Idaho Code
Section 41-6102 - PURPOSE AND INTENT.

41-6102. PURPOSE AND INTENT. It is the public policy of the state of Idaho to actively resist federal actions that would limit or override state sovereignty under the 10th amendment of the United States constitution. Through this legislation, the state of Idaho asserts its sovereignty by refusing to surrender decision-making authority over health care issues, which are matters appropriately left to states and individual citizens. The purpose of this chapter is to establish a state-created, market-driven health insurance exchange that will facilitate the selection and purchase of individual and employer health benefit plans. The creation of a state-based health insurance exchange will provide an Idaho-specific solution that fits the unique needs of the state of Idaho. Participation in the exchange is voluntary in that no person or employer shall be required by this chapter to purchase a health benefit plan through the exchange. Creation of the exchange and its operation is deemed a public purpose intended to enhance Idaho residents’ choice regarding options and access to health insurance.

[41-6102, added 2013, ch. 170, sec. 1, p. 390.]