39-6502. WASTE TIRE STORAGE SITES. (1) No person shall store waste tires on any public or private property in this state or in the waters of this state unless the property is a waste tire storage site as defined or otherwise exempted in this chapter.
(2) Permit or local authorization required. No person shall own or operate a waste tire storage site without a permit or other written county or city authorization, as follows:
(a) Counties and cities shall only issue permits or other written authorizations that contain terms and conditions that assure waste tire storage sites are operated in compliance with this chapter and any additional requirements the county or city deems appropriate. Counties and cities shall review waste tire storage site applications pursuant to the procedures contained in section 67-6512, Idaho Code.
(b) Existing waste tire storage sites.
(i) Within three (3) months of the effective date of this chapter, the owner or operator of an existing site that is:
1. Operating without a permit or other written local authorization on the effective date of this chapter, shall apply to the respective county or city jurisdiction for approval to operate the existing site via an approved permit or other written city or county authorization; or
2. Operating with a previously issued permit or other written city or county authorization on the effective date of this chapter, shall notify the respective county or city jurisdiction.
(ii) If an existing waste tire storage facility fails to submit to the county or city an application by October 1, 2003, the existing waste tire storage site shall cease storing waste tires by January 1, 2004.
(iii) If the county or city determines not to issue a permit, other written authorization, or a modification to an existing permit or approval, for the existing waste tire storage site, the existing waste tire storage site shall cease storing waste tires no later than three (3) months after receiving notice of the determination not to issue a permit, other written authorization, or modification for the site.
(c) New waste tire storage sites. The current owner or operator of a new waste tire storage site shall not commence waste tire storage at the site until the county or city issues a permit or other written authorization permitting waste tire storage.
(d) Counties and cities shall issue permits and other written local authorizations for waste tire storage sites.
Upon written request from the city council or board of county commissioners to the department, the department shall be responsible for the permitting and authorization requirements of this section with respect to any application submitted to the county or city, in lieu of the county or city.
(e) Financial assurance. The owner or operator of a waste tire storage site shall maintain financial assurance in the form of a cash bond payable to the county or city, in an amount acceptable to the county or city where the waste tire storage site is located; provided however, counties and cities shall require a minimum initial financial assurance of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per tire authorized to be stored at the site. The amount of financial assurance shall be adjusted each year in accordance with the consumer price index on the anniversary date of the issuance of the permit or other city or county written authorization. Failure to adjust the amount of financial assurance on the anniversary date each year shall constitute failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter and shall result in automatic revocation of the permit or other written city or county authorization and forfeiture of the bond. Cities and counties shall only process an application submitted under this section when documentation submitted with the application establishes compliance with the financial assurance requirement of this paragraph.
(i) The current owner or operator of an existing waste tire storage site shall comply with the financial assurance requirement of this paragraph by October 1, 2003. Except that the owner or operator of the existing waste tire storage site located in the magic valley as provided by rule of the department shall comply with the financial assurance requirement of this paragraph by July 1, 2005.
(ii) The current owner or operator of a new waste tire storage site shall comply with the financial assurance requirement of this section prior to commencing waste tire storage at the site.
Upon written request from the city council or board of county commissioners to the department, the cash bond will be written in favor of the department, in lieu of the city or county. In such cases, the department will oversee use of the bond should two (2) owners or operators become liable on the bond obligation.
(f) Siting. Counties and cities shall only issue a permit or written authorization to a waste tire storage site when the application establishes that the proposed or existing site is located on property owned as exclusively for industrial use.
(g) Application processing fee. Counties and cities may charge a fee for processing a waste tire storage site permit or authorization application or renewal.
(h) Records. Owners and operators of a waste tire storage site shall record and maintain on-site for a period of three (3) years, operational records including, but not limited to, the daily quantity of tires transported to and from the site, and the estimated quantity of tires located at the site.
(i) Suspension, revocation, renewal of permit or written authorization. The county or city may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a waste tire storage site’s permit or written authorization if the county or city determines that the site is operating in violation of any requirement of this section or any term or condition of the site’s permit or written authorization.
(3) In the event the current owner or operator of an existing or new waste tire storage site fails to comply with the requirements of this section, the board of county commissioners or city council may declare the site a public nuisance; and may declare a public health or safety emergency based on potential fire hazard, threat of insect borne disease, or potential contamination of the state’s ground or surface waters. If the respective governing authority has declared a public health or safety emergency, they may petition the board of examiners for, and the board of examiners may authorize, the issuance of deficiency warrants for the purpose of removing and properly disposing of the tires upon the recommendation of the state fire marshal in the event of fire hazard, or the district health department in the event of insect borne disease hazard, or the department in the event of ground or surface water contamination hazard.
(a) Upon authorization of deficiency warrants by the board of examiners in accordance with provisions of this section, the state controller shall, after notice to the state treasurer, draw deficiency warrants in the authorized amounts against the general fund.
(b) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to change or impair any right of recovery or subrogation arising under any other provision of law.
(c) The attorney general shall act to fully recover all costs incurred by the state of Idaho and its political subdivisions pursuant to this section.
[39-6502, added 2003, ch. 281, sec. 3, p. 761.]
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