Idaho Code

39-4805. IDAHO CHILDHOOD IMMUNIZATION POLICY COMMISSION. (1) There is hereby created in the department of health and welfare the Idaho childhood immunization policy commission. The purpose of the commission is to evaluate policies regarding childhood immunization in Idaho and make recommendations to the board of health and welfare on policy and to the Idaho legislature on legislative action to increase immunization rates.
(2) The commission shall be composed of eight (8) regular members and two (2) ex officio members:
(a) One (1) representative of the department of health and welfare, division of public health, appointed by the director of the department;
(b) One (1) representative of Idaho public health districts, appointed by the Idaho association of public health district directors;
(c) One (1) member appointed by the Idaho primary care association;
(d) One (1) member appointed by the Idaho hospital association;
(e) One (1) member appointed by the Idaho academy of family physicians;
(f) One (1) member appointed by the Idaho chapter of the American academy of pediatrics;
(g) One (1) member appointed by the Idaho immunization coalition;
(h) One (1) member appointed by the Idaho medical association;
(i) One (1) member of the Idaho senate who will serve as an ex officio member of the commission, appointed by the president pro tempore of the senate; and
(j) One (1) member of the Idaho house of representatives who will serve as an ex officio member of the commission, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.
Each member of the commission shall serve at the pleasure of the person responsible for the member’s appointment. Members of the commission shall not be paid for their service or be entitled for reimbursement for travel expenses, except that members of the Idaho legislature serving as ex officio members of the commission shall be reimbursed for their vouched travel expenses associated with their service on the commission in a manner consistent with policy for other state officers and employees.
(3) The commission shall meet on or before October 1, 2010, and shall meet not less than once per each calendar year thereafter. At its initial meeting, the commission shall elect a chair, a vice chair and a secretary from among its members. These officers shall serve for terms of one (1) year and may be elected for successive terms. Meetings of the commission shall be held in Boise. Members may participate in meetings through electronic means.
(4) The department of health and welfare shall provide to the commission a suitable meeting location and reasonable clerical support.
(5) The duties and responsibilities of the commission are to:
(a) Review existing provisions of the Idaho Code and rules of the department of health and welfare regarding childhood immunization; and
(b) Make recommendations to the Idaho legislature for legislation and to the board of health and welfare for rulemaking on:
(i) Improving Idaho’s childhood immunization rates;
(ii) The immunization requirements for children attending daycare and school;
(iii) The Idaho immunization reminder information system;
(iv) Public and private partnerships to improve immunization rates; and
(v) Other states best practices on improving immunization rates.
(c) Make recommendations to public agencies, health care providers and others regarding policies and practices that are designed to improve Idaho’s childhood immunization rates.

[39-4805, added 2010, ch. 134, sec. 1, p. 285.]