, Idaho Code.
(1) (a) There is hereby established a central registry with the state tax commission. The registry shall serve as the unified location for the reporting of and access to administrative and financial information of urban renewal plans in this state. To establish a complete list of all urban renewal plans of urban renewal agencies operating in Idaho, on the effective date of this act and so that the registry established will be comprehensive, every urban renewal agency shall register with the state registry. For calendar year 2017, the submission of information required by subsection (2) of this section shall occur prior to March 1, 2017, and shall be in the form and format required by the state tax commission. In addition to the information required by this section for the March 1, 2017, filing deadline, the entity shall report the date of its last adoption or amendment or modification of an urban renewal plan. The registry listing will be available on the state tax commission website by July 1, 2017.
(b) The state tax commission shall notify each urban renewal agency of the requirements of this section.
(c) After March 1, and on or before December 1 of each year, the county clerk of each county shall submit a list to the state tax commission of all urban renewal agencies within the county.
(2) On or before December 1 of each year, every urban renewal agency shall submit to the central registry the following information each urban renewal plan adopted or modified pursuant to sections 50-2008 and 50-2905, Idaho Code, and any modifications or amendments to those plans.
(a) Within five (5) days of submitting to the central registry the information required by this section, the urban renewal agency shall notify the agency’s appointing authority, if the entity has an appointing authority, that it has submitted such information.
(b) If any information provided by an entity as required by this section changes during the year, the entity shall update its information on the registry within thirty (30) days of any such change.
(3) Notification and penalties.
(a) If an urban renewal agency fails to submit information required by this section or submits noncompliant information required by this section, the state tax commission shall notify the entity immediately after the due date of the information that either the information was not submitted in a timely manner or the information submitted was noncompliant. The urban renewal agency shall then have thirty (30) days from the date of notice to submit the information or notify the state tax commission that it will comply by a time certain.
(b) No later than September 1 of any year, the state tax commission shall notify the appropriate board of county commissioners and city council of the entity’s failure to comply with the provisions of this section. Upon receipt of such notification, the board of county commissioners shall place a public notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county indicating that the entity is noncompliant with the legal reporting requirements of this section. The county commissioners shall assess to the entity the cost of the public notice. Such costs may be deducted from any distributions of tax increment financing of the urban renewal agency. For any noncomplying urban renewal agency, the state tax commission shall notify the board of county commissioners and city council of the compliance status of such entity by September 1 of each year until the entity is in compliance.
(c) An urban renewal agency that fails to comply with this section shall have any property tax revenue that exceeds the amount received in the immediate prior tax year distributed to the taxing districts located in or overlapping any revenue allocation area within that urban renewal district. Said distribution shall be based on each taxing district’s proportionate share of the increment value in the current tax year multiplied by the taxing district’s current levy rate, reduced proportionately to match the excess to be so apportioned. Any money so received by any taxing district shall be treated as property tax revenue for the purposes of the limitation provided by section 63-802, Idaho Code.
(d) In addition to any other penalty provided in this section, in any failure to comply with this section, the state tax commission shall withhold the annual distribution of sales tax distribution pursuant to section 63-3638(13), Idaho Code, for any noncomplying urban renewal agency. The state tax commission shall withhold and retain such money in a reserve account until an urban renewal agency has complied with the provisions of this section, at which point the state tax commission shall pay any money owed to an urban renewal agency that was previously in violation of this section to the urban renewal agency.
(e) For any urban renewal agency, upon notification to the board of county commissioners from the state tax commission of noncompliance by such entity, the board of county commissioners shall convene to determine appropriate compliance measures including, but not limited to, the following:
(i) Require a meeting of the board of county commissioners and the urban renewal agency’s governing body wherein the board of county commissioners shall require compliance of this section by the entity; and
(ii) Assess a noncompliance fee on the noncomplying urban renewal agency. Such fee shall not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000). Such fees and costs may be deducted from any distributions of the tax increment financing. Any fee collected shall be deposited into the county’s current expense fund.
(4) The provisions of this section shall have no impact or effect upon reporting requirements for local governing entities relating to the state tax commission. The state tax commission may allow compliance with this section by the posting of links to an urban renewal agency’s website for the posting of plans.

[50-2913, added 2016, ch. 349, sec. 7, p. 1023; am. 2017, ch. 58, sec. 29, p. 124.]