Idaho Code

39-2802. PROCEDURES FOR FORMATION OF ABATEMENT DISTRICTS. (1) Abatement districts may be formed in the following ways:
(a) Upon presentation to the board of county commissioners of a petition requesting the formation of an abatement district, which is signed by property owners of the territory of the proposed abatement district, equal to not less than ten percent (10%) of the property owners within the proposed district, the commissioners shall publish such petition when the following conditions are met: the petition must define the boundaries of the proposed district and assessed tax valuation of the property therein. When the above conditions have been met the county commissioners shall publish the petition, and if after thirty (30) days no protests are received, an election must be held on a regularly scheduled election date specified in section 34-106, Idaho Code. The abatement district shall bear the expense of holding their portion of the election upon their successful formation from the first tax moneys collected. If there are written protests, the county commissioners must hold a public hearing within thirty (30) days after receipt of the written protests and after the hearing hold an election. Notice of the time and place of such election shall be published at least once not less than twelve (12) days prior to the election and a second time not less than five (5) days prior to the election in at least one (1) newspaper having general circulation in the proposed abatement district.
(b) The board of county commissioners may place the question on a ballot during either a primary or general election as to whether to create an abatement district. If the board of county commissioners determines to place such a question on the ballot, it shall be after they define the boundaries of the proposed district and assessed tax valuation of the property therein. Notice of the time and place of such election shall be published at least once not less than twelve (12) days prior to the election and a second time not less than five (5) days prior to the election in at least one (1) newspaper having general circulation in the proposed abatement district.
(2) No person shall be entitled to vote at any election held under the provisions of this chapter unless he shall possess all the qualifications required of electors under the general laws of the state and be a resident of the proposed district. A majority of the votes cast by the qualified electors shall establish the district.

[39-2802, added 1959, ch. 81, sec. 2, p. 186; am. 1995, ch. 118, sec. 56, p. 472; am. 2007, ch. 188, sec. 4, p. 549.]