Idaho Code

39-9603. ESTABLISHMENT OF MATERNAL MORTALITY REVIEW COMMITTEE. [EFFECTIVE UNTIL JULY 1, 2023] (1) There is hereby established in the department a maternal mortality review committee, which committee shall conduct comprehensive, multidisciplinary reviews of maternal deaths in Idaho for the purposes of identifying factors associated with the deaths and to make policy recommendations to improve health care services for women and reduce the incidence of maternal mortality in the state. The department may enter into a contract with a third party for administrative functions of the committee.
(2) The committee shall consist of at least twelve (12) but no more than fifteen (15) members selected by the department, to include:
(a) Five (5) physicians licensed under chapter 18, title 54, Idaho Code, with one (1) each from the following medical specialties:
(i) Family medicine with a practice that includes maternity care and delivery;
(ii) Obstetrics and gynecology;
(iii) Maternal fetal medicine;
(iv) Family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, or emergency medicine that includes maternity care and delivery in a rural setting; and
(v) Medical examiner or pathologist or other physician who conducts autopsies;
(b) One (1) advanced practice professional nurse midwife licensed under chapter 14, title 54, Idaho Code;
(c) One (1) registered nurse licensed under chapter 14, title 54, Idaho Code, working in labor and delivery;
(d) One (1) midwife licensed under chapter 55, title 54, Idaho Code;
(e) One (1) coroner;
(f) One (1) master social worker licensed under chapter 32, title 54, Idaho Code;
(g) One (1) emergency medical services provider licensed under chapter 10, title 56, Idaho Code; and
(h) One (1) public health representative with an expertise in maternal and child health.
(3) In selecting committee members, the department shall consider a composition that is reasonably representative of the state’s geographic diversity.
(4) The department shall:
(a) Identify maternal death cases;
(b) Obtain and review medical records and other relevant data using best practices for case reviews;
(c) Consult, as appropriate, with relevant experts to evaluate and interpret the records and data;
(d) Consult, as appropriate, with family members and other affected or involved persons to collect additional relevant information;
(e) Convene the committee at least annually and provide committee members with the available information necessary to fully review each case; and
(f) Deliver an annual report of the committee’s findings and recommendations to the legislature and make these findings and recommendations available to health care providers, health care facilities, and the general public.
(5) The committee shall:
(a) Review medical records and other data obtained by the department for each case;
(b) Make determinations regarding the preventability of maternal deaths; and
(c) Develop recommendations for the prevention of maternal deaths.

[39-9603, added 2019, ch. 92, sec. 1, p. 336.]