Idaho Code

38-1508. DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE COMMISSION. (1) Consistent with the general purposes of this chapter, the commission shall establish the policies to be followed in the accomplishments of such purposes.
(2) In the administration of the provisions of this chapter, the commission shall, in conjunction and cooperation with other entities which represent the forest products industry, have the following duties, authorities and powers:
(a) Conduct research and surveys to determine public attitudes and levels of knowledge regarding forest management and the forest products industry;
(b) Design educational campaigns and other needed efforts to provide the public with accurate information regarding the management of Idaho’s forest lands and the forest products industry;
(c) Be an advocate for the proper management of Idaho’s forest lands and for a healthy forest products industry in the state;
(d) Be a source of accurate and timely data regarding the forest resource and the forest products industry;
(e) Make projections regarding future timber supplies, availability of timber, new or existing products and markets, and other biological or social trends which might affect forest management or the forest products industry in Idaho; and
(f) Cooperate with any local, state or national organization or agency, whether voluntary or created by the law of any state or by national law, engaged in work or activities similar to the work and activities of the commission, and to enter into contracts and agreements with such organizations or agencies for carrying on a joint campaign of research, education and publicity.
(3) The commission shall also have the duty, power and authority:
(a) To take such actions as the commission deems necessary or advisable to stabilize and protect the forest products industry of the state and the health and welfare of the public;
(b) To sue and be sued;
(c) To enter into such contracts as may be necessary or advisable;
(d) To appoint and employ officers, agents and other personnel, including experts in publicizing forest management or the forest products industry, and to prescribe their duties and fix their compensation;
(e) To make use of such advertising means and methods as the commission deems advisable and to enter into contracts and agreements for research and advertising within the state;
(f) To lease, purchase or own the real or personal property deemed necessary in the administration of the provisions of this chapter;
(g) To prosecute in the name of the state of Idaho any suit or action for collection of any tax or assessment provided for in this chapter;
(h) To adopt, rescind, modify and amend all necessary and proper orders, resolutions and regulations for the procedure and exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties;
(i) To incur indebtedness and carry on all business activities; and
(j) To keep books and records and accounts of all its doings, which books, records, and accounts shall be open to inspection by the state controller and public at all times.

[38-1508, added 1992, ch. 163, sec. 1, p. 520; am. 1994, ch. 180, sec. 69, p. 472.]