Idaho Code

42-4005. PERMIT — ISSUANCE — SUFFICIENT SECURITY — REVIEW — APPEAL. (a) If the director finds that the well or the injection well as proposed to be constructed or altered is in the public interest, he shall issue a permit. The director may issue a permit substantially in accordance with the specifications on the application, or the director may limit the scope of the permit granted or may issue a permit subject to conditions.
(b) If the director finds that the well or injection well as it is proposed to be constructed or altered in the application will not be in the public interest, he shall refuse to issue a permit. In no case shall the director issue a permit to construct or alter a well or injection well if he finds that use of the proposed well or injection well may be expected to unreasonably reduce the quality of any surface or ground waters below the quality which such waters would have had but for the proposed well.
(c) If the director refuses to issue a permit, or issues one subject to conditions or limitations, he shall issue a clear statement of his reasons for refusing to issue or issuing the limited permit. The director shall issue a statement of findings of fact and conclusions of law that provides a factual and legal basis for the order. The refusal of the director to issue a permit, together with the clear statement of the reasons for refusing to issue the permit shall be served on the applicant by certified mail. A permit issued conditionally or subject to limitations shall, with the statement of reasons required under this subsection, be served in the same manner as a refusal to issue a permit.
(d) An applicant denied a permit or issued a limited or conditional permit may seek a public hearing before the water resource board. A certified transcript of the proceedings and the evidence received at such hearing shall be maintained by the board. The board shall affirm, modify or reject the director’s decision, and make its decision in the form of an order to the director. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code. Judicial review of the final determination by the board may be secured pursuant to chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code.
(e) The director shall not issue a permit if he finds that the operation of any well under a proposed permit will decrease ground water in any aquifer or other ground water source or will unreasonably decrease ground water available for prior water rights in any aquifer or other ground water source of water for beneficial uses, other than uses as a mineral source, an energy source, or otherwise as a material medium, unless and until the applicant has also obtained a permit for the appropriation of ground waters under chapter 2, title 42, Idaho Code.
(f) The director shall require, as a condition of every permit, that every person who engages in the construction, alteration, testing, or operation of a well provide evidence of good and sufficient security in the form of a bond, trust fund, letter of credit, insurance or other acceptable surety that ensures that the applicant perform the duties required by this chapter and properly abandon any well covered by such permit. Good and sufficient security shall be an amount not less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) as determined by the director based on the size and depth of the well, the complexity of the well, the resource to be recovered, the area of operation, and other relevant factors.
(g) Notwithstanding the requirements for sufficient security for individual permits identified in this section, the director shall have the discretion to accept evidence of good and sufficient security in the form of a comprehensive wellfield or statewide bond, trust fund, letter of credit, insurance or other acceptable surety for all well permits owned by the applicant within a field or within the state, provided the amount of the comprehensive security does not exceed the total sum of the amounts under each individual permit.

[42-4005, added 1972, ch. 301, sec. 6, p. 749; am. 1974, ch. 20, sec. 53, p. 533; am. 1980, ch. 238, sec. 22, p. 551; am. 1987, ch. 347, sec. 16, p. 760; am. 1993, ch. 216, sec. 40, p. 623; am. 2004, ch. 63, sec. 1, p. 284; am. 2007, ch. 189, sec. 3, p. 557.]