Idaho Code

46-1010. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ARRANGEMENTS. (1) The governor may enter into interstate emergency or disaster service compacts with any state if he finds that joint action with the state is desirable in meeting common intergovernmental problems of emergency or disaster planning, prevention, response, and recovery.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) hereof shall be construed to limit previous or future entry into the interstate civil defense and disaster compact of this state with other states.
(3) If any person holds a license, certificate, or other permit issued by any state or political subdivision thereof evidencing the meeting of qualifications for professional, mechanical, or other skills, the person may render aid involving that skill in this state to meet an emergency or disaster proclaimed by the governor, and this state shall give due recognition to the license, certificate, or other permit.
(4) All interstate mutual aid compacts and other interstate agreements dealing with disaster and emergency services shall be reviewed and updated at intervals not to exceed four (4) years.
(5) When considered of mutual benefit, the governor may, subject to limitations of law, enter into intergovernmental arrangements with neighboring provinces of Canada for the purpose of exchanging disaster and emergency services.
(6) Pursuant to an interstate agreement, personnel working for the state, its political subdivisions, municipal or public corporations, and other public agencies, may work outside the state to aid in disaster and emergency relief work; or equipment belonging to the state, its political subdivisions, municipal or public corporations, and other public agencies may be used outside the state to aid in disaster and emergency relief work. When state or local highway equipment or personnel are used in disaster relief work outside the state, arrangements shall be made, as necessary, to reimburse the state, its political subdivisions, municipal or public corporations, and other public agencies, for such work or equipment to comply with section 17, article 7 of the Idaho constitution, which provides that gasoline taxes and motor vehicle funds shall be used exclusively for the public highways of the state.

[46-1010, added 1975, ch. 212, sec. 2, p. 584; am. 1986, ch. 107, sec. 1, p. 294.]