Idaho Code

42-3705. CREATION OF WATERSHED IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS. Any fifteen (15) owners of land lying within the limits of the territory proposed to be organized into a watershed improvement district may file a petition with the state soil and water conservation commission asking that a watershed improvement district be organized to function in the territory described in the petition. In the event that there are less than fifteen (15) persons owning land lying within the limits of the territory proposed to be organized into a district, then and in that case such petition will be deemed sufficient if it contains the signatures of two-thirds (2/3) of the owners of land and representing two-thirds (2/3) of the acreage of land lying within the limits of the said territory. Such petition shall set forth:
1. A description of the territory proposed to be organized as a watershed improvement district, which description shall be deemed sufficient if generally accurate.
2. That there is need, in the interest of the public health, safety, and general welfare for a watershed improvement district to function in the territory described in the petition.
3. The proposed name of said district.
4. A request that the state soil and water conservation commission duly define the boundaries for such district; that an election be held within the territory so defined on the question of the creation of a watershed improvement district in such territory.
After such petition has been filed with the state soil and water conservation commission it shall be the duty of the commission to define by metes and bounds or by legal subdivisions the boundaries of such proposed district, and to hold an election, subject to the provisions of section 34-106, Idaho Code, within the proposed district upon the proposition of the creation of the district, and to cause notice of such election to be given. The question shall be submitted by ballots upon which the words "For creation of a watershed improvement district of the lands below described and lying in the county(ies) of …., …. and …." and "Against creation of a watershed improvement district of the lands below described and lying in the county(ies) of …., …. and …." shall appear with a square before each proposition and a direction to insert an X mark in the square before one or the other of said propositions as the voter may favor or oppose creation of such district. The ballot shall set forth the boundaries of such proposed district as determined by the state soil and water conservation commission.
All qualified electors who own land within the proposed district shall be eligible to vote in the election.
The state soil and water conservation commission shall pay all expenses of, and supervise the conduct of, such election. The commission shall conduct the election as provided in chapter 14, title 34, Idaho Code. No informality in the conduct of such election or in any matter relating thereto shall invalidate said election or the result thereof if notice thereof shall have been given substantially as herein provided, and said election shall have been fairly conducted.
If the election shall result in a majority of votes being cast in favor of the creation of such proposed district the state soil and water conservation commission shall proceed with the organization of the district in the manner hereinafter provided, to wit:
1. The state soil and water conservation commission shall appoint one (1) director to act with the two (2) directors elected as hereinafter provided, which said directors shall be the governing body of the district.
2. The state soil and water conservation commission shall present to the secretary of state a certificate stating:
(a) That a petition for the creation of said district was filed with the state soil and water conservation commission.
(b) The name and residence of the directors appointed by said commission.
(c) The name which is proposed for said district.
(d) That an election on such petition was held, and that the majority of votes cast in said election favored the formation of the district.
The secretary of state shall receive, file and record said certificate of the state soil and water conservation commission, and when said certificate shall be filed and recorded the district shall constitute a governmental subdivision of this state and a public body corporate and politic. The secretary of state shall make and issue to the said directors a certificate of the due organization of the said district.

[42-3705, added 1957, ch. 226, sec. 5, p. 508; am. 1995, ch. 118, sec. 72, p. 487; am. 2010, ch. 279, sec. 29, p. 751.]