Idaho Code

41-2713. ADMINISTRATION — EXAMINATION COSTS. In the exercise of the powers of the director of the department of insurance to supervise and regulate title insurers, title insurance agents and title insurance rating organizations as provided in this chapter, as well as the powers of examination set forth in sections 41-219 and 41-220, Idaho Code, each title insurer, title insurance agent or rating organization regulated or examined shall, at the direction of the director, pay directly to such person charged with enforcing the law or regulations and making the examinations, actual travel expenses, a reasonable expense allowance, and compensation, at reasonable rates as approved by the director of the department of insurance, necessarily incurred in such matters on the presentation of a detailed account of such charges and expenses. A title insurer shall be charged for the original examination of a title insurance agent which the insurer desires to represent it, and a title insurer or rating organization shall be charged directly for hearings upon any hearing originated by filings made by it. The regulation and examination direct charges herein provided may include both field work and work in the office of the director necessary thereto.
Separately from the direct charges herein provided, the director may levy a general charge upon each title insurer in proportion to the gross premiums from title insurance written by it to defray the costs of regulation required by this chapter. Provided, nevertheless, a title insurer shall not be charged in any one (1) year, separately from the direct charges for examination under section 41-219, Idaho Code, said plant examination and said hearings, in excess of one per cent (1%) of the gross premiums as defined in section 41-402, Idaho Code, for title insurance written on Idaho real property in said year, provided the director in the first year after the effective date hereof may charge not in excess of two per cent (2%) of the gross premiums and may levy said charge after July 1, 1973, in advance based on the prior year’s premiums. The director from year to year may carry forward any unexpended balance of general charges made in a rotating fund for said expenses to be incurred thereafter.

[I.C., sec. 41-2713, as added by 1973, ch. 135, sec. 10, p. 252.]