Idaho Code

42-1506A. LEMHI RIVER — MCFARLAND CAMPGROUND MINIMUM STREAM FLOW APPROPRIATION. (1) The water resource board is hereby authorized and directed to appropriate and hold in trust for the people of the state of Idaho a minimum stream flow water right in a designated reach of the Lemhi River in accordance with the provisions of this section. The minimum stream flow appropriation shall be in the amount of 420 c.f.s. at McFarland Campground located on the Lemhi River in the NWSE of Section 14, Township 17 North, Range 24 East, Boise Meridian. The elements of this water right shall include the following:
(a) This water right may be exercised only two (2) years out of every five (5) years. The five (5) year period shall be a rolling period.
(b) The exercise of the right shall be limited to a duration of three (3) days, during the March 15 to July 6 period of use. The three (3) day period shall be timed to occur as near as possible to the peak of Lemhi runoff.
(2) This right may not call against water rights with points of diversion from streams administered as separate streams pursuant to the Partial Decree pursuant to I.R.C.P. 54(b) of the Basin 74 High Flow General Provision approved by the SRBA District Court on January 2, 2006, except as to Lemhi Basin stream flow maintenance water rights appropriated pursuant to section 42-251, Idaho Code.
(3) The water resource board shall appropriate the minimum stream flow water right authorized under this section in accordance with the provisions of section 42-1503, Idaho Code. In acting upon the application for permit, the director of the department of water resources need not determine that the appropriation is capable of being maintained based upon records of existing stream flows because it is anticipated that the water right will be maintained through conditions on water rights acquired pursuant to section 42-251, Idaho Code.
(4) Upon the board’s filing of an application for permit to appropriate water as directed by this section, the director of the department of water resources is authorized and directed, on an interim basis pending final action on the application for permit, to distribute water under the filing in accordance with the doctrine of prior appropriation using a priority date as of the filing of the application for permit.

[42-1506A, added 2022, ch. 290, sec. 2, p. 924.]