Idaho Code

39-8206. CLAIM OF PARENTAL RIGHTS — PROCEDURE. (1) A parent of the child may make a claim of parental rights of an abandoned child, abandoned pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, by filing a notice of claim of parental rights with the vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare. The vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare shall maintain an abandoned child registry for this purpose which shall be subject to disclosure according to chapter 1, title 74, Idaho Code. The department shall provide forms for the purpose of filing a claim of parental rights, and the forms shall be made available through the vital statistics unit of the Idaho department of health and welfare and in the office of the county clerk in every county of this state. Any parent claiming a parental right of an abandoned child, abandoned pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, shall file the form with the vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare. The form must be filled out completely and provide the name and address for service of the person asserting the parental claim and set forth the approximate date the child was left in a safe haven. The form must be signed by the person claiming the parental right and be witnessed before a notary public. The department shall record the date and time the claim of parental rights is filed with the department. The claim shall be deemed to be duly filed with the department as of the date and time recorded on the claim by the department. To be valid, a claim of parental rights must be filed before an order terminating parental rights is entered by the court. A parent that fails to file a claim of parental rights prior to entry of an order terminating their parental rights is deemed to have abandoned the child and waived and surrendered any right in relation to the child, including the right to notice of any judicial proceeding in connection with the termination of parental rights or adoption of the child. Registration of notice of commencement of paternity proceedings pursuant to chapter 15, title 16, Idaho Code, shall not satisfy the requirements of this section.
(2) Prior to the time set for hearing on the petition to terminate parental rights filed by the department of health and welfare, and prior to entry of an order terminating parental rights by the court, the department of health and welfare shall obtain and file with the court a certificate from the vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare, signed by the state registrar of vital statistics, which certificate shall state that a diligent search has been made of the registry of claims of parental rights of abandoned children, abandoned pursuant to this chapter, and shall set forth the results of that search.
(3) If a claim of parental rights is made before an order terminating parental rights is entered by the court, notice pursuant to section 16-2007, Idaho Code, will be required and the court shall hold the action for involuntary termination of parental rights in abeyance for a period of time not to exceed sixty (60) days unless otherwise ordered by the court. During that period:
(a) The court shall order genetic testing to establish maternity or paternity, at the expense of the person or persons claiming the parental right.
(b) The department of health and welfare shall conduct an investigation pursuant to section 16-2008, Idaho Code, and in those cases where a guardian ad litem has been appointed, the guardian ad litem shall have all rights, powers and duties as provided for in chapter 16, title 16, Idaho Code, and as provided for in chapter 20, title 16, Idaho Code.
(c) When indicated as a result of the investigation, a shelter care hearing shall be conducted by the court in accordance with section 16-1615, Idaho Code, within forty-eight (48) hours, or at an earlier time if ordered by the court, to determine whether the child should remain in the physical custody of the department or be released to a parent or other third party.
(d) Further proceedings shall be conducted as the court determines appropriate. However, where a claim of parental rights is made before an order terminating parental rights is entered by the court, a parent shall not be found to have neglected or abandoned a child placed in accordance with this chapter solely because the child was left with a safe haven.
(4) If there is no showing that a parent has claimed a parental right to the child, the department of health and welfare shall file with the court a certificate from the vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare, signed by the state registrar of vital statistics, stating that a diligent search has been made of the registry of parental claims for children abandoned pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and that no parental claim has been made. The certificate shall be filed with the court prior to the entrance of the final order of termination of parental rights.

[(39-8206) 39-8106, added 2001, ch. 357, sec. 1, p. 1255; am. and redesig. 2005, ch. 25, sec. 73, p. 109; am. and redesig. 2005, ch. 391, sec. 57, p. 1313; am. 2015, ch. 141, sec. 101, p. 451.]